mysteryman wrote:Candidone said...
Quote:I think that since 9/11 was the first attack on the American territory by a foreign enemy since, what, the British?....the odds of another strike were diminished more likely by other factors other than Bush's policies.
9/11 just allowed his PNAC agenda forward.
You apparently failed history,didnt you?
Does Pearl Harbor ring a bell with you?
Pearl Harbor was an act of war. 9/11 was an terrorist act.
You of all people should have been able to make this elementary distinction.
mysterman wrote: Do the names Guam,Wake Island,Attu,Kiska,Midway Island,.....
Apparently you failed at Geography.
These regions have never been considered "The American Terrority" proper, otherwise they would be internationally recognized as states.
You're attempting to peddle these as "terrorist attacks on America?"
I'll come back to this at the bottom.
mysterman wrote: the oil refinery near Santa Barbara that was shelled by a Japanese sub,doesnt any of that ring a bell with you?
These are al evidence of a coordinated offensive launched by the Japanese as an act of war. Any scholar can distinguish the difference between the two.
mysterman wrote: Of course,there was the attack by Pancho Villa on a border town in New Mexico...
Quote:On March 9, 1916, Villa led 1,500 (disputed, one official US Army report stated "500 to 700") Mexican raiders in a cross-border attack against Columbus, New Mexico, in response to the U.S. government's official recognition of the Carranza regime [3]. They attacked a detachment of the [13th US Cavalry], seized 100 horses and mules, burned the town, killed 10 soldiers and 8 of its residents, and took much ammunition and weaponry.
This, again, bore more similarities to a war, and ironically, more similarities to America's support for the Contras.
There are simply no parallels between what I have said and what you assert......but I didn't begin this thread to dispute something of tangential significance to the thread topic.
mysteryman wrote:Of course,you are correct,9/11 was the first attack on US Territory since the British.
Lets not let facts get in your way.
Just for the sake of entertainment, let's take your claims that the above attacks by the Japanese were in fact "terrorist attacks", or that the retribution sought by Villa was in fact an act of "terror"....
What make of you the invasion of Panama in Operation Just Cause?
...or perhaps the invasion of Vietnam, where ~17% of the S. Vietnamese population was decimated by chemicals and other means?
...or the bombing of Iran Air 655?
....or the bombing of al Shifa in the Sudan?
...or that supporting the Contras was explicit support for terrorism?
...or that supporting the mujhideen in Afghanistan was explicit support for terrorism?
....or that the preemptive strike against a sovereign nation like Iraq was an acto of terrorist.
If what you have provided above constitutes acts of terror, then you
must also acknowledge what I have offered as the same.