These girls I tell ya..... !!!!
Just spoke to "R" on the phone, we are meeting again tomorrow (after he finishes work - yeah he is working weekend

) though it is going to be very short as I have another party to go to !
He can't come to the party with you?
1. HAvent asked the host
2. What if the host wants to introduce me to more eligible batchelors ???
The Man with a Plan... :-) Don't leave home without it!
1) You're right about looking sharp... "The clothes make the man". They do.
2) But the clothes are just a tool. The result is in the smile and the look in your eye. The way you FEEL makes the biggest difference, more than anything about your actual appearance. Anyone can have real charisma just by smiling and playing and being genuine. The most plain, ordinary people look vibrant and beautiful when they are really alive. They just look different.
3) Also, check this out: I noticed that when somebody passes a mirror and they look ... their face changes completely!
Watch it sometime. Suddenly they have a serious look in their eye, their cheeks are lower, they're frowning, self-conscious, concerned, kind of a heavy feeling. The instant they make eye contact with themself, the shape of the eye changes. All the insecurity, worry and stress flashes across their face. It's a completely different person!
Mirrors lie. You do not look ... the way the mirror says you look. Details, yes, but not the actual person.
What most other people see is how you walk, how you sit, how your face moves -- as you talk and laugh and ask questions and listen. A person in motion is completely different from that worried person analyzing their flaws in the mirror.
As long as you are enjoying yourself, that beauty and joy spreads to everyone around you. In that context, with that smile, EVERYone is physically beautiful.
Just a thought.
Hi all,
Back from Malta. Yes, Beth, Brad is filming "Troy" there at the moment. Didn't see him (much to the disappointment of E, my co-worker).
I've told Super G to bring R with him to my birthday party (yes, I'm the host to whom he referred very obliquely)!!!
The weather here in London is wonderful - sunny and clear, not TOO hot. Gorgeous.
Well, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO KITCHENPETE! belated or on time, the wishes are the same - have a great day, a great party, a great year [size=7]and did you send an invite to Brad?[/size]
and now we'll be waiting for a description of R!
May I take this oppurtunity to mention that KP is a wonderful host - and knows some of the best looking women in London
Gautam, you make me blush! Yes, I know a few babes, I suppose. I had fun for my birthday...but not that kind of fun! Options, there are always options... :wink:
R seems relatively quiet (compared with our man G, anyway!) and the pair of them seemed to be getting on very well through the evening.
Brad was not able to make it to the party, Beth... he said he had to help Jennifer wash her hair!!!
My turn to blush now ..... <BLUSH>
Yeah, we get on well together, and KP mate - compared to me - anyone is quiet !!
I speak rather too much methinks ....
Another quandary....
Was speaking to "I" yesterday (the guy who has a crush on me and whose friend/flatmate, "R" I am dating - to refresh yr memories)...and he asked me "So did u ever get to see "R" again ??"
Looks like "R" did not tell "I" that we have been out on 3 dates in less than two weeks !!!! Now I am meeting "I" next week - what shud I do if this topic crops up ????
methinks that as well.
However, could not help but wonder abt "R"'s silence with "I" ....
Since all of you have been with me since the begining of this episode in my life, so it is only appropriate that I share the ending with you as well.
R and I had a heart to heart yesterday. And for reasons which I am still trying to comprehend, we have decided to be just friends.
Please don't feel sorry for me. I lost nothing, except maybe hope, but then they say that "hope springs eternal"
I walked away from all this with my dignity intact and gained a friend in the process.
And that's what is most important.
As KP very aptly put it - "The director shouts NEXT"
so, gautam, full 4 days have passed. who is next? you will not turn all silly and contemplate monk-hood again, will you? you show them! is there something between R and I? Perhaps that being the reason why R didn't tell I about your dates? And perhaps I should not speculate, because that can take up hours and hours. So tell us more!
dagmaraka wrote:is there something between R and I?
Dag! You've really been in London all this time, seducing R, haven't you?
Shoot, shoul've been quiet. As we Slovaks say: the duck that's been shot will quack. That was me. Not the duck, but shot. Naaah, nemmind...