Roxxxanne wrote:mysteryman wrote:Roxxxanne wrote:McKinney was not recognized as a member of Congress. Race could very well be an issue, why wasn't she recognized? Don't they all look alike?
mm is coming unhinged over a minor battery. 5 years? LOL
That is a racist comment if ever there was one?
As for the 5 years,you apparently didnt read your own link...
Quote:Charges against McKinney could range from assault on a police officer, which is a felony carrying a possible five year prison term, to simple assault, which is a misdeameanor.
So,yes I do hope she gets the 5 years.
Well, don't they all look alike? At least that is what I have heard time and time agin from whitefolk like you. So without even knowing the facts of the case, you want her to get the mximun sentence. That just typifies your ignorant POV on just about everything.
Whitefolk like me???
So now,not only do you prove you total ignorance,you prove how racist you actually are!!!
I have never said that,nor will I ever say that.
The only racist statements on this thread are coming from you!!!
As for her getting 5 years,I hope EVERY person,no matter who they are or what their "position" in life,gets the maximum sentence allowed for assaulting a police officer.
When you and others make jokes about it,that is tacitly applause for the criminal act.
Instead of commenting on the facts,which I provided 2 links to,you laugh about it.