Who Would Vote For bush Again?

Reply Tue 14 Mar, 2006 11:55 am
The body of Christian Peacemaker Teams activist Tom Fox has been found in Iraq, according to the BBC.

It is abundantly clear from the Christian Peacemaker Team website that they could hardly have done more to declare their sympathy for the Muslim world, the Palestinian cause or their distaste for America. A less haggard Tom Fox is shown holding up a sign protesting the construction of an Israeli barrier in "Palestine".

I'm hard pressed to have any sympathy whatsoever.
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Reply Tue 14 Mar, 2006 12:02 pm
This thread was nothing but Bush-bashing bait to begin with, since none of us will get a chance to vote for W for president again.

Thus the reason for my diversion.

Iraq Foils Plot to Put Terrorists at Posts


BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) - The Iraqi interior minister said Tuesday that authorities had foiled an al-Qaida plot that would have put hundreds of its men at critical guard posts around Baghdad's heavily fortified Green Zone, home to the U.S. and other foreign embassies as well as the Iraqi government.

A senior Defense Ministry official said the 421 al-Qaida fighters were actually recruited to storm the U.S. and British embassies and take hostages. Several ranking Defense Ministry officials have been jailed in the plot, the official said on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the information.

Interior Minister Bayan Jabr, in an interview with The Associated Press, said the 421 al-Qaida recruits were one bureaucrat's signature away from acceptance into an Iraqi army battalion whose job is to control the gates and main squares in the Green Zone. The plot was discovered three weeks ago.

``You can imagine what could happen to a minister or an ambassador while passing through these gates when those terrorists are there,'' Jabr said in the interview conducted at his office inside the Green Zone - a 2-square-mile hunk of prime real estate on the west bank of the Tigris River. The area is a maze of concrete blast walls, concertina wire and checkpoints.

The Defense Ministry official said the plot was uncovered by the military intelligence and the General Intelligence department that works under the government.

The Green Zone has been attacked in the past with mortar rounds and rockets. A number of car bombs driven by suicide attackers have been detonated in the past two years at the entrances, killing scores of people.

On Oct. 14, 2004, two al-Qaida members carried out a suicide attack inside the zone, hitting a market and a cafe. Six people were killed, including four Americans, and 20 people were wounded.
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Reply Tue 14 Mar, 2006 01:33 pm
cjhsa wrote:
It's obvious that c.i. lives in California and doesn't watch TV. How quickly he has forgotten the events of 9/11.

really missing the silicon valley, aren't ya?

tell me, cj, how do you like new york ?
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Reply Tue 14 Mar, 2006 01:41 pm
New York? Isn't that where salsa comes from?
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Reply Tue 14 Mar, 2006 01:42 pm
What's my line now? Oh yeah:

git a rope!

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cicerone imposter
Reply Tue 14 Mar, 2006 01:59 pm
Would you vote for Mao or Wo Fat again?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 02:43 pm

That's what we think we heard on the 11th of September 2001 (When more
than 3,000 Americans were killed -AD) and maybe it was, but I think it
should have been "Get Out of Bed!" In fact, I think the alarm clock has
been buzzing since 1979 and we have continued to hit the snooze button and
roll over
for a few more minutes of peaceful sleep since then.

It was a cool fall day in November 1979 in a country going through a
religious and political upheaval when a group of Iranian students attacked
and seized the American Embassy in Tehran. This seizure was an outright
attack on American soil; it was an attack that held the world's most
country hostage and paralyzed a Presidency. The attack on this sovereign
U.S. embassy set the stage for events to follow for the next 25 years.
America was still reeling from the aftermath of the Vietnam experience and
had a serious threat from the Soviet Union when then, President Carter, had
to do something. He chose to conduct a clandestine raid in the desert. The
ill-fated mission ended in ruin, but stood as a symbol of America's
inability to deal with terrorism.

America's military had been decimated and down sized/right sized since the
end of the Vietnam War. A poorly trained, poorly equipped and poorly
organized military was called on to execute a complex mission that was
doomed from the start.

Shortly after the Tehran experience, Americans began to be kidnapped and
killed throughout the Middle East. America could do little to protect her
citizens living and working abroad. The attacks against US soil continued.

