xingu wrote:A whole lot of illegals, hey?
Maybe Mexico is trying to take back what we took from her.
What did we take?
After the Mexican - American war,they ceded most of the southwest to us.
Part of it,the Gadsden purchase,we BOUGHT from mexico...
Of course,we also paid cash for the land that Mexico ceded to us after the war...
So,what exactly did we TAKE from Mexico?
As for legal or illegal immigrants,I have very clear opinions,based on 30+ years of living on the border.
ILLEGAL immigrants are a hazard in Ca.
There are countless illegals that get hurt or killed every year,trying to cross interstate 5,south of San Diego.
The problem has become so bad that there are signs posted,warning motorists of the problem.
Also,crime along the border has increased,because the illegals commit acts of burglary,trying to find food and water after crossing the desert.
The costs to hospital emergency rooms because of treating illegals,is staggering.
Public hospitals,welfare,and other social services are being overwhelmed by illegals,resulting in massive increases in cost overruns and deficits.
LEGAL immigrants are welcome in this country,but ILLEGAL immigrants should be returned to their native countries.
Why must we reward those who knowingly and willingly violate our laws?
I can take you to University Hospital in /san Diego,where on any given day there as many illegal immigrant women in the maternity ward as there are US citizens.
Many illegal women come here just to have their babies,because they know their baby is a US citizen if its born in the US.
I personally think that if a woman comes here illegally just to have a baby,then both her AND the child should be returned to the mothers native country.
No matter how much you try to sugar coat it,ILLEGAL immigrants are a problem,and must be dealt with as a problem.