kitkat_bar wrote:Eva wrote:There are several issues here worth discussing, but the one that most interests me is...
WHY do both of you think it's necessary to do all these things together? You're both adults. You can both have your own set of interests & activities. It isn't necessary for you to learn anything just because he does it. Let him find a few triathlete-type friends who like to mountain climb, etc. Tell him you're obviously not able to participate on his level so you're going antiquing with some girlfriends and you'll see him later. (Smile and give him a kiss before you leave.)
Honestly, most of the couples I've known who've been married for many years have lots of separate interests. It keeps things interesting. (I've been married for 23 years, btw.)
Are both of you still pretty young? In your 20s, maybe? No offense, but your relationship sounds a bit immature.
That's the point, I want him to go and do his own things if I don't want to do it his way. Our conversation started off about things we could try doing together, nothing wrong with that. Then it turned into him wanting me to do things his way and I tried to back off but it didn't work.
I can read, y'know! You don't have to repeat yourself.
You started off by saying, "His new obsession is working out, therefore it should be mine as well." This is a BAD premise for a conversation with a control freak. Haven't you figured that out yet?
Another statement you made:
"when he gets it in his mind to do something, I better damn well feel the same way. For example, if he gets in the mood to clean house no matter what time of the day or night it is, I better want to do it to or I am a lazy bitch who does nothing but sit on my ass all day. He also loves to think he knows everything about everything even when it applies to him knowing you better than you do yourself."
You could have summed this up in one sentence: He's an arrogant, self-centered, overbearing, verbally-abusive control freak.
Let's try another:
"While eating lunch, we were having a perfectly normal conversation. It started off about me thinking of great things we could do together as a couple that wouldn't cost much and that we could have fun doing. Somehow it turned into things my husband wishes I would get more involved in, like hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, and back-packing."
In other words, he steered the conversation to his own interests. Again, it's all about him. A psychologist would begin to suspect "narcissistic personality disorder" at this point.
Then he tries to make decisions for you and explodes when you disagree. Can you spell "unstable control freak"...?
Frankly, I'm with the others here. I cannot understand why anyone would put up with such treatment unless they have serious problems with self-esteem.
And stop blaming this on his "depression." Depression isn't causing this. Sh!t, I've suffered from depression for years, I know what it does to someone. This guy is an immature jerk, plain and simple, and all the meds in the world won't solve that.
But he isn't here asking for advice. (His kind never does.) You are. So I have to ask...what's wrong with you? Why are you putting up with this crap?