In April of 1983 a large vehicle packed with high explosives was driven
into the US Embassy compound in Beirut When it explodes, it kills 63
people. The alarm went off again and America hit the Snooze Button once

Then just six short months later in 1983 a large truck heavily laden down
with over 2500 pounds of TNT smashed through the main gate of the US Marine
Corps headquarters in Beirut and 241 US servicemen are killed. America
mourns her dead and hit the Snooze Button once more.

Two months later in December 1983, another truck loaded with explosives is
driven into the US Embassy in Kuwait, and America continues her slumber.
The following year, in September 1984, another van was driven into the gate
of the US Embassy in Beirut and America slept.

Soon the terrorism spreads to Europe. In April 1985 a bomb explodes in a
restaurant frequented by US soldiers in Madrid. Then in August 1985 a
Volkswagen loaded with explosives is driven into the main gate of the US
Air Force Base at Rhein-Main, 22 are killed and the snooze alarm is buzzing
louder and louder as US interests are continually attacked.

Fifty-nine days later in 1985 a cruise ship, the Achille Lauro is hijacked
and we watched as an American in a wheelchair is singled out of the
passenger list and executed. The terrorists then shift their tactics to
bombing civilian airliners when they bomb TWA Flight 840 in April of 1986
that killed 4 and the most
tragic bombing, Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie, Scotland in1988, killing

Clinton treated these terrorist acts as crimes; in fact we are still trying
to bring these people to trial. These are acts of war. The wake up alarm
is getting louder and louder. The terrorists decide to bring the fight to
America. In January 1993, two CIA agents are shot and killed as they enter
CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia.

The following month, February 1993, a group of terrorists are arrested
after a rented van packed with explosives is driven into the underground
parking garage of the World Trade Center in New York City. Six people are
killed and over 1000 are injured. Still this is a crime and not an act of
war? The Snooze alarm is depressed again.

Then in November 1995 a car bomb explodes at a US military complex in
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia killing seven service men and women. A few months
later in June of 1996, another truck bomb explodes only 35 yards from the
US military compound in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. It destroys the Khobar
Towers, a US Air Force barracks, killing 19 and injuring over 500. The
terrorists are getting braver and smarter as they see that America does not
respond decisively.

They move to coordinate their attacks in a simultaneous attack on two US
embassies in Kenya and Tanzania.. These attacks were planned with
precision. They kill 224. America responds with cruise missile attacks and
goes back to sleep.

The USS Cole was docked in the port of Aden, Yemen for refueling on 12
October 2000, when a small craft pulled along side the ship and exploded
killing 17 US Navy Sailors. Attacking a US War Ship is an act of war, but
we sent the FBI to investigate the crime and went back to sleep.

And of course you know the events of 11 September 2001. Most Americans
think this was the first attack against US soil or in America. How wrong
they are. America has been under a constant attack since 1979 and we chose
to hit the snooze alarm and roll over and go back to sleep.

In the news lately we have seen lots of finger pointing from every high
officials in government over what they knew and what they didn't know. But
if you've read the papers and paid a little attention I think you can see
exactly what they knew. You don't have to be in the FBI or CIA or on the
National Security Council to see the pattern that has been developing
since 1979.

I think we have been in a war for the past 25 years and it will continue
until we as a people decide enough is enough. America needs to "Get out of
Bed" and act decisively now. America has been changed forever.. We have to
be ready to pay the price and make the sacrifice to ensure our way of life
continues. We cannot afford to keep hitting the snooze button again and
again and roll over and go back to sleep.

After the attack on Pearl Harbor, Admiral Yamamoto said "... it seems all
we have done is awakened a sleeping giant." This is the message we need to
disseminate to terrorists around the world.

This is not a political thing to be hashed over in an election year this is
an AMERICAN thing. This is about our Freedom and the Freedom of our
children in years to come.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 02:58 pm
America needs to wake up alright...or at least the United States needs to wake up.

We need to quit bullying the world and expect them to fall down and kiss our feet because we do so. We need to quit playing footsie with every two bit, tin horn dictator that comes along.

George bu$h and his dictator/terrorist friends and his policies toward them have set this country back at least 40 or 50 yrs.

Let's just hope that he doesn't manage to set up a nuclear war in the next three yrs. Then let's hope that we get a president who does what george did his first few months in office and that is to try to undo as much of bu$h's bullschitt as possible with executive orders.

