Democrat lawmaker attacks police officer

Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 02:29 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Setanta wrote:
Say, MM, you have still not either provided evidence that anyone whom you choose to describe as "those on the left" have applauded this woman, nor have you withdrawn that baseless contention.

Can one assume that forthright honesty is not one of your strong suits?

Honesty is my major value.

Those on the dem side as soon as the article was posted started saying she should have done what Bush or the repubs would have done.
So,since the dems are always attacking Bush,does that mean they applaud what Bush and Co have done,since they think she should have done the same things they hate Bush for doing?

One person made that remark--and it cannot be construed as either exemplary of everyone else here, nor evidence of applause. You know that those who responded in this thread by the top of page two (when you puked up your "applause" canard) are "on the dem side" how?

I asked you again for your proof that anyone applauded her, because this tripe of yours which i have quoted above is not an answer to my question.

What evidence do have that anyone applauded her? Either admit that you have none and withdraw that statement, or provide the evidence. You are not yet being honest here, however much you may proclaim that as a virtue.
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 02:31 pm
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 02:34 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Anon-Voter wrote:
I don't have it! I bet you do ... Why don't you post it so everyone knows what a mysogynist you are. You were real proud if it ... come on ... put it on here!!


It dissapeared with the death of Abuzz.
So,that means that you cannot show what you are talking about,or the context of what was written.
I would suggest you hold yourself to the same standards you hold everyone else to and drop it.

Why don't you rewrite it! I know you haven't changed! Rewrite it and let us all see the inner you!!

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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 02:35 pm
Montana wrote:
Are you denying these posts that Anon speaks of?

You must have missed my post Mystery and as a former member of Abuzz for many years, I'm very curious to hear your response.
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 02:35 pm
Applause was the wrong word,support and approve of are better choices of words.
I repeat,who on here,besides me,has said that what she did was wrong?

If you dont think it was wrong,then you support what she did.

Remember,the left has used that same argument against the Bush supporters,so it holds true here also.
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 02:35 pm
All I said was all my ex got for hitting me was probation.
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 02:40 pm
mysteryman wrote:
Applause was the wrong word,support and approve of are better choices of words.

What evidence to you have that anyone here supports or approves of her action? Can you point to it in this or another thread?

I repeat,who on here,besides me,has said that what she did was wrong?

Since when was agreeing with you, and rushing to say so, the criterion for demonstrating one's moral rectitude?

If you dont think it was wrong,then you support what she did.

This is not axiomatic. Someone might consider it silly, or in poor taste, but not necessarily wrong--and therefore would no support her action. But, even if this statement were correct (and there is absolutely no reason to believe it is), what evidence do you have that anyone here doesn't think it was wrong?

Remember,the left has used that same argument against the Bush supporters,so it holds true here also.

Before it was "on the dem side," now it's "the left." You need to define your terms, and to be specific for such a discussion to make rational sense. What you have done all along is to erect strawmen, which is to say, you have falsely characterized people's remarks, or you are putting words in people's mouths, in order to give you a position to argue.

Who here has used "the same argument against the Bush supporters?"
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 02:44 pm
Personally, I think what she did was wrong. I don't like violence in any way shape or form.
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 02:48 pm
Hey MM,

Jesus Son ... It just occurred to me ... are you a closet gay?? This is a great place to come out MM, I can't think of a more understanding place than this to help you come out and deal with any issues you may have!!

We're here for ya man!!

0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 02:58 pm
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 03:08 pm
Montana wrote:
Personally, I think what she did was wrong. I don't like violence in any way shape or form.

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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 03:56 pm
Remember when Cynthia attacked Rummy? "Representative Cynthia McKinney Grills Rumsfeld On Dyncorp Sex Rings, Missing Pentagon Trillions & 9/11 Wargames"

C-Span | March 24 2005

Rumseld and Myers forced to shuffle uncomfortably and fumble for words as McKinney gets in their face about three issues seldom mentioned in official circles.

From a reader: Here is a Video of Representative Cynthia McKinney's Exchange on the House Hearing on FY06 Dept. of DefenseBudget, March 11th, 2005.

Watch how McKinney asks questions about Dyncorp slave rings, the 3 trillion missing from the pentagon and the 911 wargames.

Notice the faces Rumsfeld, Myers, Jones, Hunter and others make!! http://www.prisonplanet.com/articles/march2005/240305mckinneygrills.htm
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 04:53 pm
Besides misogyny, racism and blatant partisanship, what justifies wanting to throw the book at someone before even knowing all the facts of the case, before even formal charges have been levied.

Only a hateful, miserable, embittered, poor excuse of a human being would hold such a viewpoint.
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 04:54 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
Hey MM,

Jesus Son ... It just occurred to me ... are you a closet gay?? This is a great place to come out MM, I can't think of a more understanding place than this to help you come out and deal with any issues you may have!!

