edgarblythe wrote:No more than a year or so back, it became possible for businesses to take private property for commercial use, against the owner's will. I don't have a link to what I heard on TV news back then. It happened with Republicans in control.
No, Edgar, as Bernard pointed out, and which is true beyond any doubt whatsoever, it is the record, the Supreme Court ruling in regard to eminent domain in New London, Connecticut was made by the most liberal judges on the court.
edgarblythe wrote:No more than a year or so back, it became possible for businesses to take private property for commercial use, against the owner's will. I don't have a link to what I heard on TV news back then. It happened with Republicans in control.
Surely you don't mean to suggest that the Republicans control everything.
cicerone imposter wrote:Finn wrote:
I'm off to Fargo, how about you?
I'm home bound until September when my wife and young son will head to Washington DC for six nights. We're hoping our older son will be joining us from Austin.
Actually I was referring to a destination to ride out the End of Days prophesied by your agreeing with something I wrote.
I'm not really going to Fargo, but I do hope you enjoy DC in September and that your son joins you.
Thank you, Finn. I'm slow on the uptake sometimes, but I'm a quick study for most things. At least, that's what my bosses have told me during my working years. LOL
cicerone imposter wrote:Thank you, Finn. I'm slow on the uptake sometimes, but I'm a quick study for most things. At least, that's what my bosses have told me during my working years. LOL
You know it is pretty cool that we can lay aside the "You asshole," "No, you asshole," exchange and connect on a mutually reasonable level.
That's why A2K is so enticing.
I get to represent myself in the most of extreme ways and tell you, representing yourself in the most extreme of ways, to eat me.
Ultimately many of us would get along just fine in the real world, but the chances of seeing you in the real world are very slim --- I didn't go to Chicago and I don't plan on going to Spain.
So here in the cyber-world we are (as respects our personal opinions) equally assholes.
My bet is that in the real world you're an OK guy. Unfortunately in A2K cyberspace you are a moron and so the lines are drawn.
And yet I do wish for nothing but the best for you, and even more so that your son joins you in DC.
You Commie!
BernardR wrote:Okie- Have you noticed that Mr. Imposter no longer gives Job Approval Rating Numbers for the President of the United States?
Do you know why?
Is it because CI isn't stupid enough to cite year old polls as if they are recent? Did I get the right answer?
Mr. Imposter thinks that my reams of useless information means nothing. I am sure that, as a left wing liberal, who does not wish to meditate on the truth, he has a reason for that statement.
I wonder, Okie, what he will think of the information below?
Much of the attention paid to public opinion polls on a president's performance in office focuses on the percentage of Americans who approve of the way that person is handling his job. But what insights can be gained by looking at presidential disapproval ratings?
George W. Bush
The latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, conducted June 24-26, finds that 45% of Americans approve of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president, while a slim majority, 53%, disapprove. Since he took office, Bush's lowest disapproval ratings occurred in September 2001, a little over a week after the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. A Sept. 21-22 poll found 90% of Americans approving and only 6% disapproving of Bush. In contrast, the current results represent the worst ratings of Bush's presidency. The current approval rating ties Bush's lowest (45% in March 2005), but this poll finds his highest disapproval rating ever.
An analysis of Bush's disapproval ratings on a year-to-year basis shows that just about a quarter of Americans, 24%, disapproved of Bush across 31 polls conducted in 2001. This disapproval average declined by two points in 2002, to 22%. Beginning in 2003, Bush's disapproval average started to increase sharply. About a third of Americans (35%), on average, disapproved of Bush in 2003. This jumped once again in 2004, when 46% of Americans, on average, disapproved. Across the 20 surveys conducted since the start of this year, 47% say they disapprove of Bush -- not much different from what Gallup found last year.
Republicans and Democrats vary significantly in their views of Bush: although the vast majority of Republicans approve of Bush's job performance, there are just as many Democrats who disapprove. The June 24-26 poll finds that 89% of Republicans approve of Bush, while just 10% disapprove. This compares with 11% of Democrats who approve of Bush and 88% who disapprove of him. Among independents, 37% approve and 58% disapprove.
If Mr. Imposter wants a link, Okie, he can find it easily by going to the
You posted the results from a poll taken June24-26th on June 23rd? Either you are making it up or you are posting information that is a year out of date.
I think you don't have a clue about anything Bernie.
I love the fact that you didn't post a link again Bernie.. But what else is new. It seems to be your modus operandi. Of course a simple search shows this was originally publised on June 28th, 2005.
The latest zogby poll shows Bush at 36% approval rating.
