Democrat lawmaker attacks police officer

Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 06:58 pm
blueflame1 wrote:
"This has got to be embarrassing for the poor guy.

Can you imagine the flack he must be getting, heehee!" Yeah poor mysteryman.


Yeah, him too.
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Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 07:55 pm
revel wrote:

So this statement:

Several police sources said the officer, who was not identified,

just means that they won't say who the officer is?

Yes, that is what that statement means.

How do you know there are
a number of confirming, cross-corrobative eyewitness reports, including testimony or affidavit delivered under oath?
Do you have a source other than other police officers?

It has not been publically released

So we don't know what is on the videotape.

Lawyer Says McKinney a Victim in Scuffle

... Members of Congress wear identifying lapel pins and routinely are waved into buildings without undergoing security checks. McKinney was not wearing her pin at the time, and the officer apparently did not recognize her, she has said.

"Congresswoman McKinney, in a hurry, was essentially chased and grabbed by the officer," Myart said. "She reacted instinctively in an effort to defend herself."

Several Capitol Police officials have said the officer involved asked McKinney three times to stop. When she did not, he placed a hand on her and she hit him, they said. ...

U.S. attorney reviewing McKinney case ... McKinney, 51, scuffled with a police officer on March 29 when she entered a House office building without her identifying lapel pin and did not stop when asked.

Several police sources said the officer, who was not identified, asked her three times to stop. When she kept going, he placed a hand somewhere on her and she hit him, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

McKinney issued a statement of regret for the incident but no apology. She and her lawyers have repeatedly declared that she was a victim of inappropriate touching and racism and said they were considering pursuing civil action against the officer.

She and her attorneys have refused to say whether she hit the officer as alleged. James Myart Jr., her lawyer, suggested in a CNN interview that McKinney had acted in self-defense ...

Report: McKinney Punches Cop

... Sources say that the officer was at a position in the Longworth House Office Building, and neither recognized McKinney, nor saw her credentials as she went around the metal detector.

The officer called out, "Ma'am, Ma'am," and walked after her in an attempt to stop her. When he caught McKinney, he grabbed her by the arm.

Witnesses say McKinney pulled her arm away, and with her cell phone in hand, punched the officer in the chest ...

Georgia Congresswoman Faces Arrest for Scuffle

... U.S. Capitol Police said there is surveillance video of the confrontation between the officer and McKinney, but they say the video will not be released ...

And lets not overlook another Representative possibly engaging in Obstruction of Justice and Abuse of Office on Rep. Mckinney's behalf:

McKinney Blames Police For Slapping Incident
... Channel 2 Action News has learned that Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-CA.) intervened when word got out Wednesday night that McKinney might be arrested.

She says she approached the House sergeant-at-arms to discuss the situation.

Millender-McDonald sits on the House committee that oversees the Capitol Hill police and the sergeant-at-arms' office.

Naturally, McKinney is playing the victim through all this, citing her gender and her ethnicity as the root causes of her abuse at the hand of Authority. And of course, Rep.
Millender-McDonald, who shares attributes beyond Party Affilliation with the unfortunate, oft-victimized Rep. McKinney, insists she did not "intervene", but rather that she merely wanted some questions answered.

Roxxx wrote:
I just hope the poor, defenseless rent-a-cop is recuperating satisfactorily from this viscious attack!

Just FYI, The Capitol Police, of whom the officer in question are duly sworn, armed peace officers in Federal employ. Reservingg any judgement as to their relative qualifications by comparison with other police agencies, they are not "rent-a-cops" and by definition are Federal Peace Officers - which means that assaulting a member of The Capitol Police Department is a Federal crime. Also, to what extent, nor even whethe, the officer may have been injured is irrelevant to the core charge of assault.

Now, granted, Rep.McKinney so far has not been charged with anything, and any rush-to-judgemment is untoward. At this point, all we have is what has been reported, and a few soundbites from some of the interested parties, imparting whichever direction of spin as might be suitable to the agenda and partisan affilliation of the party playing to the cameras and microphones.
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Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 10:18 pm
We need to get this vicious predator behind bars! The capital is not safe with potential rent-a-cop killers like her on the loose.
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Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 10:23 pm
Can anyone imagine how empty one's life has to be to go through the trouble of accessing several newspaper articles to try to put a case together aginst this victimized defenseless sister? Is it misogyny, racsicm or both. Or perhaps some other deep emotional void that needs to be filled?
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 12:31 am

McKinney Admits Misusing Taxpayer Money

POSTED: 3:40 pm EDT April 3, 2006
UPDATED: 3:57 pm EDT April 3, 2006

WASHINGTON -- Rep. Cynthia McKinney admits that she broke government rules by spending money to fly a celebrity to Atlanta.

