cooperation is a 2-way street. What have the dems done besides throw up roadblocks at every opportunity since Bush became President?
They are a minority in congress, they don't desire to cooperate and they have no plans what so ever to alleviate the current situations. Had they come up with a plan and showed it to the population and Bush still ignored it (providing the plan was realistic and not some unbelievable, idealistic agenda) then there might be something to discuss.
Instead, they whine and complain while providing NO solutions.
"Don't come to me with a problem unless you have a solution."
-W. Disney
(I think that quote is right... my memory may be playing tricks on me.)
Thank you for that lovely illustration.
The diehards will always tell us "it is the dems fault".
It's the dems fault for not stopping the GOP from railroading through their bad legislation.
It's the dems fault for not investigating GW.
It's the dems fault the GOP controls the agenda in the congress.
"Stop me before I kill again" seems to be the GOP argument.
Pure hogwash. Anyone with an IQ over 75 should realize you can't blame the dems when the GOP is in complete control.
Yeah, they want dems to tell them how to do their job.
Who is "they"?
I know I sure as heck don't feel the dems are qualified to do anyone's job. Much less they jobs they have been elected to. Never seen such a whiney pack of do nothings. They complain endlessly while offer no solution to what they complain about.
This just in:
Shrub's still Republican.
Both Houses of Congress remain in Republican control.
Iraq still a quagmire.
Military still undermanned and overstretched.
Rich still getting richer.
Poor still getting poorer.
Price of gas still going up.
Drumbeats still sounding on potential war with Iran, including possible use of nuclear weapons.
March of folly still continues....
Quote:This just in:
Shrub's still Republican.
Both Houses of Congress remain in Republican control.
Iraq still a quagmire.
Military still undermanned and overstretched.
Rich still getting richer.
Poor still getting poorer.
Price of gas still going up.
Drumbeats still sounding on potential war with Iran, including possible use of nuclear weapons.
March of folly still continues....

and they're asking dems for a 'solution'
The 'solution' to this problem is Impeachment left right and centre.
So I've got it straight now: Based on all the same information available to both political parties, the Democrats support Bush to go to war, then after we go to war, they all change their minds and blame the war on Bush, Bush lied, bad intelligence, Bush's fault, you name it. They demonize Bush at every turn, then when he defends his decision and points out their flip flopping for political positioning to further their own standing, he is then "demonizing" the Democrats. This chapter in American politics has to be some of the cheapest political maneuvers I have ever witnessed. Bush has been accused of virtually everything, including betraying the country by Gore, the list goes on.
Yeah, if only he'd had oral sex with an intern. THEN we'd have something!
Darn it, hes doing his job instead. Eat your heart out. If only you had a dud for a president that spent all of his time messing with the help instead of working.
He's doing a job on the country, alright.
But not quite the one you, and the other 32% who remain Party Faithful, would have us believe.
It's the dems fault because they throw up roadblocks.
It's the dems fault because they don't propose anything.
It's the dems fault because they only whine.
It's the dems fault because they supported Bush.
It's the dems fault because they didn't support Bush.
It's the dems fault because they aren't in control.
Yep, and the GOP is STILL in CONTROL.. no one to blame but those in control when it comes to the REAL WORLD. Blame the dems all you want okie and McG... It doesn't play well in the heartland. People are smarter than you think.
I bet it was the Dems that stopped the legislation on lobbying reform too... They forced the GOP to pull it from the legislative agenda.
yeah right.. Keep up blaming the Dems... We can't say what Bush did right so lets blame the Dems for everything that has gone wrong.
Quote:With all of the "crimes against America" that they single out, what is always missing is any identification of any actual harm to our national security. What is harmed by these crimes is always the political popularity of the President. But to them, that is the same thing. A weak George Bush means a weak America, so anyone who harms George Bush is harming America and hurting our efforts to fight The Terrorists.
During their glory years of 2002 and 2003, Bush followers became convinced that they were part of a movement that was going to lead America to renewed and profound glory under the heroic leadership of George W. Bush. They become so personally invested in the triumph of that dream. It gave them a feeling of strength and purpose. And now it has all crumbled. It's all been exposed as a sham and fraud. The President is one of the most unpopular and failed presidents we have had in some time, and their views have been rejected, discredited, and are increasingly reviled. And they are extremely angry about this and want vengeance on those they perceive as responsible.
This is why you see such a reality gap amongst Bush supporters these days; they have so much personally invested in the Bush movement that they can't quite get a handle on just how badly things have ended up.
They can't admit to themselves that they were decived by the leaders who they trusted.
Well, that's one way of looking at it.
okie wrote:So I've got it straight now: Based on all the same information available to both political parties, the Democrats support Bush to go to war,
No they didn't. get your facts straight for a change.
For a change, lose the snippiness.
Oct 11, 2002 vote:
House, 75 dems for, 126 against
Senate, 29 dems for, 21 against.
A unified Democratic party would have defeated Joint resolution 114 in the Senate 52-48.
paull wrote:For a change, lose the snippiness.
Oct 11, 2002 vote:
House, 75 dems for, 126 against
Senate, 29 dems for, 21 against.
A unified Democratic party would have defeated Joint resolution 114 in the Senate 52-48.
That wasn't a vote to go to war. Congress never voted to go to war. Or not. Please get your facts straight.
For all practical purposes, I think we all should know it was a referendum on going to war.
Actually, for those that voted against, they should be recognized as being consistent, but not so for those that have not been consistent.
What most seems to be missing is the simple fact that this administration lied to congress to get their votes. Senator Diane Feinstein said as much after she voted for the referendum. Bush continued to lie and told the American People that congress had the same intel as did his administration. Some people's memory only sees what supports Bushco.