Okie and Finn- I hope that both of you have noticed--For a while, Mr. Imposter was giving us tons of material concerning President Bush's Job Approval ratings which he insisted were germane to the political status in the USA.
Now, suddenly, all such reports have stopped from Mr, Imposter.
Despite his puerile attempt at denigrating my posts and evidence, he will find the material below troubling( since he puts so much stock in Job Approval Polls)
Much of the attention paid to public opinion polls on a president's performance in office focuses on the percentage of Americans who approve of the way that person is handling his job. But what insights can be gained by looking at presidential disapproval ratings?
George W. Bush
The latest CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll, conducted June 24-26, finds that 45% of Americans approve of the way George W. Bush is handling his job as president, while a slim majority, 53%, disapprove. Since he took office, Bush's lowest disapproval ratings occurred in September 2001, a little over a week after the terrorist attacks in New York City and Washington, D.C. A Sept. 21-22 poll found 90% of Americans approving and only 6% disapproving of Bush. In contrast, the current results represent the worst ratings of Bush's presidency. The current approval rating ties Bush's lowest (45% in March 2005), but this poll finds his highest disapproval rating ever.
An analysis of Bush's disapproval ratings on a year-to-year basis shows that just about a quarter of Americans, 24%, disapproved of Bush across 31 polls conducted in 2001. This disapproval average declined by two points in 2002, to 22%. Beginning in 2003, Bush's disapproval average started to increase sharply. About a third of Americans (35%), on average, disapproved of Bush in 2003. This jumped once again in 2004, when 46% of Americans, on average, disapproved. Across the 20 surveys conducted since the start of this year, 47% say they disapprove of Bush -- not much different from what Gallup found last year.
Republicans and Democrats vary significantly in their views of Bush: although the vast majority of Republicans approve of Bush's job performance, there are just as many Democrats who disapprove. The June 24-26 poll finds that 89% of Republicans approve of Bush, while just 10% disapprove. This compares with 11% of Democrats who approve of Bush and 88% who disapprove of him. Among independents, 37% approve and 58% disapprove.
If Mr. Imposter wants a link, Okie, he can find it easily by going to the
How silly can you make yourself look Bernie?
Quote:Okie and Finn- I hope that both of you have noticed--For a while, Mr. Imposter was giving us tons of material concerning President Bush's Job Approval ratings which he insisted were germane to the political status in the USA.
Now, suddenly, all such reports have stopped from Mr, Imposter.
Oohh. Let me answer this question too..
Because CI doesn't want to embarrass Bernie by pointing out how stupid it is to claim a year old poll is recent? Did I get it right?
Or maybe it's because CI feels he shouldn't pick on the mentally challenged? Is that it?
Bernie, you must be doing crack. That is the only reason I can see for you to post this again after I pointed out it was a year old.
Crack, or just cracked - the dude ain't operating on all cylinders.....
Finn, I disagree with "all" my siblings about religion and politics. Doesn't mean I don't love em; they're all christians and republicans. Go figure.
snood wrote:Crack, or just cracked - the dude ain't operating on all cylinders.....
So says snood the Ghetto Brutha wannabe.
Whatever his flaws, Bernard is on point far beyond so many others.
cicerone imposter wrote:Finn, I disagree with "all" my siblings about religion and politics. Doesn't mean I don't love em; they're all christians and republicans. Go figure.
It's encouraging to learn that the CI family, with the exception of you, get's it. Maybe at some point you will mature and come to the truth your family already embraces. Then again, black sheep make for an interesting break in the herd.
Finn_ I copied the wrong information on one site, BUT what Parados and Snide do not know is that the Job Approval Rating for President Bush has gone UP- WAY UP from the alleged Job Approval Rating that Mr. Imposter told us was in the HIGH TWENTIES.
RealClearPolitics Poll Averages SM
President Bush Job ApprovalPoll Date Approve Disapprove Spread
RCP Average 06/13 - 06/20 38.8% 53.8% -15.0%
Rasmussen 06/18 - 06/20 42% 56% -14%
Pew Research 06/14 - 06/19 36% 54% -18%
CNN 06/14 - 06/15 37% 53% -16%
This information is easily accessible by going to the web site of Real Clear Politics. BUT, I AM NOT YET FINISHED. I SHOULD HAVE POSTED THE INFORMATION FROM THE RASMUSSEN REPORTS SITE WHICH CAME IN TODAY.
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:snood wrote:Crack, or just cracked - the dude ain't operating on all cylinders.....