Channel 2 Action News has uncovered documents showing McKinney, D-Ga., spent about $1,000 of taxpayer's money to fly singer Isaac Hayes to Georgia to help dedicate a new office in Atlanta.

The money came from a fund members of Congress are supposed to use for office supplies.

Using the money to pay for Hayes' airline ticket and hotel expenses is a violation of strict congressional rules. Those rules state that taxpayer money can only be used for "travel by Members, Members' employees and vendors. A vendor is an employee of a private company that provides maintenance and support for equipment and software..."

Watchdog groups call taxpayer-funded celebrity travel a blatant waste of taxpayer money.

McKinney staffers say they will reimburse the congressional fund for the cost of Hayes' flight and hotel room.
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Joe Nation
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 03:00 am
And in other news:

Tom DeLay will announce today he is leaving Congress .

This is no drill.

Joe(I was wrong. There is a god)Nation
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 05:47 am
Joe Nation wrote:
And in other news:

Tom DeLay will announce today he is leaving Congress .

This is no drill.

Joe(I was wrong. There is a god)Nation
Did he have a run-in with a security guard too?

Oh, sorry. It was that whole Republican CORRUPTION scandal, wasn't it? Just the kind of thing a story like this McKinney nonsense would be blown out of proportion to hide.

Hmm. I'm sure it's just a coincidence...
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 05:59 am
Good riddance to Delay.

On the McKinney deal, I think we should wait and see what her defense attorney says if she should be charged before jumping to conclusions. She has not admitted to hitting him and claimed she was acting in self defense. From what I could read, it could very well be that way. But if it is not, then she should be charged just like anyone else no matter her race or gender or party or anything else.
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 06:19 am
Boortz claimed McKinney "looked like a welfare drag queen"; predicted "Media Matters will pick up on that"

Summary: Declaring that "Media Matters will pick up on that," radio host Neal Boortz said of Rep. Cynthia McKinney, "I don't blame that cop for stopping her" because "it looked like a welfare drag queen was trying to sneak into the Longworth House Office Building."

Referring to Rep. Cynthia McKinney's (D-GA) March 29 altercation with a Capitol Police officer, Neal Boortz attacked McKinney's physical appearance on the March 31 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio program, stating, "I don't blame that cop for stopping her" because "it looked like a welfare drag queen was trying to sneak into the Longworth House Office Building." He added: "That haircut is ghetto trash." Boortz said he was "absolutely privileged and entitled" to make his comments, based not on his "white privilege," but on his "bald privilege," saying, "I've been enduring jokes about my lack of hair for years," so "I am privileged and entitled to say anything I want about anybody else's hairdo." Boortz then predicted, "Media Matters [for America] will pick up that one," and declared: "[T]hat's why I do things like that, just to give them something to write about." As Media Matters noted, earlier on his program, Boortz had said that McKinney "looks like a ghetto slut."

From the March 31 broadcast of Cox Radio Syndication's The Neal Boortz Show:

BOORTZ: OK. Now, I'm going to repeat something that I said a little bit earlier. I've been enduring jokes about my lack of hair for years, so I am absolutely privileged and entitled. This is not white privilege, this is bald privilege. I am privileged and entitled to say anything I want about anybody else's hairdo.

I saw Cynthia McKinney's hairdo yesterday -- saw it on TV. I don't blame that cop for stopping her. It looked like a welfare drag queen was trying to sneak into the Longworth House Office Building. That hairdo is ghetto trash. I don't blame them for stopping her. Now, let's see if Media Matters will pick up on that one. "Boortz calls McKinney welfare drag queen." [laughs] So, well, that's why I do things like that, just to give them something to write about.
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 06:20 am
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 07:45 am

Talking about stepping in it!

Suddenly, for some people, the issue isn't Cynthia McKinney hitting a law enforcement officer and then screaming racism. Nope. The issue is what I had to say about her hair style. That's entirely fair --- to a point. Last Friday I said that that hairdo ... the wild and crazy every hair going in a different direction hairdo -- made her look like a ghetto slut. Know what? That was wrong. Bad wrong. That was overboard. I know Cynthia McKinney. I've know her for years. I intensely dislike her anti-American politics and her constant race baiting ... but on a personal level we've always gotten along just fine .. kidding each other ... needling each other. I remember her spotting me sitting in the House visitors gallery one day and yelling (with a smile on her face, by the way) "Neal Boortz! Who the hell let you in here?" I've known her father much longer than I've known her. I have said on the air several times this past week that I think that she has an endearing personality and a million-dollar smile.

