Democrat lawmaker attacks police officer

Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 12:33 pm
I can't see where race comes into this. If the cop knew who she was, do you honestly think he'd put himself though all this?

What could he possibly have to gain?
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 12:47 pm
revel has indicated she doesn't know all the facts, and has defended McKinney from that perspective. ("Maybe it was an accident.")

You are good at spinning, I'll give you that.

No one knows all the facts yet and it is not outside the realms of possibilities that McKinney accidently hit the police officer when she turned around or something. It just seems odd to hit someone with a cell phone.

If she hit him on purpose then she should pay the price. We don't know yet as she hasn't went to court yet and she has not admitted to hitting the police officer or said she hasn't hit the police officer. She has just said she acted in self defense. We don't really know what that means.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 12:47 pm
If she had stopped and allowed them to identify her, none of this would have happened.

She f*cked up, but we all make bad judgements in life sometimes, so she's human as far as I'm concerned.

I don't like her defense strategy, but it doesn't mean I don't like her.

I may be doomed with the label of being a democrat, but there are several conservatives here that I think highly of, even though we may disagree on a lot of things.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 12:59 pm
None of the people mentioned in self-righteous hypocricy by Tico, other than Roxxxane, have defended the individual in question. They have simply pointed out that she has not had her day in court. Which is why i have not condemned her. I have pointed out to Roxxxane that the language employed in her posts is just as inflammatory as that used by MM in trying to pick a fight with the topic of this thread.

I'm not "playing thread monitor," and i find it hilarious to see the self-made white knight of the rigth level such a charge against anyone else.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 01:14 pm
I'd like some more background on this, because I get the feeling we're missing a lot of the context. Apparently members of congress at least, and I would suspect quite possibly some of their aides don't have to go thru the metal detectors. Which means at least something more than 400, and maybe a thousand people are exempt. They're supposed to wear those little pins. Unlike George Bush, who probably has an aide whose sole duty is to transfer that little flag pin to the suit he's going to wear today, probably at least 300 of them on any given day don't bother to transfer their own little pin to today's suit (unless they just wear yesterday's suit and shirt), and I'll bet every one of them imperiously sweeps around the detectors and expects to be recognized--it is continuously borne in upon us in every day's news how jealously they guard their perks and expect them as a consequence of their existence.

In other words, she was probably doing exactly the same thing most of her fellow reps do.

And notice that the guard grabbed her (which I think, without looking it back up, is exactly how the news accounts described it). Do we think that the guard is going to "grab" some imperious white guy who sweeps by him in his power suit? Or is he going to say "excuse me, sir" to that guy?

A cell phone is not exactly an assault weapon, and if someone grabs you when you think you're doing what you have every right to do, you're probably going to push that arm off.

Was she an imperious jerk to a degree? Probably so. But was she doing exactly what most of her colleagues probably do and don't get stopped doing it? Again, probably so. Is that differential treatment? Probably so.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 01:30 pm
All reports say that they asked her to stop 3 times, but refused to stop.
I think it would have been in the cops best interest to get himself in front of her to block her way, but either way, they had to stop her in order to identify her.

Maybe she was startled and spun around and hit him in defense or maybe she just spun around quickly and hit him by accident.
Either way, if I was told by a cop to stop and I refused to stop, I would be very well aware of who was grabbing me.

I'm still up in the air about it until I have more information and I am responding on the way I picture it in my own mind. That's why I use the "if" a lot :-)
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 01:34 pm
The story is not the scuffle, the story is the racist reaction to it. Go to freeper.com. Listen to Neil Boortz's comments, then try to deny the racism.

I don't think anyone who calls him or herself a liberal should apologize for defending McKinney or attacking the bigotry, whether it is subtle (here) or blatant ----Boortz, the freepers, and the thousands of hateful bloggers----
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 01:37 pm
Montana wrote:
All reports say that they asked her to stop 3 times, but refused to stop.
I think it would have been in the cops best interest to get himself in front of her to block her way, but either way, they had to stop her in order to identify her.

Maybe she was startled and spun around and hit him in defense or maybe she just spun around quickly and hit him by accident.
Either way, if I was told by a cop to stop and I refused to stop, I would be very well aware of who was grabbing me.

I'm still up in the air about it until I have more information and I am responding on the way I picture it in my own mind. That's why I use the "if" a lot :-)

IMO your take is very reasonable. As I have stated the event itslef and how much blame should be placed and where is not of interest to me. One thing you can bet your life on is that this case will never go to (criminal) trial.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 01:44 pm
I went to the site and couldn't find what you're refering to, but I am totally against racism (you know that), but I don't see how she can pull out the race card in this case.
I haven't seen anything at all so far that would make her think that race was a factor.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 01:44 pm
McGentrix wrote:
Why don't you take it to a seperate thread if you believe it to be important. This thread is for discussion of this topic.

Let me check... Yes this is the A2K website, not the McG-Sandbox. If you don't like your own hypocrisy being shown to you, then go play somewhere else. Otherwise, you might as well stick that Twin Towers pic where the moon don't shine and go join Osama. I hear he dislikes debate and dissent too.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 01:47 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
Montana wrote:
All reports say that they asked her to stop 3 times, but refused to stop.
I think it would have been in the cops best interest to get himself in front of her to block her way, but either way, they had to stop her in order to identify her.