So says snood the Ghetto Brutha wannabe.
Whatever his flaws, Bernard is on point far beyond so many others.
Don't you mean, Whatever his flaws, Bernard is so far behind so many others? Like a year behind.
President Bush Job Approval
June 23, 2006
Photo Courtesy of The Department of Defense Forty-four percent (44%) of Americans approve of the way that George W. Bush is performing his role as President. That's the highest rating he has received since April 14. This update is based upon nightly telephone interviews and reported on a three-day rolling average basis. With a three-percentage point margin of sampling error, this spike may be little more than statistical noise.
However, we provide Premium Members with supplemental data based upon a seven-day rolling average. This involves a larger sample (3,500 interviews) and eliminates any possible day-of-week bias in the data. As a result, it is a more stable measure of the overall trends. Using the seven-day rolling average, the President's Job Approval has been at 41% for most of the past two weeks. That's a modest rebound from the 38% level we found in the second half of May. Premium Members can see our latest numbers from Pennsylvania and Ohio.
Today's polling releases on the public site include a tight Governor's race in Maine, a not so close Maine Senate race, and a solid lead for Alabama Governor Bob Riley (R ). As CBS and Dan Rather part ways, we also took a look back at public perceptions of Rather's performance in Election 2004.
Other recent releases show Washington Senator Maria Cantwell's (D) support continues to decline. In Virginia, James Webb (D) has pulled to within 10 points of Senator George Allen (R). Governor Kathryn Sebelius (D) is hanging on to a decent lead in the very red state of Kansas.
Rasmussen Reports is an electronic publishing firm specializing in the collection, publication, and distribution of public opinion polling information.
Rasmussen Reports was the nation's most accurate polling firm during the 2004 Presidential election and the only one to project both Bush and Kerry's vote total within half a percentage point of the actual outcome.
During Election 2004, RasmussenReports.com was also the top-ranked public opinion research site on the web. We had twice as many visitors as our nearest competitor and nearly as many as all competitors combined.
Scott Rasmussen, president of Rasmussen Reports, has been an independent pollster for more than a decade.
To keep up with our latest releases, be sure to visit the Rasmussen Reports Home Page.
You do note the date, do you not, Mr. Parados. The date is June 23, 2006---THAT'S TODAY. I will check the Gallup/USA today polls in the next few days to see where they come up to. Would you like to bet that they will come closer to Rasmussen by then?
The Approval Rating on Rasmussen was 44% FORTY FOUR PERCENT.
This is a great deal higher than the alleged rating in the high twenties reported by Mr. Imposter. That is why he has suddenly stopped reporting the Job Approval Ratings.
From Wikipedia on Norman Podhoretz:
Norman Podhoretz (born January 16, 1930) is an American intellectual considered to be a prominent neo-conservative thinker and writerOfcoarse Mr Podhoretz doen't have any axe to grind on this issue.
parados wrote:Finn d'Abuzz wrote:snood wrote:Crack, or just cracked - the dude ain't operating on all cylinders.....
So says snood the Ghetto Brutha wannabe.
Whatever his flaws, Bernard is on point far beyond so many others.
Don't you mean, Whatever his flaws, Bernard is so far behind so many others? Like a year behind.
No, that's not what I mean at at all.
Considering that you are rarely in step with reality irrespective of it's temporal fix, it's ironic that you might suggest Bernard is "a year behind."
On the facts, I would bet my personal wealth on Bernard over you and 99% of your pals.
Bernard is not Massagotos. Clearly it is the same person behind these avatars, but it is ridiculous in a cyber-forum to blame one avatar for the sins of another. For all I know you are not the jack-ass your A2K avatar suggests.
Bernard accepts the rules of A2K. Massagatto lived in an Abuzz world of no rules, where jimoches like you rationalized the vile spew of marburg.
Debate his arguments, if you can, rather than currying the reliable reaction of your tribe towards him.
One more time, for our brethren on both sides of the aisle ......
Popularity polls have nothing whatever to do with how good, or ill any person, or President, is. [/color] Why is that so hard to understand?
Everyone has an opinion, and that's all it will ever be ... an opinion. The fact of the matter is that irrespective of what the world thinks, the President has a responsibility to act, to the best of his ability, to protect and defend the United States, its citizens and Constitution. In my opinion President Bush has acted, to the best of his ability, to protect and defend us all. He may be wrong, but we have authorized him by our votes to act as President and he has done that. Those who oppose this administration's policies may be many, but they failed to win the office and can only now offer their opinions.
Ashman, You're an arse - first class.