Asherman wrote:Are this administration's economic policies wrong simply because they differ from the agenda of the Democratic Party and its dedication to socialize the nation? There has been a continual tug of war between those who value individualism and property, and those who seek social and economic equality regardless of cost.
If one recalls the eagerness with which business embraced Clinton in 1992, after the doldrums of the Pappy Bush admininstration--your comment about the Diggers is nothing short of hilariously delusional. I assert that the the economic policies are wrong because they have mortgaged the future of the nation with an enormous debt, staggering in scope compared to any debt run by any other administration of any complexion. Those policies are the more ruinous when one considers that the nation was prosperous and the budget ran a surplus prior the election of this administration. That surplus was produced by the properly elected representatives of the nation, so your little melodrama there just makes you look ridiculous. The nation has borne far heavier costs with this administration and a tax-and-spend
conservative Congress and administration then you will be able to demonstrate was the case in the previous eight years of an administration by the Democrats, which faced for most of that time a Republican dominated House.
Quote:This President isn't the first to take issue with the Democratic Party's catering to the mob by broadcasting games and circuses for all.
Strawman here--demonstate that any American administration has ever offered games and circuses for all. You sound more like hate-radio--excuse me, talk-radio--pundits here than someone making a reaoned assessment.
Quote:Goldwater was ahead of his time.
Unsubstantiated assertion here--just how do you allege that Goldwater was ahead of his time?
Quote:Nixon tarnished the GOP, and was more interested in foreign policy than in trying to stem the tide of social welfare.
More unsubstantiated assertion--this assumes that there were any tide to be stemmed, and that it threatened the economy. Federal prisons eat up more of the budget than do social welfare programs such as ADC and WIC. Social Security remains the single largest expenditure of the Federal Government, and the single unifying characteristic of every budget in the last 60 or so years is the planning on clever new ways to plunder the Social Security trust fund without getting caught and paying a political price--regardless of which party controlled the House.
Quote:Reagan and Bush did what they could to return the nation to its fundamental principles, the principles that stood to our benefit for near two hundred years.
Yeah, right . . . that's why Pappy Bush described Reagan's economic policies as as "Voodoo economics" in the primaries, huh? That's why the economy was so sluggish, that a Democrat beat Pappy Bush by appealing to American business leaders, the traditional preserve of the Republican party, huh?
Quote:Now this Administration struggles with financing a long and difficult war, while the national debt continues to rise. Something has to give, and better it should be some cutbacks in social spending than in our support of our military.
Thoroughly disingenuous. The Administration struggles with a long and difficult war which it started unnecessarily, while the national debt soard due to its own irresponsible tax policies, and the free-for-all spending of the administration. Education a hot-button topic? Trot out "No Child Left Behind," promise the moon, write checks you know will bounce, and when the furor dies down, leave the states with an unfunded manadate, the big whine of the Republicans in Clinton's days. Worried about prescription drug prices? God forbid, don't do anything to piss of the pharmaceutical companies, promise a new Social Security reform package, which starts with a one billion dollar give-away to the HMOs, and write a check you know will bounce--then drop it as soon as people start paying attention, and to hell with Seniors--your campaign contribution check will be in the mail. AIDS in Africa gets shove in your face on your Presidential tour of the continent? Promise the moon, write a check you know will bounce, and drop the program as soon as no one is paying attention. Apply the same tactics to veteran's benefits, too, because once the s.o.b.s are no longer on active duty, to hell with them--it's warm bodies we want, and no whining after they get home.
Nothing had to "give," because there was no earthly reason for this war, and the deficit is a productive of irresponsible plutocratic policies. Altogether, a very poor effort on your part, Ash.