The Worst President in History?

cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 23 Jun, 2006 11:18 pm
What do you think a2k is about? It's about Opinion. If you don't like it, leave.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Fri 23 Jun, 2006 11:21 pm
Ashman wrote:
In my opinion President Bush has acted, to the best of his ability, to protect and defend us all. He may be wrong, but we have authorized him by our votes to act as President and he has done that. Those who oppose this administration's policies may be many, but they failed to win the office and can only now offer their opinions.

That's YOUR opinion. That you think your opinion is superior to any other only comes from arses like you! Get over it, you're not that special.
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Reply Fri 23 Jun, 2006 11:36 pm

I'm sorry. You just don't get it. Your opinion means a lot to you, you are your opinions. Your opinion may or may not be correct on any subject. If ninety-nine out of one hundred opinions is that the world is flat, that will not make it so. Polls are just a way of statistically trying to establish what folks opinions are on some any topic. You can run a poll on how many people believe in flying saucers, and it will contribute nothing to establishing what the flying saucers are, or are not.

When you and many others here say without reservation that George Bush is the worst President ever, you say it as if it were so and not just your opinion. When Bernard presents polls that refute the notion that the President is more unpopular than others, he's buying into that nonsense that polls have some meaning beyond what they tell us about popular fashion.

BTW ... so long as I've followed your postings, you have always been reluctant to take a deep breath and consider the possibility that your opinion isn't a revelation from God. That's alright, I'm opinionated as well, though I do try hard not to rush to judgement. However, here recently you seem to have become far more strident and willing to say things obviously meant to demean and insult those you disagree with. Why the change? Did courteous behavior somehow keep you awake nights? Please, lets have just a modicum of patience and politeness in our exchanges.
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Reply Fri 23 Jun, 2006 11:38 pm
Mr. Asherman opines( AND I FULLY AGREE WITH HIM) that Popularity Polls have nothing to do with how good, or ill any person, or President is.

But for those who do put stock in the Polls, I must replicate the Polls which now show that President Bush is at the 44% mark.


President Bush Job Approval
June 23, 2006

Photo Courtesy of The Department of Defense Forty-four percent (44%) of Americans approve of the way that George W. Bush is performing his role as President. That's the highest rating he has received since April 14. This update is based upon nightly telephone interviews and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. With a three-percentage point margin of sampling error, this spike may be little more than statistical noise.

However, we provide Premium Members with supplemental data based upon a seven-day rolling average. This involves a larger sample (3,500 interviews) and eliminates any possible day-of-week bias in the data. As a result, it is a more stable measure of the overall trends. Using the seven-day rolling average, the President's Job Approval has been at 41% for most of the past two weeks. That's a modest rebound from the 38% level we found in the second half of May. Premium Members can see our latest numbers from Pennsylvania and Ohio.

Today's polling releases on the public site include a tight Governor's race in Maine, a not so close Maine Senate race, and a solid lead for Alabama Governor Bob Riley (R ). As CBS and Dan Rather part ways, we also took a look back at public perceptions of Rather's performance in Election 2004.

Other recent releases show Washington Senator Maria Cantwell's (D) support continues to decline. In Virginia, James Webb (D) has pulled to within 10 points of Senator George Allen (R). Governor Kathryn Sebelius (D) is hanging on to a decent lead in the very red state of Kansas.


Rasmussen Reports is an electronic publishing firm specializing in the collection, publication, and distribution of public opinion polling information.

Rasmussen Reports was the nation's most accurate polling firm during the 2004 Presidential election and the only one to project both Bush and Kerry's vote total within half a percentage point of the actual outcome.

During Election 2004, RasmussenReports.com was also the top-ranked public opinion research site on the web. We had twice as many visitors as our nearest competitor and nearly as many as all competitors combined.

Scott Rasmussen, president of Rasmussen Reports, has been an independent pollster for more than a decade.

To keep up with our latest releases, be sure to visit the Rasmussen Reports Home Page.


You do note the date, do you not, Mr. Parados. The date is June 23, 2006---THAT'S TODAY. I will check the Gallup/USA today polls in the next few days to see where they come up to. Would you like to bet that they will come closer to Rasmussen by then?


The Approval Rating on Rasmussen was 44% FORTY FOUR PERCENT.

This is a great deal higher than the alleged rating in the high twenties reported by Mr. Imposter. That is why he has suddenly stopped reporting the Job Approval Ratings.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 03:15 am
George Dumbya Bush is a fukin' moron...listening to him READ a speech is disheartening...and listening to him speak extemporaneously is absolute torture for anyone with a sense of affection for the English language.

The American conservatives....who have pretty much had their way in this country for over three decades now...have done more to fuk up this country and the world than damn near any force that has ever prevailed.