We're here for ya man!!


IT JUST OCCURRED TO YOU??? Rolling Eyes Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 05:00 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Besides misogyny, racism and blatant partisanship, what justifies wanting to throw the book at someone before even knowing all the facts of the case, before even formal charges have been levied.

Only a hateful, miserable, embittered, poor excuse of a human being would hold such a viewpoint.

Interesting POV,
coming from sopmeone that has called the President a criminal,and called Tom DeLay a criminal,and wanted both of them to receive the maximum penalties possible.
There have been no formal charges against the President,and the DeLay case has not gone to trial yet,but you want to throw the book at both of them.

So,I guess that makes you a "hateful, miserable, embittered, poor excuse of a human being",doesnt it.
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Reply Sat 1 Apr, 2006 05:00 pm
Setanta wrote:
mysteryman wrote:
Applause was the wrong word,support and approve of are better choices of words.

What evidence to you have that anyone here supports or approves of her action? Can you point to it in this or another thread?

I repeat,who on here,besides me,has said that what she did was wrong?

Since when was agreeing with you, and rushing to say so, the criterion for demonstrating one's moral rectitude?

If you dont think it was wrong,then you support what she did.

This is not axiomatic. Someone might consider it silly, or in poor taste, but not necessarily wrong--and therefore would no support her action. But, even if this statement were correct (and there is absolutely no reason to believe it is), what evidence do you have that anyone here doesn't think it was wrong?

Remember,the left has used that same argument against the Bush supporters,so it holds true here also.

Before it was "on the dem side," now it's "the left." You need to define your terms, and to be specific for such a discussion to make rational sense. What you have done all along is to erect strawmen, which is to say, you have falsely characterized people's remarks, or you are putting words in people's mouths, in order to give you a position to argue.

Who here has used "the same argument against the Bush supporters?"

Again, conservatives lack the emotional ability to admit they are wrong.
I haven't seen any support here for what she did. Zero. Zip. Nada. McKinney is not one of my favorites. Personally, this incident doesn't warrant enough import to form an opinion as to the severity of what ocurred. Who knows, maybe this rent-a-cop is looking for some fast cash. I really don't care. There are far more portentious events in DC to focus on than this little outburst.
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Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 01:45 pm
How very droll. I merely point out that Bush & Co.-- or the Bush Crime Syndicate, if you prefer-- have been getting away with much worse for years and suddenly I've graduated into the League of Lawbreakers & Their Supportive Ilk.

Having unwittingly done so, I must say how very Republican I feel.... Smug, self-righteous, willing to say or do anything to support my masters and keep them in power, equally willing to send American youth off to die in my stead so that I can appear more manly and somehow make up for my own dearth of service...

Eeek! It's the Dark Side!

Okay, maybe it's not so funny. Just plainly, sadly horrific...
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Reply Sun 2 Apr, 2006 10:18 pm
People hit people all the time, so what makes this special?

Here's one

Woman assaults paramedic Document Actions A woman who was lying in the road in an attempt to kill herself was arrested after she punched a paramedic on the shoulder in a bid to escape hospital treatment.
The 40-year-old ambulance worker received the blow after he attended the scene in Feltham High Street at 7.30pm last Wednesday.
The female patient, who is now receiving psychiatric assessment, was seen lying in the road opposite Superdrug. She was swearing and smelled strongly of alcohol.
She had been helped from the floor and was getting into the ambulance when she launched the attack.
A spokesperson for Hounslow police said: "These people are on the front line and assaults on them will not be tolerated. They should not be subjected to behaviour like this."
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Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 03:03 am
Wow another perfect example of attacking the thread starter. No one wants to debate. Attack after attack on MM 6 pages worth of attack and very little debate. Good to see nothing has changed in the time I have been gone. Keep up the bad work people of the left. Remember I am over seas to protect your ability to attack people you disagree with glad to know I'm working so hard for something so important.
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Reply Mon 3 Apr, 2006 05:53 am
Baldimo wrote:
Wow another perfect example of attacking the thread starter. No one wants to debate. Attack after attack on MM 6 pages worth of attack and very little debate. Good to see nothing has changed in the time I have been gone. Keep up the bad work people of the left. Remember I am over seas to protect your ability to attack people you disagree with glad to know I'm working so hard for something so important.
Physician heal thyself.

In any case, it's pointless to engage in "discourse" over such a ridiculous premise. This is just another example of someone spoiling for an argument to no good purpose other than to hear themselves argue. And manufacturing additional phony issues in the bargain.

It's deserving of nothing but lampooning and if you don't see that, it's only because it's your pal's ox being gored.
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