Asherman writes:
Quote:Quote:It is a well know fact that on this forum only the truely righwing fanatics are able to have civil discussions." Let me rephrase that: On this forum, fanatics from the political extremes have destroyed civil discussions.
It seems your response is wry humor, I'm trying to get us all to ramp down the rhetoric.
It has been my experience, Ash, that any call for civility generally results in the venom being directed at the one calling for it.
Evenso, I'm a bit miffed that I've been excluded from the "boring, rightwing fanatic" group in this discussion. What am I? Chopped liver?
I support President Bush as the leader of our nation because he was rightuflly elected to that post. I support him despite some serious problems that I have with several of his policies. (I supported President Clinton in the same way even though I had serious problems with several of his policies plus his behavior.) I've supported all Presidents elected to office since I've been old enough to vote.
President Bush has done a great job in some areas, and has not inspired confidence in others. But whatever weaknesses he has and whatever mistakes he makes or however he has it wrong, the Democrats haven't shown me anybody that is any stronger in any area or who inspires any confidence about anything important to me. Right or wrong, there is no question where our President stands on the issues and I'm with him on more issues than I am not. The Democrats really need to come up with somebody with a better plan than "Bush sucks" and/or "I have a plan and I'll tell you about it after you elect me" and/or "cut and run".
Fox, The whole process of presidential candidates and how the party leaders select their choice narrows the choice for everybody. That's been the primary failure of our system. Above all that, it takes money that many good potential candidates do not have or can raise.
Character assassination is another problem.
Our country no longer selects presidents based on intelligence and ability; it's money and influence.
I don't blindly follow any president just because they have the title; they have to earn it.
RexRed wrote:
I also support Bush because there are not really any republicans that shine enough as a person who fits the job. I think Jeb is still the only one who seems even capable.
America's selection for a next president is rather sparse.
It is not that I support him because there is nobody else but because no one really compares in my opinion.
I would vote for him again, he knows what is at stake and he is doing his best to protect us in a proactive way. What more could be expected of him. He is doing the best he can and that is acceptable to me.
Some people never give you credit no matter what you do.
ROTFLMAO! Red Rex, No surprise in any of your comments. Thank heavens that no one else compares to Chicken george. This world does not need to be stuck with more than one of these fools.
Two true comments in your post..... the selection for the next president is indeed sparse. What a shame that only the rich, nasty, viles ones land on the ballot.
The second true comment is that Chicken george is doing the best he can.
You'll get no argument from me on that because his best stands out like a sore thumb. That moron thought he would waltz into office, breeze through the yrs and emerge as a god like critter to be bowed down to for generations to come.
Unfortunately, for him, not even the biggest idiots in the country fall for all his lies, cheating, & greed. The bird brain will go down in history as the worst thing to ever get near the oval office.
Not even the republicans can come up with anyone more vile & despicable than Chicken george bu$h.
If George Dumbya Bush...or his brother Jeb...represent the very best this country has to offer...
...we ought to commit mass suicide and rid the planet of our sludge.
Dumbya is an insult to the office he holds...and to our country.
Anyone still supporting him has absolutely no self-respect.
That is about as toned down as I can get...and still share my feelings.
Frank Apisa wrote:If George Dumbya Bush...or his brother Jeb...represent the very best this country has to offer...
...we ought to commit mass suicide and rid the planet of our sludge.
Dumbya is an insult to the office he holds...and to our country.
Anyone still supporting him has absolutely no self-respect.
That is about as toned down as I can get...and still share my feelings.
And even at that, I feel almost embarrassed for you.
Asherman spoke a lot of truth, Frank. Too bad you were so hellbent on composing that venomous diatribe to allow even a tenth of it to sink it.
"Goddamn pansy?" "Fruit?" Sheesh, Frank. Asherman's right. Now that you've become so predictably hateful it is best to just ignore you.
WhoodaThunk wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:If George Dumbya Bush...or his brother Jeb...represent the very best this country has to offer...
...we ought to commit mass suicide and rid the planet of our sludge.