We will get through this...and American conservatism will once again be put to its best use as the loyal opposition. They have absolutely no knack or ability for leadership. But for the sake of our country and the world....we ought all be hoping this happens sooner rather than later.
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 05:23 am
BernardR wrote:
Finn_ I copied the wrong information on one site, BUT what Parados and Snide do not know is that the Job Approval Rating for President Bush has gone UP- WAY UP from the alleged Job Approval Rating that Mr. Imposter told us was in the HIGH TWENTIES.

RealClearPolitics Poll Averages SM
President Bush Job ApprovalPoll Date Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 06/13 - 06/20 38.8% 53.8% -15.0%
Rasmussen 06/18 - 06/20 42% 56% -14%
Pew Research 06/14 - 06/19 36% 54% -18%
CNN 06/14 - 06/15 37% 53% -16%

This information is easily accessible by going to the web site of Real Clear Politics. BUT, I AM NOT YET FINISHED. I SHOULD HAVE POSTED THE INFORMATION FROM THE RASMUSSEN REPORTS SITE WHICH CAME IN TODAY.

Are you now claiming that 36-42% is the same as your earlier claim of 45%? If we average the 4 polls we get an average of 38.45.

http://www.pollingreport.com/BushJob.htm shows only one poll at 40 since May of 2005.

Checking out the Bush favorability ratings on the same site and you find a couple in the upper 20s.

It seems CI was reasonably accurate. Almost all the polls show Bush in the 30s. A couple of them show him in the high twenties.

What CI really said..
Yes, BernardR, all the polls are fraud, because most of them now rate Bush in the low thirties to high twenties. They're all liberals. What a fraud!

Your attempt to rewrite his words are weak Bernie. One poll that is in the 40s doesn't begin to make up for the 30 since April that have been in the 30s. Since April 15th, 17 of the 29 polls listed on pollingreport show Bush job apporoval rating at 35 or less. That would be a majority in the lower 30s no matter how you do the math.

Rasmussen has this to say.
With a three-percentage point margin of sampling error, this spike may be little more than statistical noise.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 09:46 am
Ashman, You'll earn courtesy when you stop denigrating everybody else's opinions. Your assumption that polls don't have any meaning is "YOUR" personal opinion. Beyond that, it has no meaning. Who the fuk are you? The messiah about truth?
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 11:28 am

The president can't even get his own party to follow his lead on immigration initiative. He's not only a lame duck, he's a dead one!
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 12:22 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
The president can't even get his own party to follow his lead on immigration initiative. He's not only a lame duck, he's a dead one!

And a moron, ci...you forgot "moron." Twisted Evil
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 12:40 pm
Frank, That goes without saying; it's too obvious to many people - around the world.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 12:44 pm
A Canadian official tagged Bush back in 2002 as a moron.
Canadian official called Bush 'a moron'
Last Updated Tue, 26 Nov 2002 12:54:05 EST
CBC News
PRAGUE - An offhand comment by a senior member of the Chrétien government may have a lasting effect on relations between Ottawa and Washington. A top aide to the prime minister has been quoted as referring to U.S. President George W. Bush as "a moron."

The disparaging comment from Chrétien's inner circle has shaken the Prime Minister's Office. Prime Minister Jean Chrétien was forced to say on Thursday that President Bush is "a friend of mine. He's not a moron at all."

That the prime minister of Canada would have to say the president of the United States is not a moron is remarkable enough. That he has to defend a comment made by one of his closest advisors has sent shockwaves from Prague, where NATO leaders are meeting, to Parliament Hill to the White House.

It began when Bush made a speech in the Czech capital calling on NATO countries to spend more on defence.

Canadian officials saw that as a veiled criticism of Ottawa's military spending. The prime minister's director of communications, Francoise Ducros, said of Bush, "What a moron."

The comment apparently was made in the presence of at least two reporters.

In Ottawa, Canadian Alliance MP Jason Kenney wanted to know if the quote was accurate. And if it is, "Does it reflect the views of the Liberal government?"

Conservative leader Joe Clark said if such a statement was made the offending party "should be on a plane home right now."

The PMO issued a brief statement: "The Prime Minister's Office never comments on newspaper reports attributed to unnamed sources."

White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, who is accompanying Bush in Prague, dismissed the comment as coming from "somebody who obviously doesn't speak for the Canadian government."

The problem is Ducros does speak for the Canadian government, usually on background and off the record. The quote first attributed to a government official was soon linked to Ducros and widely reported.

Whether the comment was on the record or not, the opposition says the comment was inappropriate, coming from an official representing the government of Canada.

Others say the comment will only further chill the dialogue between Washington and Ottawa.

