No, but Kleenex is making a killing right about now.
As a local TV commentator pointed out, The issue is so emotionally loaded for both sides, one should not expect too much movement either way.
cjhsa wrote:
I spent many years of my life fighting communism, and I will continue to fight it.
You've ben quite successful, I must confess. Only China, Cuba, Korea, Laos and Vietnam are still to done.
Walter, You left out Boston.
Hey Edgar, a bunch of us are heading down to Houston over the next few weeks. Where can we get good barbecue? We tried a couple places and were disappointed in the thin, chile based "sauce" served up with no alternative. We went to Pappas and Hickory Barn. Nobody liked either of them.
edgarblythe wrote:Walter, You left out Boston.
And I'd thought, I'd left out a "be" ...
to be done
(some posts disappeared)
I guess Edgar has resigned himself to the fact there is no good barbecue in Houston.
Bush wooed Hispanics and christians since he was governor in Texas. I wonder if they still listen to Bush?
Ozone created by electric cars now killing millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia, formally known as California.
CI, You crack me up.
California was the Spanish name given to the region when the area was part of Mexico. Why would Mexicans want to change the name they gave it?
If there will be a name change for the state I would suggest "Usafornia" would more appropriate.
I stand corrected.
I still think Usafornia has a nice ring to it.
Feel free to go troll my other thread on the subject you just created.
I didn't want to correct anybody, ebrown.
Califa, btw, was a queen, ruling that mystic Spanish island.
So, from a republican point of view your name would be appropriate. :wink:
If what CJ alleges about the non-Spanish-speaking element of the population is true, how about Bigototopia?
Walter Hinteler wrote:cjhsa wrote:
I spent many years of my life fighting communism, and I will continue to fight it.
You've ben quite successful, I must confess. Only .......and Vietnam... still to done.
wwwwhhhhhaaaaattttttttt ?!?!?!
but..but...but...(??).. america already fought communism in vietnam so we wouldn't have to fight it here....
huh. guess ya can put a bullet in a messenger but not an idea..
DontTreadOnMe wrote:wwwwhhhhhaaaaattttttttt ?!?!?!
but..but...but...(??).. america already fought communism in vietnam so we wouldn't have to fight it here....
huh. guess ya can put a bullet in a messenger but not an idea..

Well, I named - that's the part you quoted me but deleted what I wrote - the names of thoses countries, which are still ruled by communists.
Anything else is your idea.
Walter Hinteler wrote:So, from a republican point of view your name would be appropriate. :wink:
no way dude. it's far too much fun watching my parents look all sheepish as they introduce me as their "son from ca-mumblemumbe-nia....".
Walter Hinteler wrote:DontTreadOnMe wrote:wwwwhhhhhaaaaattttttttt ?!?!?!
but..but...but...(??).. america already fought communism in vietnam so we wouldn't have to fight it here....
huh. guess ya can put a bullet in a messenger but not an idea..

Well, I named - that's the part you quoted me but deleted what I wrote - the names of thoses countries, which are still ruled by communists.
Anything else is your idea.
it was a joke, walter. lighten up, babe.