That being said, I don't think that it was right to use the word "slut" in any description involving her or her hairdo. So ... my heartfelt apologies to Cynthia McKinney. I'll say it here, and I'll say it on the air on today. When I'm wrong I'll admit it with no hesitation.

Now this apology is going to mean absolutely nothing to those of you who consider every word ever uttered by someone-not-liberal to be "hate speech." This apology is going to mean nothing to those of you who consider every negative comment or criticism ever made of or about anybody-not-white to be "racism." Most of the people who have sent me some rather nasty emails in the last 24 hours know nothing about me except what they've read on some far-left websites. One listener from Saginaw, Michigan wrote to say that this apology indicates that I recognized my error and that I take responsibility for my words. He then wonders if it will be accepted. I am not concerned about whether or not it will be accepted. That's up to McKinney. I've said this because it's the way I feel. The apology, therefore, is for the millions of listeners who do know me and who were disappointed by my statement on Friday. Sorry I let you down.

Actually, I should be horsewhipped for saying something stupid that allowed, to some extent, the attention to shift from the wrongdoing of Cynthia McKinney to my ill-chosen words. The issue here is not how one would define Cynthia McKinney's hairstyle. The issue is whether or not Cynthia McKinney assaulted a law enforcement officer who was merely trying to do his sworn duty. Contrast, if you would, my apology with that of Cynthia McKinney. McKinney has only said that she "regrets" that the incident happened. That is not an apology. So far as I've heard there has not been one "I'm sorry." Instead, McKinney stages a news conference Friday afternoon featuring two of premiere Hollywood leftist jackasses, Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte, two men fresh from their recent appearance giving aid and comfort to America-hater Hugo Chavez in Venezuela. So, there is Cynthia McKinney, standing there with two men who have said some mighty foul things about our country and our president, accusing a police officer of being a racist because he didn't recognize her when she circumvented a screening station. That man spends his days protecting McKinney and her colleagues; and she thanks him by calling him a racist for merely doing his job. Let's see if Cynthia can eventually stand up and apologize for being a fool. I just did. It really doesn't hurt all that much.
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 07:53 am
revel wrote:
Good riddance to Delay.

On the McKinney deal, I think we should wait and see what her defense attorney says if she should be charged before jumping to conclusions. She has not admitted to hitting him and claimed she was acting in self defense. From what I could read, it could very well be that way. But if it is not, then she should be charged just like anyone else no matter her race or gender or party or anything else.

I agree.
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 10:10 am
Fox News
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 10:15 am
A spokesman for U.S. Attorney Kenneth L. Wainstein said he was reviewing the merits of the case.

Translation: How far can we push this?
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 03:12 pm
Montana wrote:
Baldimo wrote:
Wow another perfect example of attacking the thread starter. No one wants to debate. Attack after attack on MM 6 pages worth of attack and very little debate. Good to see nothing has changed in the time I have been gone. Keep up the bad work people of the left. Remember I am over seas to protect your ability to attack people you disagree with glad to know I'm working so hard for something so important.

Ummm Hello!!!! If MM didn't name this thread "Democrat lawmaker attacks police officer", I think that would have made a difference on how people responded.
This thread was an instant attack on Democrats, so spare me your little lectures about us attacking him.
By the way, I don't attack people. I defend myself!

How am I attacking ALL Democrats?????

Cynthia McKinney IS a democrat,so my statement is accurate.
If she had been a republican,I would have said REpublican lawmaker.
Dont get your panties in a twist over your own partisanship.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 03:19 pm
Here's the heading of the article in the link you posted in your very first post.

"Lawmaker scuffles with Capitol police"

Here's the heading of your choice for this thread:

"Democrat lawmaker attacks police officer"

Need I say more?

So, me thinks you should be doing an overhaul on your own panties ;-)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 03:23 pm
If she was a republican, we wouldn't be having this conversation because you wouldn't have started a thread on it in the first place.
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 03:25 pm
Montana wrote:
If she was a republican, we wouldn't be having this conversation because you wouldn't have started a thread on it in the first place.

Wanna bet???
And I said Democrat because she IS a Democrat.
How hard is that for you to understand?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 03:25 pm
The adjective for a member of the Democratic party is Democratic--as in Democratic lawmaker. How hard is that for you to understand?
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Reply Tue 4 Apr, 2006 03:29 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Hey, where is MM, still trying to find that space after a comma?

Sorry sweetheart,
I didnt mean to cause you to worry about me.
If I had known you were so worried about my whereabouts,I would have checked in yesterday,but I have a job and a family life,and cant be on here all the time.

But,knowing that you were so worried about me just warms my heart,and makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
But,we still arent gonna take long hot showers together,as much as I know you want to.
0 Replies

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