The prime minister is now under pressure to take action against one of his most loyal advisers.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 12:52 pm
I've heard candidates for high school offices who speak with more presence and erudition.

The only reason I can see that knee-jerk American conservatives continue to defend this moron is that apparently they feel an obligation to defend fellow conservatives at all costs....and no matter what.

Really sad!
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 12:59 pm
I am afraid that you are unable to read, Mr. Parados. Read again--

The Rasmussen Poll taken June 23rd puts President Bush' Job Approval Rating at 44%.

You do note the date, do you not, Mr. Parados. The date is June 23, 2006---THAT'S TODAY. I will check the Gallup/USA today polls in the next few days to see where they come up to. Would you like to bet that they will come closer to Rasmussen by then?


The Approval Rating on Rasmussen was 44% FORTY FOUR PERCENT.

This is a great deal higher than the alleged rating in the high twenties reported by Mr. Imposter. That is why he has suddenly stopped reporting the Job Approval Ratings.

And I will predict that when the Gallup/USA Today Polls come out in the next few days, they will show that President Bush's Job Approval Ratings will be ABOVE 40% IN THEIR POLLS.

So, put that in your files, Mr. Parados.

I must say for the record that I agree with Mr. Asherman. He has written again and again( AND HE IS CORRECT) that Job Opinion Polls and Popularity Polls mean nothing with regard to the true states and eventual historical significance of the president who is the subject of the Job Approval poll. But I will play your game---Mr. Imposter was chortling about the Job Approval falling below 30 just a few weeks ago. The rapid rise of the Job Approval really means nothing. It is only because Mr. Imposter, desperately trying to find something with which to denigrate the President, reached out for Polls.

The ONLY measure with meaning are the elections and thus far President Bush and the Republicans have won all of them-----2000, 2002, and 2004
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 01:01 pm
I want to ask Mr. Imposter if he knows whether there is a fund to which I can contribute which will send the Canadian Official's opinion that President Bush is a moron to all US voters.

I think it would do wonders( for the Republicans that is)

The US voters do not like to be informed by foreigners concerning their leaders. They will make up their own minds!!!
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 01:29 pm
BernardR wrote:
The US voters do not like to be informed by foreigners concerning their leaders. They will make up their own minds!!!

Where does these worms crawl out from? He seems to forget that Bush didn't like the leader of Iraq. So much for logic and consistency; BernardR is a moron too!
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 01:44 pm
I stand corrected on my earlier assertion about imminent domain. It was the Republican packed Supreme Court allowed taking of private land by businesses. Bush has just modified it for the better, in an election year, after private citizens got upset. Carry on.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 02:08 pm
BernardR wrote:
The date is June 23, 2006---THAT'S TODAY.

Where you may live on this planet - the date at that time you posted the above was either June 24, 2006 or June 25, 2006.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 02:34 pm
edgarblythe wrote:
No more than a year or so back, it became possible for businesses to take private property for commercial use, against the owner's will. I don't have a link to what I heard on TV news back then. It happened with Republicans in control.

okie wrote:
No, Edgar, as Bernard pointed out, and which is true beyond any doubt whatsoever, it is the record, the Supreme Court ruling in regard to eminent domain in New London, Connecticut was made by the most liberal judges on the court.

This is a 100 percent lie! The Supreme court is made up by a majority of republicans - like 86 percent.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 03:20 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
okie wrote:
No, Edgar, as Bernard pointed out, and which is true beyond any doubt whatsoever, it is the record, the Supreme Court ruling in regard to eminent domain in New London, Connecticut was made by the most liberal judges on the court.

This is a 100 percent lie! The Supreme court is made up by a majority of republicans - like 86 percent.

But ci...don't you see that any judge or justice who deviates from the complete knee-jerk conservative bent...is counted as a liberal.

Cheez. How did you miss that?
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Reply Sat 24 Jun, 2006 03:35 pm
cicerone imposter wrote:
edgarblythe wrote:
No more than a year or so back, it became possible for businesses to take private property for commercial use, against the owner's will. I don't have a link to what I heard on TV news back then. It happened with Republicans in control.

okie wrote:
No, Edgar, as Bernard pointed out, and which is true beyond any doubt whatsoever, it is the record, the Supreme Court ruling in regard to eminent domain in New London, Connecticut was made by the most liberal judges on the court.

This is a 100 percent lie! The Supreme court is made up by a majority of republicans - like 86 percent.

okie said "liberal" ... which you seem to have equated with "republican."

Stevens, Kennedy, Souter, Ginsburg, and Breyer, were in the majority in the Kelo v. New London opinion. O'Connor, Rehnquist, Scalia and Thomas, dissented.

okie is obviously 100% correct.
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