Dumbya is an insult to the office he holds...and to our country.
Anyone still supporting him has absolutely no self-respect.
That is about as toned down as I can get...and still share my feelings.
And even at that, I feel almost embarrassed for you.
Asherman spoke a lot of truth, Frank. Too bad you were so hellbent on composing that venomous diatribe to allow even a tenth of it to sink it.
"Goddamn pansy?" "Fruit?" Sheesh, Frank. Asherman's right. Now that you've become so predictably hateful it is best to just ignore you.
Gimme a fukin' break with the indignation, Jerk.
If Asherman wants to post like a pansy or a fruit...he has every right to do so. I was only mentioning the obvious.
By the way...for eight years under President Clinton our nation had to endure some of the most predictable, venomous crap ever to spew forth from the mouths of scum. And I needn't remind you that the scum was American conservatives.
Jam your indignation up your ass!
American conservatism...that huge bastion of hyprocrisy and loathing for everything not American conservatism...
...deserves every paragraph, sentence, word, comma, and pause I send in its direction.
American conservatism is pus oozing from leasions in the skin of the American body politic.
I hope you were able to "ignore" that!
Frank, The conservatives are hypocrites of the worst kind when they put so much effort into the impeachment of Clinton for a private sexual matter, while they completely support Bush for his illegal war and the consequences of that war, his illegal wiretaps, the torture of prisoners, and breaking the laws of the Geneva Convention.
Like you said early on, they're not far behind moron Bush.
cicerone imposter wrote:Frank, The conservatives are hypocrites of the worst kind when they put so much effort into the impeachment of Clinton for a private sexual matter, while they completely support Bush for his illegal war and the consequences of that war, his illegal wiretaps, the torture of prisoners, and breaking the laws of the Geneva Convention.
Like you said early on, they're not far behind moron Bush.
They are an amalgam of people who benefit financially from the conservative agenda...and sycophants who enable the benefits...and who, if they burst into flames, would not get the benefit of a good pissing from the people who benefit from their stupidity and naivete'.
They are an amalgam of people who benefit financially from the conservative agenda...aided by misguided Christian fundamentalists willing to pervert the teachings of Jesus...a bunch of red-neck hate mongers...and more than their fair share of frightened white males.
It is a pitiful grouping...worthy of all the pity we can muster.
Unfortunately...with the lot here...I prefer to offer scorn and derision.
Foxy, et al., what are the Bush programs you found so desirable.
Was it his lying us into a war with Iraq?
Do you appreciate his deficits?
Did you like the tax cuts that are so wildly skewed to benefit the super-wealthy?
Did you like his rejection of treaties, such as the one to reverse global warming?
Did you like his failure to get more people covered under health insurance?
Etc., etc.!
I don't recall any president who was such a total failure.
I am thinking Frank gets to pitch when he and C.I. get together.
Anyone else?
McG, So little do you really know.
Advocate: Keep on keepin' on as Bob Dylan would write!
The Republicans have proved that they can win campaigns with dubious practices (ahem!), but they cannot govern. Bush and company have been total failures.
Was it his lying us into a war with Iraq?
What lie was that? The President was concerned that Saddam had so-called Weapons of Mass Destruction in defiance of Cease Fire Conditions. He wasn't alone in that concern, informed Congressmen and Senators believed that Saddam had stockpiles of forbidden weapons. Why would Saddam play shell games with UN inspectors, if he had nothing to hide? Do you think that the President lied about Saddam violating no-fly zones and other acts of provocation? Many within the world's Intelligence Community also believed that Saddam had forbidden weapons, and his open support of international terrorism was no secret. Saddam was given ample opportunity to avoid resumption of the war, and he never believed that President Bush would actually do what he said that he would do. Bad guess on Saddam's part.
Do you appreciate his deficits?
Deficit spending has been more common in our political history than balanced budgets. The debt for the Revolutionary War dragged on throughout most of the 19th century, and the Civil War debt was only retired sometime in the mid-20th century if memory serves. Increased deficits during times of national crisis and war are to be expected.
