Magginkat wrote:
Liberation of Iraq? 63 more dead today......yep, they are liberated! They will never again have to worry about a bomb attack on their homes or seeing their children starve. Never again will they have to suffer through this desert heat with little or no relief. They have died in worse conditions than anthing Saddam ever did to them. But by God they are liberated.
500 WMDs found in Iraq?? Yep those would be the ones that got Rick Santorum laughed out of town. You don't hear ole Chicken george crowing about any weapons do you? LMAO! To quote Faux Spews and Gay Duck Santorum is really the pits! Same for the Cheney invented ties between Saddam and Al Qaeda. Never mind that Al Qaeda was a figament of Tricky Dick's imagination..... literally invented by Chicken George and Thugs Inc.
Are you a bigot?
You can use the word gay whatever way but then you are just as 'gay' too in the same sense and you are also wrong about almost everything you say. It must suck being so wrong so much of the time?
I might add... the the people killing the Iraqis daily are NOT AMERICANS!!!
They are other Arabs.
Mag, should we just dump these darn freedom loving Iraqis? They have TRUSTED us this far to help them reshape their government? Push 'em off the hay ride Mag and say, "Nice knowing ya!" Hahahahaha... (sarcasm).
Are you dems too good to fight in this little middle east war for democracy? Of course! The dems are too busy making money in special interest ventures to care about 'charity' work. This is why the left wing creates charities but the right wind supports them. Should we tell Iraq Mag, well it was a nice dream but we think the money would be better spent AT HOME (like gay duckie Hillary suggests) rather than helping the Iraqis reach a position where they can defend themselves.
Meg, should we abandon the Iraqis in the desert with no water and food? Leave them to fight Al Qaeda alone? Should we leave a blight in history saying we came and tried and just before the job was finished good ol' Mag had our soldiers come home... So, the terrorists rushed in and massacred the new Iraqi government! Then Iraq goes back to a dictatorship Mag and you will be SOOOOOoooo happy again! YEAAAAAaaaa says Meg! (sarcasm) That would mean the George Bush failed and Meg got that damn pound of flesh so desired! You never wanted the troops home! You never cared about the Iraqi people or WMD! You only wanted Georgie to fail. You are a pin head Mag. Nearly nothing you say is factual at all. You are the liar and your nut case friends on extreme far left are too...
Why hate Georgie? So the terrorists will have the oil to build bombs so then they can start killing the Saudis (our friends) and any other infidels who will not bow down to their God at gunpoint! Will you bow down to their God Mag? I bet you would... you are a sell out, even to your own kind...
When they come knocking on your door you can tell them how you helped aid and comfort the enemy! Maybe they will make you one of them and you can murder people at gun point too? (sarcasm)
You expect the Iraqis to bow down though Mag?
So again, are you a bigot Mag?
You will be proven wrong on every single point as this war unfolds.
Soon we here on the right, the middle and many on the left will be rubbing it in your face that George Bush HAS won this war against your hate and when you blow your top we will post a message for you... "mission IS accomplished" and you will be eating sour grapes and granola with your beloved Al Gore. All the the gay tree hugging in the world will not make you feel better about this one.
Grammar school is tough isn't it Mag?