Maybe she was startled and spun around and hit him in defense or maybe she just spun around quickly and hit him by accident.
Either way, if I was told by a cop to stop and I refused to stop, I would be very well aware of who was grabbing me.

I'm still up in the air about it until I have more information and I am responding on the way I picture it in my own mind. That's why I use the "if" a lot :-)

IMO your take is very reasonable. As I have stated the event itslef and how much blame should be placed and where is not of interest to me. One thing you can bet your life on is that this case will never go to (criminal) trial.

All we can do now is wait to see how this all plays out.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 01:48 pm
Setanta wrote:
I'm not "playing thread monitor," and i find it hilarious to see the self-made white knight of the rigth level such a charge against anyone else.

What the hell is a "rigth level"?
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 01:50 pm
username wrote:
I'd like some more background on this, because I get the feeling we're missing a lot of the context. Apparently members of congress at least, and I would suspect quite possibly some of their aides don't have to go thru the metal detectors. Which means at least something more than 400, and maybe a thousand people are exempt. They're supposed to wear those little pins. Unlike George Bush, who probably has an aide whose sole duty is to transfer that little flag pin to the suit he's going to wear today, probably at least 300 of them on any given day don't bother to transfer their own little pin to today's suit (unless they just wear yesterday's suit and shirt), and I'll bet every one of them imperiously sweeps around the detectors and expects to be recognized--it is continuously borne in upon us in every day's news how jealously they guard their perks and expect them as a consequence of their existence.

In other words, she was probably doing exactly the same thing most of her fellow reps do.

Except it appears most of her fellow reps don't strike the Capitol Hill Police when and if they are stopped and asked for identification. Unless you have some information the rest of us are not privy to.

And notice that the guard grabbed her (which I think, without looking it back up, is exactly how the news accounts described it). Do we think that the guard is going to "grab" some imperious white guy who sweeps by him in his power suit? Or is he going to say "excuse me, sir" to that guy?

Are you asking our opinion on what the security officer would do in that situation? If he's doing his job he better grab the white guy who tries to get by the metal detector without showing proper identification. You clearly have bought into this claim that she was only stopped because she's black, even though there is absolutely no evidence that is the case.

A cell phone is not exactly an assault weapon, and if someone grabs you when you think you're doing what you have every right to do, you're probably going to push that arm off.

If a law enforcement officer tells you to stop, and you don't, and that LEO grabs you, you have committed the crime of battery if you strike that LEO. You might try to claim "mistake" as a defense, if you're willing to claim you did not know it was a LEO, or if you didn't hear the command to stop (these are the facts revel is claiming we don't know yet), but those are weak defenses at best.

And nobody is claiming a cell phone is an "assault weapon," but a battery can be caused by your pinky finger.

Was she an imperious jerk to a degree? Probably so. But was she doing exactly what most of her colleagues probably do and don't get stopped doing it? Again, probably so. Is that differential treatment? Probably so.

Again, you have no evidence to support this claim. Does it reflect reality? You have no idea. It's merely your imagination working overtime.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 01:51 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
... One thing you can bet your life on is that this case will never go to (criminal) trial.

Will that be because McKinney is a woman, or because she is black?
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 01:58 pm
More likely no trial will result due to negotiated plea. Likely as well, this incident is the coda to McKinney's political career.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 01:59 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Was she an imperious jerk to a degree? Probably so. But was she doing exactly what most of her colleagues probably do and don't get stopped doing it? Again, probably so. Is that differential treatment? Probably so.

Again, you have no evidence to support this claim. Does it reflect reality? You have no idea. It's merely your imagination working overtime.

He clearly presented his conjunction as a set of presumptions ("I would suspect", "I'd bet", "probably"), so whats your problem?

As far as speculation goes, this sounds plausible enough to me. <shrugs>
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 01:59 pm
I agree. If a big white dude walks in there and refuses to stop then the cop better stop him if they want to keep their job.
The cops are there to make sure the building is secure and identifying everyone who comes through the door is what they're there for.
Anyone who refuses to stop for a cop has to expect that the cop is going to stop them. if they refuse to stop, the cops are left with no choice than to use some type of physical action to stop them.
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 02:01 pm
Tico I sure wish you would stop putting words in my post I didn't post. Go back and read my posts, I meant no more or no less than I actually posted.

these are the facts revel is claiming we don't know yet
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 02:12 pm
blacksmithn wrote:
I told you, in words you would presumably understand (clearly I was mistaken on that point!), look to your own beam before you presume to comment on the motes of others.

In other words, Sparky, since you guys have actual INDICTED jackanapes (and I submit that in the grand scheme of things, pedophilia, bribery and corruption are rather more serious than slapping a guard, if that in fact is what happened) to worry about, go deal with those before whining about somebody else's behavior.

So you have no opinion on this matter. Then why are you making any commentary?
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Reply Wed 5 Apr, 2006 02:13 pm
I got this from MM's link in his origional post.

In her statement, McKinney said most members of Congress expect Capitol police to recognize them. "I was urgently trying to get to an important meeting on time to fulfill my obligations to my constituents. Unfortunately, the police officer did not recognize me as a member of Congress and a confrontation ensued," she said. "I did not have on my congressional pin but showed the police officer my congressional ID."

She says most members of Congress "expect" Capital police to recognize them" and I have a problem with this.

Then I read that she said she "did show them her congressional ID", so this sends me off in another direction. <sigh>
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