Could Gore have f*cked us anywhere near as bad as Bush has?

Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2006 08:10 pm
Magginkat, I often sometime agree with you but I cannot read it to tell. Can you possibly stop yelling with bold writing?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2006 08:11 pm
Asherman wrote:
You wouldn't be just a wee bit biased, would you? Are you sure you haven't left out a few accusations and insults? I think you've hit most of them. Wait. Wait, you did. You forgot that Bush planned, financed and ordered 9/11 ... probably to help out the Elders of Zion in their effort to conquer the world. Now, how could you overlook such an obvious failing. Was that an innocent oversight on your part, or were you being generous?

Trying to respond to such blind prejudice and hatred is hopeless.

It's harder to respond to the totally blind!

I wouldn't give bu$h credit for being able to zip his own pants much less plan 9-11. However, the guy who has been the real acting president, Cheney & his side kick Rummy could and probably did plan 9-11. Of course they let little george believe that he did it all by his lonesome.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2006 08:13 pm
Yelling isn't useful here, Magginkat.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2006 08:15 pm
ossobuco wrote:
Magginkat, I often sometime agree with you but I cannot read it to tell. Can you possibly stop yelling with bold writing?

"Scuse me Ossobuco, yelling is done in all caps, not bold print. I use it because these old eyes need all the help they can get at times. If I use the next size font on this board, it's huge so I elect to use bold when my eyes are bugging me.

See what I mean
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2006 08:28 pm
You need to be aware of how you are taken for screaming. The bold screams.

My eyes are arguably as problematic as anyone's, bar Milton. (sympathy, by the way). There are a few or more of us here with eye berserkness.

Perhaps you could type it all in bold, preview it in bold, and send it in regular, whatever it is called.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2006 09:10 pm
The bold doesn't bother everyone, Maggincat.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2006 09:13 pm
Asherman wrote:
You wouldn't be just a wee bit biased, would you? Are you sure you haven't left out a few accusations and insults? I think you've hit most of them. Wait. Wait, you did. You forgot that Bush planned, financed and ordered 9/11 ... probably to help out the Elders of Zion in their effort to conquer the world. Now, how could you overlook such an obvious failing. Was that an innocent oversight on your part, or were you being generous?

Trying to respond to such blind prejudice and hatred is hopeless.
Wrong thread Asherman. This thread is about people having a realization that is far too little far too late. It's the other thread that is about the truth about 9/11 which is not about anti-semitism it's about what psychotic men will do for power and money. Don't worry. When we attack Iran i'm sure that information will be outlawed and we will be called un-American whacko traitors like when we said the intelligence was fake, The war would be a disaster, Bush was lying to the country, Halliburton was funnelling money in the name of rebuilding Iraq, Bush burned (reveiled identity) Plame to scew her husband for telling the country the truth.

We have been right on the whole time and i'll put our record against yours or anybodys anytime because we always told the truth. We took the time and cared enough to find out. We opened our eyes.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2006 09:15 pm
Snood, good that it doesn't.

Still, can you just click on Normal to send, Magginkat?
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Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2006 09:33 pm
And if you can't, Magginkat, I'll try to read your posts in bold - which tend to yell in the text as well as the font.

Yelling and bullying never convinces me of anything. I've agreed on some comments of yours, sometimes. Can't you just talk without rant?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2006 09:48 pm
Alternately, magginkat, would you wish to have all of us post in larger (or whatever they call it?) - I might agree with you, in that I wish we could click on increments of larger or smaller at will.

I've been cold, mostly towards the rants in your texts, however I may agree on aspects of them. But I'd like you to be heard and comfortable here.

I wish there were choices for larger besides giant.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2006 11:03 pm
shewolfnm wrote:
D'artagnan wrote:
It's funny; a friend and I were talking about this last night. We discussed how the media made Gore out to be some kind of buffoon, stiff and boring, while Bush was portrayed as likable and down to earth.

when you have the kind of money and power the Bush family does, you can pay the media to say anything

So the media are not liberally biased, they are whores?
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Wed 12 Apr, 2006 11:19 pm
Asherman wrote:
Who knows what Gore would have done in the same situation. Gore may have taken longer to act, but in the end I believe he would have adopted the same policies and path chosen by President Bush.

I'm reasonably certain that the conservatives and Republicans here would not descend into the sort of vile name calling and unadulterated hatered expressed by so many of the Democrats and the Left.

Having gone no further than this post, at this time, I can only guess what protestations will follow. I tend to agree with Asherman, but that will come as no surprise to those who protest his assertion.

Frankly I'm torn. The thought of Democrats in power loosens my bowels, but I am compelled to admit that I will enjoy watching Liberals turn on a dime and defend the Establishment.

Really horrific, unexpected things can happen within a period of four years (witness 9/11), but the chances of a president (of either party) destroying the nation are pretty remote.

However, as a mid-level Baby Boomer, I am beginning to appreciate my mortality, and the shortage of my years to come. As such, it is of particular concern to be that a total f*ck-up might run this country for the next third of my actuarial anticipated lifespan.

