ebrown_p wrote:I take it personally when you reduce people I care about to "illegal" and even suggest harsh and vindictive measures that will destroy their lives and hurt our community.
yep, we all understand your feelings about this e.
but to be fair, now it's your turn to understand that many americans (latest polls suggest 70-71% of us...) also take it personally when people who enter the u.s. illegally (and, yes; to enter undocumented is illegal ) have the kind of economic, social and civil defense impact that we are seeing.
i take it personally when people
that i care about are unable to achieve or maintain the kind of life that they want for
their family because they are constantly battling for work that an illegal will do for half as much. despite where i live now, i still have people that i care about in the south that are having a sh*t hard time keeping farming and factory work
in the small towns they were born in; because illegals have swamped the area.
you seem to labor under the illusion that every person in america has been born into the lap of luxury.
have you ever been to the appalachian region ? do you get it that there are americans down there living in shacks with dirt floors ? do you get it that some folks are entirely unsuited for a career in stock trading ? not everyone has the mental horsepower to be a c.e.o., ya know.
so what are they supposed to do ? starve ? where is their help ?
have you ever been to the midwest ? do you get it that small farmers, some of whom are from a family of farmers going back near two centuries can no longer compete against the large aggie corporations that employ illegal immigrants by the hundreds ? do you get it that the employing of illegal cheap labor
hurts families? do you get it that when a small farm can no longer support that family, that it
separates families ?
so what are they supposed to do ? which member of the family should fall on his pitchfork so the youngest can survive ?
have you ever been in harlem? how about south l.a. ? west side louisville ?
how about the 9th ward of new orleans ?
where is your compassion for these people ?
you keep talking about how illegals are only coming here
to make a better life for their families.
okay. so where are native born americans supposed to illegally immigrate to for a better life if they can't get it here?
do you not believe that born americans do not deserve the same humane treatment that you advocate so loudly for those born elsewhere ?
do you get it that there are millions of americans that are not making it ? do you get it that they are having an increasingly hard time getting the help from government services that they and their families have paid into for over a half century ? illegal immigrants are creating a humongous drag on the system. what part of that alludes you ?
and at the same time, most illegals are sending the bulk of their money back to their country of origin. how is that good for the economy of the united states ?
i don't know about where you live, but here in sunny south california, i have seen the gang problem grow in direct proportion to the increase in illegal immigrants. in response, urban american gangs have also grown.
do you get it that poses a direct threat to me and my family ?
do you get it that, despite what bush says, we were not attacked on 9/11 by iraq, but by individuals; some of whom were here illegally and some of whom were on expired visas. and that thanks to a hamstringing of the n.i.s. and an immigration policy that is so widely disregarded that it's totally useless, multiple thousands of americans were killed that day ?
so, should we just keep ignoring the problems and hey, if it happens again, that's okay?
i don't dislike you, e. in fact, on most topics we more or less are on the same page.
but in this case, frankly, i don't see that you are asserting your calls for compassion and humane treatment in an even handed way. you don't really seem to care about the folks that were born here. certainly not in a primary way.
there are people here that i care about, and the huge flow of illegal immigrants is hurting them.
and i take
that personally.