And... for the record I am strongly supporting the McCain-Kenndy bill which in addition to providing a path to legalization, also has a workable plan for security and border control.
I don't have to treat anyone with respect who doesn't respect our borders and laws.
What a crock - that would be you epb.
ebrown wrote:I am waiting with baited breath...
I'm sure it was merely a typo on your part, ebrown, but the expression is "bated breath", not "baited".
If I remember correctly the term originated in the time of Shakespeare and was originally "abated breath". Over time, somewhere, somehow, it was shortened to bated breath.
Sorry for the interruption. Please continue with the Mexican bashing.
Oooh, how about joke then?
Why does Mexico's national soccer team suck so badly?
Because all of the best players are doing construction work in southern California.
nimh wrote:cjhsa wrote:Join me in sending me back to their own country.

I don't think Mexico wants him.
Sure it does, if he spends enough money... or perhaps we can do a collection to bribe 'em...
cjhsa wrote:Oooh, how about joke then?
Why does Mexico's national soccer team suck so badly?
Because all of the best players are doing construction work in southern California.
man that's a classic... right up there with "Is your refigerator running"......
Let's put this thread to good use.
Have you all called your senators in support of McCain-Kennedy (which will give a path to legalization for millions of undocumented workers)?
The senate is in recess next week, and immigration reform is one of the top issues for when they come back as Frist has promised a vote on immigration by the 27th. There are competing ideas including the house bill which makes it a crime for churches to help needy immigrants without checking their status.
So this is really an important time for those of us who care about immigrants.
Taking the time to call to your Senator will make a difference.
But I dont support McCain-Kennedy.
Why should those who broke our laws be rewarded?
Do we allow the bank robber to keep the money he stole?
If they are in this country illegally,they should be deported,not rewarded.
But McCain-Kennedy doesn't reward anyone. It is an acknowledgement of the fact that these immigrants are benefitting the US, that they have assimilated into our communities (and that we can't afford to deport all of them anyway).
McCain-Kennedy contains a punishment. There is a $2000 fine and a requirement that the immigrants pay taxes and work to learn English and US history (many have already done the last two).
Deportation sounds good for those who want a harsher punishment. It would break families hurt businesses (and even industries) and ruin lives... not just of those who broke the law.
Deportation is favored by those who want to stop certain ethnic groups from residing here. In this case it makes lots of sense to kick as many of the Mexicans (this is a hatred of Mexicans thread after all) as possible. I don't know if you support the "English only" rhetoric or not (or the America is a Christian nation), but you must know it permeates the anti-immigrant movement.
Those who favor the economy of the US don't want mass deportations. Those who like to live in a culturally diverse society don't want mass deportations. Unions who represent the American workers don't want mass deportations.
If you think about it, this "legalistic" argument is ridiculous-- as if Americans have never broken laws.
Did you oppose the commemoration of the life of Rosa Parks, who is honored for breaking the law. Do you object to the teaching of the "Boston Tea Party" as a seminal moment in American history. Do you question the heroism of the Underground Railroad.
And lastly, what about your ancestors. Millions of Americans today of Irish and Italian and Greek descent are here because their ancestors broke the law to get here.
It is very easy for a comfortable middle class American to forget his immigrant roots. People who are vulnerable will do what it takes to provide a future for their families, even if it means crossing a border-- and millions did.
The real force behind anti-immigrant (and anti-immigrant goups have always hid behind the law since the Know-Nothings) is ethnic hatred. It isn't surprising that this discussion is taking place in an thread expressing hatred toward one ethnic group.
You are assuming I an anti Mexican
Nothing could be further from the truth.
I want ALL illegal immigrants,no matter what country or continent they are from,deported from this country.
I dont care how they are good for the economy,there are other,LEGAL workers that can do those jobs.
You said...
"Deportation is favored by those who want to stop certain ethnic groups from residing here. In this case it makes lots of sense to kick as many of the Mexicans (this is a hatred of Mexicans thread after all) as possible. I don't know if you support the "English only" rhetoric or not (or the America is a Christian nation), but you must know it permeates the anti-immigrant movement."
I do support the "english only" initiative,but only for official govt documents.
An Imigrant is free to speak whatever language they want,but when dealing with the govt,they should speak english.
I was born and raised in southern Cal,and an election ballot is printed in 15 different languages.
I think that is wrong.If you wanna vote in our elections,learn english.
Are you saying we cant have a culturally diverse nation unless we allow illegal immigrants?
The key word is ILLEGAL.
Why are you so opposed to enforcing our laws?
Enforcing our laws is not the issue.The McCain-Kennedy bill is a proposed law. It would impose a penalty of $2,000 for people who are out of status.
The real issues are as follows.
1) The anti-immigration proposals are extremely harsh and vindictive. They uproot lives, break families, hurt communities of American citizens who want them here and penalize immigrant children who coming with a parent didn't break the law.
2) They are simply impractical. The cost of deporting all of the undocumented immigrants here is prohibitive.
Anti-immigrant people understand that and their plan is very cruel. They plan to be as oppressive to undocumented immigrants as possible, to make their lives unbearable and force them out of the country by attrition.
3) They are immoral. Anti-immigrant forces (in their plan to be a cruel as possible) are opposing even rights as basic as workman's compensation.
This doesn't even make any sense since it rewards employers who are breaking the law (the very thing they say they are opposing-- but this time it is hurting people).
4) They are racially motivated. Not everyone who is anti-illegal-immigrant is a racist. But it is safe to say that everyone who is a racist is anti-illegal immigrant.
The Minutemen, for example, have clear likes to racist groups that they aren't even making a real effort to repudiate. They certainly don't reject money or members.Go to any anti-immigrant group and you will quickly hear racist rhetoric outside of the "upholding the law" smokescreen.
The very rhetoric of the "mexican invasion" is borrowed from racist propaganda. It simply a rehash of the "race war" foretold by countless hateful groups.
Yep, the typical liberal race ploy. What a crock.
cjhsa wrote:As an illegal, you cannot pay taxes or Social Security.
That is most assuredly wrong. Illegals pay all sorts of taxes, including FICA. To be sure, many illegal aliens work "off the books," but they still pay sales taxes and other governmental fees. Furthermore, illegals rarely make claims for governmental services, so for what they pay in taxes they usually see very little return.
In order to pay FICA they have to have a SS#. And they will often use any number they can determine is valid.
It's another form of identity theft.
And to say that "illegals rarely make claims for governmental services" is ridiculous. Who pays for their healthcare? You and me.
cjhsa wrote:Joe,
In order to pay FICA they have to have a SS#. And they will often use any number they can determine is valid.
It's another form of identity theft.
That may very well be true, but then that's another issue entirely. You said that illegal aliens
cannot pay social security taxes, and that is manifestly untrue.
cjhsa wrote:And to say that "illegals rarely make claims for governmental services" is ridiculous. Who pays for their healthcare? You and me.
You and I rarely pay for their healthcare because illegal aliens rarely avail themselves of subsidized healthcare. Some do, of course, but at rates far lower than that of citizens who are entitled to such care. As for my part in paying for their healthcare, I'm glad that I can be of some assistance.
Re: Should the USA Annex Mexico?
cjhsa wrote:Your thoughts?
Have you thought about asking the Mexicans if they should annex USA?
I think they already have.
It is deliciously ironic that the most of the whiners about illegal immigrants, and the most of the illegal immigrants are to be found concentrated in those portions of these United States which we stole from the Mexicans at gun point one hundred sixty years ago.