Frank Apisa wrote:Magginkat wrote:Quote:Red Rex - -Sounds like you got a fish to fry or bird to roast and I don't think it is GB...
When the left is consistently wrong on almost every issue after a while anyone would be cooking.
REd, that comment makes about as much sense as your support of the brainless wonder.
I do believe that you must have intended to say "when the right is wrong on ever issue............."
Seems to me that it's the right that is having to eat crow on a daily basis.
..American conservatives have been on the wrong side of every major issue this country has ever faced...
...starting with the very first American conservatives...the Tories...who thought we owed our allegience to King George (things don't change much, do they?)...
...that he was our liege lord...and that revolution against England for Independence...
...was treason.
During the Civil War...the American conservatives argued that slaves were property...and that the government had no right to treat them other than as private property.
To be an American conservative is to have absolutely no self-respect.
Frank it just so happens that I am a moderate who is a registered republican.
And the left has been wrong on every issue... this is why you are living in Bush country because the dems can't hold on to their base. What the heck do any of them stand for? Unbridled abortion and such?
Lincoln "eventually" freed the slaves. And he was fought on "both" sides.
I like to think I am more like him. I want what is right and not what any particular party dictates.
I am a republican ONLY because most republicans believe in God and that is the main reason. Also dems are FAR too steeped in special interest. Other than that I am a moderate right square down the middle.
Even as an orthodox moderate I still think the left has been off the deep end since Al Gore...
Only until recently have they dropped some of their obstructionists ways and began to actually reform a few of our nations problems.
This is why congress has been so unfavorable in polls is because they have not been doing "anything" and they are not doing anything because of the political obstruction tactics and politics of the left.
Even with a republican majority the dems have still managed havoc on the progress and side stepped their duty to the American people.