The difference between how conservatives and liberals have responded to Supreme Court nominations supports Asherman's contention, but it will be fun, nevertheless, to cast stones without regard for where they may fall.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Apr, 2006 01:05 am
Asherman wrote:
You lads are making me blush ... oh well

Anon, I wasn't confused, though it seems others were. The confusion may have been because my writing wasn't sufficiently clear. I hope that I cleared that up. However, Xingu still doesn't seem to understand that the Middle-East is the heart-land of radical Islamic terrorism. Iraq just happens to be located in the center of the Middle-East.

"So, because Iraq is situated in the heart of the Middle East, and the Middle East is the center of gravity for radical Islamic terrorism, it was ripe for direct action even when Iraq had little to nothing to do with radical Islamic terrorism?"

You've really twisted my words and clear meaning in this statement. As you've restated my position it is a logical fallacy, ic hoc, ergo proper hoc. I didn't say that and for my position to be restated in such a manner really is a Straw Man.

What I said was that a state of War already existed with Iraq that had been suspended by a conditional cease-fire. Iraq violated the conditions of the cease-fire in major ways repeatedly for over a decade. Saddam fostered the belief that he had terror weapons in violation of the cease-fire conditions, or that he soon would have such weapons. A large part of the world with as good intelligence sources as were available, believed Saddam. Saddam openly supported terrorists and paid bounties to the families of suicide bombers. There was even some indications that Al Quida operatives were welcome and operations inside Iraq. Much of that intelligence turned out to be mistaken later, but at the time seemed plausible to reasonable analysts. Iraq was repeatedly warned to mend its ways, and was given numerous opportunities to forestall intervention. Saddam didn't believe that this American President might actually carry out his promises to intervene militarily. Wrong, answer Saddam.

Iraq's geographical location, and the potential to accomplish several objectives at one time, made it a military priority in the region. Saddam left unattended to would constitute a distraction from the larger effort to combat international radical Islamic terrorism. With Saddam eliminated, the Iraqi People could be freed of a brutal dictator. and his destabilizing threat to neighboring states and Israel would be removed. Any forbidden weapons could be destroyed and kept from the hands of terrorists. The possible benefits of helping create an open, tolerant nation in the midst of a region where the radical Islamic movement regarded themselves as invulnerable would be invaluable in the larger war against terrorism. A free Iraq would be a wedge would be driven between Iran, Syria and Saudi Arabia ... and without ever violating any of those sovereign countries. I think the Administration underestimated how fiercely Iran, Syria and the radical Islamic Movement would fight to prevent establishment of such a government in the heart of a region they regard as their own.

I know that you don't agree with this analysis, and will dispute what I regard as the facts. I don't expect you to change your mind, but I would hope that you at least will leave your mind open to the possiblility that this analysis is possible, and that people who hold it are just as sincere in their beliefs as you are.

Like you stated, your writing wasn't sufficiently clear. It was confused. Therefor you, as being the writer of said writing lacking clarity (i.e. confused writing) were confused. But again, thanks for the clarification.

I believe you that you are sincere in your beliefs about the present US administration's invasion and occupation of Iraq. I do not believe that this administration is as sincere in its actions as you are in your beliefs thereof, however. The present administration has peddled its invasion and occupation of Iraq as being in the name of the good of Iraqi people, and at the same time in the name of the interests of the people of the US. In regard to the first, it was for their liberation. In regard to the second--and it is about this second purpose that you are completely silent--it was for their, the people of the US, security, to make Iraq the front in its war on terror so that the US itself wouldn't have to be a front. These are disparate and incongruent objectives. Taken together they are illogical. They are doublethink.

In some of the rationalizations you present in supporting the present administration's actions you make unsupported claims. In other rationalizations you present in supporting this administration's actions you refer to the misinformation disseminated by this administration. One unsupported claim is that "Saddam openly supported terrorists." You conflate this assertion by adding to this statement that Saddam "paid bounties to the families of suicide bombers." One thing is the assertion that "Saddam openly supported terrorists." Another thing is that Saddam "paid bounties to the families of suicide bombers." They are not the same thing. That Saddam paid the families of suicide bombers is pretty much an established fact. That "Saddam openly supported terrorists" isn't. Do you have references to this claim other than the misinformation disseminated by this US administration to sell its war to the US public? And, yeah, yeah, I know I can go look it up on google or whatnot. But, I am asking YOU; do YOU have references to this claim of yours?

You concede that much of the misinformation propageted by this administration was mistaken, but claim that at the time it seemed plausible to reasonable analysts. Since you are sincere in your beliefs concerning this administration's actions, we can only leave your beliefs to naïveté. It is a fact that this administration knowingly and deliberately relied on specious information and informants that were regarded by the general intelligence community to be untrustworthy and outright liars. Most of the pertinent claims made by this administration were questioned by reasonable analysts, and yet they were propagated by this administration onto a US public that was absolutely terrified and paranoid following the 9/11 terrorist bombings. To a large degree, this paranoia is what drives US policy regarding Iran and its nuclear ambitions.

