Asherman wrote:Fear isn't the correct word ... hate is better. I hate and detest Communism and I'm deeply suspicious of Socialism. The grasshopper can fiddle a beautiful tune, but why oh why should the industrious ant go hungry to feed the grasshopper when the snows are deep?
Asherman, congratulations to you. You have it exactly right. I am constantly amazed at the intellectuals prowling these whereabouts that somehow still cling to the possibility that communism or socialism would work so well, if only the bad apples like Stalin did not screw things up with doing it wrong. People like yourself that are unabashed in declaring communism and socialism just bad ideas that haven't worked and never will work as well as what we have going here are poked fun of and ridiculed for just being uneducated about history, and that perhaps someday you will wake up to the light of truth about the whole thing. They can't get it throught their intellectual heads that what sounds good in the world of academia, or what looks good on paper, does not work as projected. Perhaps the problem is academia, as such opinions always seem to originate in academia. I wish they would join the world of reality, the world of practicality, where the realization sinks in that because of a few principles of human nature, many things do not work in real life as they are drawn on paper.
I have been accused of seeing the communist and socialist boogeyman around every corner here on this forum. Well, I will admit to a severe dislike and distrust of anything resembling such, or anyone wishing to borrow bits and pieces of such to incorporate into their programs and agendas. A government big enough to fix all of our problems is big enough to take all of our rights and freedoms away. I don't want none of it, period.