On the other hand, the National Debt is a major concern and it SHOULD be addressed and steps taken to reduce the rate of debt. I believe that only by re-examining and re-structuring our national non-discretionary budget priorities is there much hope for bringing debt into better control. This is not something one should expect of any President alone. The responsiblility for the problem rests with the Congress, not the President.
Did you like the tax cuts that are so wildly skewed to benefit the super-wealthy?
Cutting taxes has in the past encouraged economic growth and when the GNP grows faster than the loss in tax revenues, the nation prospers. Heavy taxation, on the other hand, discourages investment and reduces the spending that fuels production. Personally, I think a flat tax with very few exemptions is better than a progressive tax. Why should one person pay 35% of their income in taxes, while another pays nothing? Let everyone pay 10% of their annual income. Prior to the 20th century the Federal government mostly found its revenue in the tariffs. Open, Free Markets and a world economy that is interlocking makes tariffs a bad bet, and so we now rely on personal taxes that would have horrified the Founders, or even the middle classes of 1906.
Did you like his rejection of treaties, such as the one to reverse global warming?
The conduct of national diplomacy is given into the management of the President. Few treaties in our history have been universally acclaimed, or condemned. The U.S. may produce a lot of pollution, but it is also in the forefront of protecting the environment. The pollution and inefficiency of Chinese cars is notorious, is the Kyoto Treaty doing anything to reduce those emmitions? In South America huge portions of the Rain Forest are burned every year, where in the United States is anything similar happening? Much of the old Soviet Uniion is polluted with mercury, lead, and radioactive debris, but folks would rather condemn the U.S. for simply not "buying into" a treaty that would cost us more than it would return?
Did you like his failure to get more people covered under health insurance?
Yeah, I'd like to see a universal health plan that was affordable AND not managed by the Federal Government. The higher priority now is combating international terrorism and working toward a stable Irag. A universal health plan has been a dream of social reformers for at least half a century, and we're no closer today than in 1948. I don't blame any President for failing to "fix" a system that has gone completely off the tracks. I wouldn't even blame Hillary for failing in her grandiose plans to socialize the system. I'm not entirely sure that Federal attempts at controlling health care have not made the problem worse instead of better.
Vietnamnurse wrote:The Republicans have proved that they can win campaigns with dubious practices (ahem!), but they cannot govern. Bush and company have been total failures.
Perhaps you misread the thread title?
Magginkat wrote:RexRed wrote:
I also support Bush because there are not really any republicans that shine enough as a person who fits the job. I think Jeb is still the only one who seems even capable.
America's selection for a next president is rather sparse.
It is not that I support him because there is nobody else but because no one really compares in my opinion.
I would vote for him again, he knows what is at stake and he is doing his best to protect us in a proactive way. What more could be expected of him. He is doing the best he can and that is acceptable to me.
Some people never give you credit no matter what you do.
ROTFLMAO! Red Rex, No surprise in any of your comments. Thank heavens that no one else compares to Chicken george. This world does not need to be stuck with more than one of these fools.
Two true comments in your post..... the selection for the next president is indeed sparse. What a shame that only the rich, nasty, viles ones land on the ballot.
The second true comment is that Chicken george is doing the best he can.
You'll get no argument from me on that because his best stands out like a sore thumb. That moron thought he would waltz into office, breeze through the yrs and emerge as a god like critter to be bowed down to for generations to come.
Unfortunately, for him, not even the biggest idiots in the country fall for all his lies, cheating, & greed. The bird brain will go down in history as the worst thing to ever get near the oval office.
Not even the republicans can come up with anyone more vile & despicable than Chicken george bu$h.
Sounds like you got a fish to fry or bird to roast and I don't think it is GB...
When the left is consistently wrong on almost every issue after a while anyone would be cooking.
Bon Appetite
I DID NOT misread the thread title. I wonder about you though, McGentrix. Caught in a time bubble with the World Trade Center as your avatar. Where is Bin Laden? What happened to the war in Afghanistan or is that too much for your mind to bend around?