i wonder how many of the people here, interested and advising, are merely cheering from the sidelines in committed monogamous relationships (no thrill of the chase any more, see....).
Just a couple of notes about my advice:
I didn't know if Gautum was a man or a woman. Even though I'm familiar with Gautum from seeing him on line, and maybe this was already mentioned, I didn't remember. So, my advice would be the same either way.
I am in a committed relationship - with a man I was friends with and decided to sleep with on a whim because I couldn't stand 'not knowing' anymore. I decided I just had to have him before some other woman got him. It went poorly and we stopped speaking for a while. Now we're getting married.
I've been known to pursue what I think will make me happy a lot. But, then again, I'm not a person that tries to keep everything smooth and happy with other people.
I'll admit it - I'm usually just after my own best interest. To each one's own.
I asked him out (it would be nice if the *two* of us could get together for a drink)....
And he said "I would love to"
<dancing a jig for G>
Now we can all relax. That includes you, Gautam.
Hope, "my basket" works for you tonight as well, Pete! :wink:
All the best on that first date!
You know you have to tell us all about it!
..how are your teeth, taken care of?

All the best on that front too!
I hope so, too, Walter.
I'll give you all an update on Tuesday (Monday's a holiday in the UK, instead of yesterday).
Walter - how could I forget to thank you !!!!!
KP, I am sure it will work out for you, else that girl is blind !!
Dag, the surgery is on the 16th. They want to admit it one day before the surgery so that they can run some tests (because of that bloody nerve !!)
Actually, I'll be working in Malta next week, I've just discovered!
I'll try to get online, but can't promise...maybe over the weekend.
Yippee - can't wait to hear how it all works out!
Gautam--KP--HOORAY!!!!! Good luck to two wonderfu guys.
Patiodog, I have been married for soooo long that I can hardly remember being single! It is great to keep track of the romances of Gautam and KP.
BTW, if either of you choose to get married in the US, I'm a justice of the peace and can perform the ceremony, but only in the state of Connecticut, where I am registered. I promise not to cry at your weddings.
Gautam and Pete get married in Connecticut by Diane - I'll spread this news at once in the cyber- and other worlds! :wink:
Short of both you and the flatmate leaving town, there's not much you can do. You could sit "I" down and just be straight with him about things but the chances of him being big about it are very small and understandably so. Is it worth the risk of losing your good friend and he losing his best friend?
Quick update:
I had a lovely dinner with N on Friday and told her that I've always had a soft spot for her. She said she'd never seen me in that light and would let me know if that changed...i.e. I won't be holding my breath, but it would be great to have her as a better friend anyway...she's friends with many attractive, intelligent women!
I ended things with S on Saturday. Let her know that I don't feel enough to make it fair to continue. I felt bad afterwards but know I've done the right thing. I can't carry on half-heartedly after only 1 month! I should feel more passionate, if it's "right".
Sorry to take up space on Gautam's thread, but I'm sure he won't mind.
I'll be abroad on business this week, so may have trouble logging on. Take care, all of you. KP