Like, the other day, when I innocently asked her to pick up some dish soap because she happened to be going to the store. All of a sudden, it's a HUGE issue-- why can't YOU get the soap (because you are going to the store); why are you always trying to tell me what to do (uh, excuse me, but I asked politely, right after I politely threw a dirty sock at her head); and then she goes and flops down in the middle of the driveway! Next thing I know, paramedics are outside and she (Miss Drama Queen) is playing it up for all it's worth! Sheesh! I'd leave if another woman would have me...
wash your socks
you will increase your odds
When I go to the store it's usually because I need bananas during the week because you know I can only eat the damn things at a certain ripeness. But do I ever ask YOU to pick me up bananas? NO! I buy my own bananas and never bother you with that.
The bananas, which you'd KNOW if you ever went to the store is WAY at the opposite end and it takes like 5 freaking minutes to walk all the way over there, then 5 minutes back.
Then, by that time, someone with a whole months worth of groceries is standing in front of me in the 10 items or fewer line, because up until then the store had been really slow and the 10 item cashier decided to take anybody.
So now, just because YOU need dish detergent I not only had to waste 10 minutes of my time walking around the store, now I've got to stand another 20 minutes behind some woman who is buying a months worth of groceries, is paying with a check, AND is using coupons.
Why don't you use your dish dertergent to clean your socks!?
you give alot for him huh chai?
See what I have to put up with? EVERYTHING's a big friggin' deal! It's no wonder I'm depressed-- it's ALL her fault!
I wouldn't be depressed if she loved me enough.
what the-- I thought Blacksmith loved ME!!
I put him in my bio for my show!!
CHAI!!! Whatchoo doin wit mah MAN?!
And blacksmith-- what you want with a hair-dyin', press-on nail wearin' TRAMP like THAT?!
...all that and more on the next Jerry Springer show!
cyphercat wrote:
CHAI!!! Whatchoo doin wit mah MAN?!
And blacksmith-- what you want with a hair-dyin', press-on nail wearin' TRAMP like THAT?!
You got a problem with my nails kitty girl?
blacksmith LOVES my nails, doncha cuppycakes?
.....YOU DON'T!!!!???
opening soda cans must be a bit of a problem for you...
Gives a whole new meaning to the term "hand job," doesn't it?
Quote:opening soda cans must be a bit of a problem for you...
Potty Problems come to mind....
Quote:holy ****
Seee, Chai, no one is impressed with those ghetto claws of yours.
Wow I've never had my whole life played out like a soap opera in front of me before.
Thanks guys, I needed a good laugh.
Glad you took this vast divergion like a sport, KK. I was a bit worried
Hey, I was serious! Those nails HURT!!!
duce wrote:It takes two to argue--Why fight with him at all? Why be so eager to "please" him? If he wants to ski, work out or suck coffee through straws and you don't, just say good for you, or I think I'll sit this one out, tell him to do as he likes. Tell him he wants to clean at 3:00 am go ahead, but that's when you get your best sleep, if he calls you lazy say I love you too and lay back down.
Wow, duce sighting! Long time no see.
And, I agree...
blacksmithn wrote:Hey, I was serious! Those nails HURT!!!
I'm serious too!
I'm fairly sure that the gist of the conversations at the katt house. Who used the last ice cube is probably fodder for the weekend.
I'd like to be a fly on the wall when they're fighting, except I'd be laughing so hard I'd fall off.
If I were a fly on their wall, I'd have died of terminal boredom long ago! It's the same deathly dull cycle, over and over. It's long since gone from inane-yet-entertaining to inane-and-sleep inducing. It's got all the banality of your average soap opera.