Needless to say, you are right, I do not agree with your analysis. But, like I've already stated, I do believe that you are sincere in your beliefs regarding these issues.
0 Replies
old europe
Reply Thu 13 Apr, 2006 01:18 am
Magginkat wrote:
ossobuco wrote:
Magginkat, I often sometime agree with you but I cannot read it to tell. Can you possibly stop yelling with bold writing?

"Scuse me Ossobuco, yelling is done in all caps, not bold print. I use it because these old eyes need all the help they can get at times. If I use the next size font on this board, it's huge so I elect to use bold when my eyes are bugging me.


Saddest. Excuse. Ever.


To increase the text size:

Internet Explorer (Windows):
Navigate to: * View > Text Size > Larger

Internet Explorer (Mac):
Navigate to: * View > Text Zoom > Larger or 150%

Navigate to: * View > Text Zoom > Larger or 150%

Mozilla Firefox:
Navigate to: * View > Text Size > Increase

Navigate to: * View > Zoom > 150%

Navigate to: * View > Make Text Bigger
0 Replies
Bi-Polar Bear
Reply Thu 13 Apr, 2006 05:34 am
old europe wrote:
Magginkat wrote:
ossobuco wrote:
Magginkat, I often sometime agree with you but I cannot read it to tell. Can you possibly stop yelling with bold writing?

"Scuse me Ossobuco, yelling is done in all caps, not bold print. I use it because these old eyes need all the help they can get at times. If I use the next size font on this board, it's huge so I elect to use bold when my eyes are bugging me.


Saddest. Excuse. Ever.


To increase the text size:

Internet Explorer (Windows):
Navigate to: * View > Text Size > Larger

Internet Explorer (Mac):
Navigate to: * View > Text Zoom > Larger or 150%

Navigate to: * View > Text Zoom > Larger or 150%

Mozilla Firefox:
Navigate to: * View > Text Size > Increase

Navigate to: * View > Zoom > 150%

Navigate to: * View > Make Text Bigger

ahh compassion. Sweet.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Apr, 2006 06:47 am
I don't mind the bold text. my eyes aren't getting any better either.
As long as they're not written in Caps, it's not yelling.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Apr, 2006 07:08 am
ossobuco, I am copying and pasting this in the quick reply window in the hopes that it will meet your standards.

I hope you don't mind if I tell you that your accusations are getting to be beyond boring. I am not forcing you to read anything I post. I didn't even ask you to read them, yet here you are telling me how to post to suit you, how I should not rant, & in general being a bossy SOB.

I have not demanded that anyone post in larger print. I have my own means of coping with that.

You are dead wrong that the bold means screaming. ALL CAPS IS SCREAMING!

So while I would like to get along with you, I do not see any reason to bow to your demands, especially when it appears that you don't know what you are talking about. Please spare me any more demands.

I am almost 64 yrs old, poor vision and half deaf. I am sorry if that bothers you but bear in mind that your day may be coming. Perhaps when it does you will learn to be more tolerant and not be such a bossy jackass.

Oh by the way, I will rant when I damn well please.
Feel free to skip my posts.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Apr, 2006 07:13 am
I shot the sheriff
but I did not shoot the deputy down.
Oh no, I did not shoot the deputy.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Apr, 2006 07:19 am
blueveinedthrobber wrote:


Saddest. Excuse. Ever.


ahh compassion. Sweet.[/quote]

Blue, I am not going to waste my time responding to any more of these jackasses. It's very simple. I post the way I want to and they can do likewise.

It is, in my humble opinion, none of their damn business. No one is forcing them to read anything I write and quite frankly I am tired of all the orders. As I noted, obbosuco has gone from criticizing the font size to telling me not to rant.

The bottom line is, more than likely, that they don't like what I have to say about the corrupt, low life forms occupying the government these days and this is just another pile of BS to try to take attention away from the lying fraud who squats in the Oval Office.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Apr, 2006 02:35 pm
quoting Magginkat -

I am almost 64 yrs old, poor vision and half deaf. I am sorry if that bothers you but bear in mind that your day may be coming. Perhaps when it does you will learn to be more tolerant and not be such a bossy jackass.

As I noted, obbosuco has gone from criticizing the font size to telling me not to rant.
The bottom line is, more than likely, that they don't like what I have to say about the corrupt, low life forms occupying the government these days and this is just another pile of BS to try to take attention away from the lying fraud who squats in the Oval Office.

End quote

Ah, well, obbosuco is a jackass. I might revel in that for a bit.
If you truly have trouble seeing the screen, Magginkat, I do have sympathy, but as has been shown above, you can enlarge text to see it by the methods listed.

As for bold not screaming or yelling, I think it is fine to highlight a point on some rare occasions. When used for lots of comments in lots of posts I take it as yelling. I understand that you don't care to hear it.

I agree I shouldn't have instructed you, I should have been more polite and made my words a suggestion.

As to changing from telling you about the screaming font to telling you about the screaming text being ranting, I think I mentioned ranting earlier than that post.

I don't post about all this to distract from criticism of Bush and cohorts.
I am probably less a fan than you are.

If you feel continual ranting is useful, please keep it up. I'll scroll and read others' posts. Perhaps some of them will listen to you, which is their business.
0 Replies

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