Montana wrote:Ok, here's my opinion on the matter.
The woman didn't wear her ID badge and the cop doesn't recognize her, so he tries to get her to stop. She kept going, so he probebly grabbed her arm to stop her.
Cop was doing his job and woman thinks her **** don't stink.
On a prior note you posted you stated that "PEople hit people all the time. What the big deal?"
The BIG DEAL to me is a US Representative must act in a professional and dignified manner at all times. I am disgusted at politicians who feel they are above the law and can do what they please. She just happens to be the latest example of a politician who thinks they are above the law. Now she is bating the public and playing her little race and gender card which further disgusts me.
If this were a Republican, I guarantee the tone from some of you would be different.
The fact that some of you got "upset" with how MM characterized the post by his title bears out the sentance above.