Sounds great, Pete!
Have a nice week!
I saw "R" last week, and I am seeing him again tomorrow
No more details to be revealed
From a famine to a feast!
Life is never boring for too long, is it? :wink:
LOL!!! hardly a feast, but better than starvation !!!
He is lovely !
I'm still new here, sort of, but I'm floored. This is the coolest thing I've seen on the web in so long! A dozen good friends, Gautam, Super-G (I LOVE skiing, go, go, go, oops... Ahem.) a dozen good friends sharing real advice, with no preoccupation to race, nationality, gender, age, orientation, appearance, ... just free!
Do you guys have any idea how special this place is? This thread right here?
(Of course you do, I'm an idiot for asking!) Gautam, I'm still catching up on all these posts, and I'm hardly any kind of expert at all. At first, I thought you were after a Real Relationship and was rooting for commitment, communication, closeness, conservative plans.
Then I saw you're more about enjoying life and flitting among interesting opportunities. Burnt twice, so let's enjoy. So you go guy! Whichever path is right for you. You know better than anybody what you value, your situation, and the people involved.
I do think Good Friends are hard to come by, take precious care of them.
And everyone deserves frank, honest communication.
The most important person to communicate with is ... yourself.
The more you know your Self, the more clearly you can tell people what you're all about.
But the playing, the sparks, the intoxicating romance and exploration,
(if they are not controlling and dictating) they are the legendary stuff of life.
Don't be a slave to "supposed to" or "should", but to your own
decisions about your life's character and destiny.
You can create anything you want!
I may be completely off the mark. But know that I"m rooting for you!
(... and still have a lot of catching up to do ... )
Gosh, that CodeBorg's a sweetie.
Yay Gautam!!
(How's the toof?)
Code, that is a wonderous post !!! Thanks a ton mate !!
Soz, the toof has been taken out and is probbaly in some safe disposal bin, so I can't really comment on how it is. As far as I am concerned, I am pretty okay - still have a bit of a pain, but can drink booze again THANK GOD !!!
Now we're talkin'!
Glad the dastardly toof is gone, gone, gone.
Took em 90 minutes to take it out though ....
Nasty lil' bugger that toof I tell you ..
Ay-yi-yi. Were you well and truly knocked out?
And waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaait a minute. "R" is not "I"! (I realize this is obvious to folk who have working brain cells, but that does not yet describe me this a.m.) What happened to "I"? Who is "R"?
Nasty? Sounds like maybe he just liked you a little too much......
Yay Gautam for going for it and getting what you wanted. How are thing's with R's housemate.
Cborg - it is a special place and you seem to fit right in <grin>
OK, "I" is the friend who has a flatmate Gautam was hot for... is that "R"?
I got sidetracked by "P". That and the morning-brain-cell-mush thing.
I is the guy through whom G met R
LOL okay okay !!
Yes "I" (Iain) was my friend (actually, he has a major crush on me) and I was hot for his flatmate and best friend "R" (Ryoji) who I dated last week (even with a swollen cheek) and am seeing him again tomorrow !!
And I is still friends with you guys?
OK great so R is the original guy not some newcomer.
Very cool.
Yeah I and R, and I and I (god this is getting too confusing for me as well) are still friends, though I did pass some snide comments abt me and R. But you know what ? If I was in I's position, I would have done that as well....
The funny thing is that R was telling me that he was very surprised when I asked him out, as he though that when we first met, when I introduced us, I did not pay him any attention, as if he did not even exist !! Now I found that to be hilarious, as I was more than aware of his presence. Either he is blind, or I am too subtle !!
Code - you're quite right. This is an amazing place. Why else would I be logging on here at midnight from a hotel room in Malta (OK, I had to check emails for work, but this isn't about "surfing"). It's about seeing how my friends are doing and saying "Hi".
Hugs to the lot of you!
Hi kitchenpete! How's it going in Malta?