Magginkat wrote:McG.... I didn't see any sense in repeating what Cicerone & others have posted. I am sorry that you don't have the ability to absorb anything until your have it read to you ten thousand times by Faux Spews but that is your problem not mine.
As usual with a repug when you attempt to describe a liberal (me), you always....ALWAYS describe yourself.
The biggest problem with this response of yours is that neither c.i. nor others on your behalf have been able to provide any evidence to support your statement that McG repeated above ("
Not only did he do it a number of times but the one that stands out is when he used it in his state of the union speech."). I asked you specifically to support your claim that Bush claimed a direct connection between Saddam and 9/11 in his SOU speech, since that is what he disclaimed yesterday in his speech in Ohio, and what you characterized as his being "caught in a whopper." Now you seem to be blaming what you said on "talking heads," distancing yourself from the errors in your post.
If you are counting on Cicerone Imposter to come to your defense, you really are in trouble. The quote c.i. provided says, "
Bush never pinned blame for the attacks directly on the Iraqi president," which is wholly consistent with what Bush said in Ohio. C.i. certainly didn't enlighten us with how Bush made a direct connection between Saddam and 9/11 in his state of the union speech," which is what you said yesterday.
We just caught you libbies earlier in this thread lying about Bush calling the Iraq threat "imminent" in his SOU speech, and you can't make it through the day without spewing another misrepresentation about Bush. Pathetic. Like McG said, if you don't want to be called on your ridiculous statements, you probably should stop making them.