mysteryman wrote:I have thought about this question,and I am going to try to answer it.
Of course,I know the usual suspects will immediately attack my answer,but thats ok.
Bush has made many mistakes,and done many things I disagree with.
Things like his stance on gay marriage.
I think he is wrong.
His stance on illegal immigrants.
I think he is wrong and we should get tougher.
I dont like the fact that he hasnt cut spending like he said.
This is my biggest problem with him.
His admin is spending money like there is no tomorrow.
There are to many people in DC who's only job is to walk around and tell each other how important they are.
I thought Bush was gonna cut the size of govt and make those people get real jobs.He didnt.
There are other things,but this will do for now.
But even with all that,I still support him.
Part of that is because there is no viable alternative right now.
I have said on here what Dem I would support if he runs.
I support Bush because even though he isnt perfect,and even though he makes mistakes,he is doing what he thinks is right.
I will ALWAYS support a person that does that.
Bush pushed tax cuts through,and that helped my wallet.
He has many of the same values that I do,and many of the same beliefs that I do.
Yes,I know he has made some mistakes,but as long as he is doing what he thinks is right,I will support that.
That goes for ANY political figure,or any person at all.
I;m not sure if I am regarded as one of the "usual suspects", but I will try not to say anything stupid.
I will let you speak to this once more:
mysteryman wrote:Bush has made many mistakes,and done many things I disagree with
mysteryman wrote:.... on gay marriage.
I think he is wrong.
mysteryman wrote:His stance on illegal immigrants.
I think he is wrong
mysteryman wrote: I dont like the fact that he hasnt cut spending like he said.
This is my biggest problem with him.
His admin is spending money like there is no tomorrow
mysterman wrote:There are to many people in DC who's only job is to walk around and tell each other how important they are.
I thought Bush was gonna cut the size of govt and make those people get real jobs.He didnt
mysteryman wrote:He has many of the same values that I do,and many of the same beliefs that I do.
Seems you value a tougher stance on immigration, have a different stance on gay marriage, on spending
your tax dollars, on the size of government, and on "yes men" in DC.
These are all in opposition to the Bush administration's initiatives or actions, and in direct conflict with the contention that he has in fact put more money in your pocket. Spending is out of hand at your expense, despite the fact that you are currently experiencing short term financial gains through his tax cuts.
How is it that simply in virtue of doing what he thinks is right, he garners your support? Finding his policies objectionable or questionable should be independent of the "viable alternative".
I'm sure Hussein, bin Laden, and Zarqawi all act in a manner consistent with what they think is right.
Could you please qualify this statement:
mysteryman wrote:Yes,I know he has made some mistakes,but as long as he is doing what he thinks is right,I will support that.
That goes for ANY political figure,or any person at all
Perhaps I shall modify it:
mysteryman wrote:Yes,I know Saddam Hussein has made some mistakes,but as long as he is doing what he thinks is right,I will support that. Because I support any political figure,or any person at all, so long as they are doing what they think is right.