I have been laughing my head off trying to remember all the quotes I wanted to quote but can't remember them all. I'm honoured to be on this site with you bunch of weirdos, whackos, nutjobs, eejits, mental cases, and all-round bunch of lunatics.
A special mention to Gus (love your new signature) and Slappy ...
And my answer is.....
Even though it's seldom, that uterus-plier comment hit home and made me laugh!
Nice new sig line, Gus.
This thread has taken an interesting turn!
Knowledge, art, and entertainment;
what more could one ask?
Funny when read as one statement.....
Quote:These are the end times. The numbers merely substantiate that.
My vagina is wet, and I can feel the heaviness of my uterus
George wrote:Knowledge, art, and entertainment;
what more could one ask?
(don't tell me they are one of those!)
I would not presume to tell you anything about either
of those topics, my friend. I only listen and learn.
Isn't your wisdom nice, George? :wink:
Lord Ellpus wrote:I remember once having a little Irish beauty who was terribly embarrassed about the whole thing. I took her upstairs to the bath and....well, I'm a gentleman, and very discreet.
Damn that wifey of yours. It was her elegance and grace that won you over wasn't it? Plus the fact she never tried to drown you! Ah well, I'll have to pine forever.
I was always of the opinion that it was a bit yucky and just not appealing - have always had very heavy very painful periods and besides even when the blood is fresh to me that just smells BAD not attractive.
Then I did it once and actually it's really not that bad. Actually from my point of view it was good because I've always been terrified of penetration and since I went on the pill zero lubrication... a lot of blood helps that situation some what
I guess I'd avoid it still but it's not a total no-go
The lubrication aspect is the main reason I don't like it. I don't get that libido increase (bummer, but may have something to do with the non-bummer aspects like no cramps and the periods themselves being short + fairly light) and there's TOO much lubrication. Ruins it for me, has to be at least some friction.
I voted "no big deal".
I like it. I have bad pain during that time, but that almost goads me on. It's like I turn into a cave-woman "You do this now". :wink: My hormones go so crazy, I get a real rush out of the sensual aspect of it. It's like my skin and nerves are lit up to maximum intensity. I like the entire primal experience of it, really.
Heeven's experience sounds like Heaven:) What a perfect night.
It is a turn off to me if a man is disguisted by blood. I mean; have you seen what comes out of a man?! Lorda Mercy! It's all good.
Jesus, I'm heading for a cold shower!
Be careful what comes out of that shower-head. I'll say no more.
drippy sticky stuff that leaves spots on the sheets...
shewolfnm wrote:drippy sticky stuff that leaves spots on the sheets...
You're doing that on purpose :wink:
Heeven wrote:flushd wrote:It is a turn off to me if a man is disguisted by blood. I mean; have you seen what comes out of a man?!
Well said.
Indeed! And we actually swallow that ****!