Then he should issue an executive order to start an official investigation into all the corruption that has taken place the past five yrs, including the war crimes, crimes against the Constitution & the law breaking conducted by this sorry excuse for a president who now squats in the oval office.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 03:08 pm
Another liberal in denial.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 03:13 pm
if you could take just a moment from labeling anyone who thinks bush is a lame excuse for a president these days, you'd notice that it's not just liberals that feel like they're getting the shaft.

sure, security is an issue. so is competence. and honesty.

the first is worthless without the second and third.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 03:40 pm
Magginkat wrote:
America needs to wake up alright...or at least the United States needs to wake up.

We need to quit bullying the world and expect them to fall down and kiss our feet because we do so.

We invaded Iraq to protect ourselves from the prospect of a Saddam Hussein armed with doomsday weapons. We were protecting ourselves, and also requiring Hussein to comply with the surrender treaty he signed after annexing Kuwait. We were not bullying anyone. We have no expectation of anyone falling down and kissing our feet.

Magginkat wrote:
We need to quit playing footsie with every two bit, tin horn dictator that comes along.

The whole point is that this is a dictator we did not play footsie with. Bush is being criticized for doing the opposite of playing footsie with him.

Magginkat wrote:
George bu$h and his dictator/terrorist friends and his policies toward them have set this country back at least 40 or 50 yrs.

Please supply one specific instance of terrorism or corruption by the president, plus some evidence that it's true. If what you say is so, this shouldn't be hard to do.

Magginkat wrote:
Let's just hope that he doesn't manage to set up a nuclear war in the next three yrs....

The invasion of Iraq was specifically to prevent a particularly dangerous dictator from starting a nuclear or biological war.

Magginkat wrote:
Then he should issue an executive order to start an official investigation into all the corruption that has taken place the past five yrs, including the war crimes, crimes against the Constitution & the law breaking conducted by this sorry excuse for a president who now squats in the oval office.

Please give one and only one specific example in any of these categories, together with some evidence that it's true. I don't think that such exists.

Your accusations are nothing but fantasy based on your animosity towards the president. If I'm wrong, all you need do is give specific examples (an assertion + evidence that it's true) to support any of these accusations.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 03:49 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:

We invaded Iraq to protect ourselves from the prospect of a Saddam Hussein armed with doomsday weapons. We were protecting ourselves, and also requiring Hussein to comply with the surrender treaty he signed after annexing Kuwait. We were not bullying anyone. We have no expectation of anyone falling down and kissing our feet.

Brandon, there is no way in Haydes that I am going to spend my time debunking your worn out sound bytes. For God's sake, come up with something new for a change.

The only thing we need to protect ourselves from at this moment is that little dictator wannabe in the oval office. He is the world's foremost terrorist.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 04:00 pm
DontTreadOnMe wrote:
if you could take just a moment from labeling anyone who thinks bush is a lame excuse for a president these days, you'd notice that it's not just liberals that feel like they're getting the shaft.

sure, security is an issue. so is competence. and honesty.

the first is worthless without the second and third.

Beautifully stated Don'tTreadOnMe.

If we had any competence, any honesty in this administraton, the security would almost take care of itself.

I keep thinking of President Clinton's 1994(?) State of the Union address when his teleprompter ran the incorrect speech for over 8 minutes and he skillfully proceeded with his speech..... did so well that most people never had a clue that he was doing so without that famous teleprompter.

Look at what we have now.... a guy who can't even read the darn teleprompter, who has a difficult time, even with the ear pieces he so obviously wears. Worst of all he had publically stated that others should do the reading & provide him with the info that he needs.

What a way to lead a country..... can't read, won't read, doesn't give a damn........it's someone else's job. Blame someone else every time something goes wrong.

Heck..... blame former President Clinton. Never mind that Clinton would have talked circles around this bozo and Clinton knew what the sam hell he was talking about too.

Small wonder that President Clinton is greeted like a hero where ever he goes while chicken george depends on pre-selected, republican only, loyalty oath signing, bimbos who will cheer anything he says....... sorta like cjhsa!
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 04:08 pm
Maggs, Keep on truck'n, lady; you're right on the mark!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 05:21 pm
Don't just wish you could throw some of these A2K libs to the U.S. Marines?

They were hard pressed to even bring up a salute for Mr. Bill.

Semper fi.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 05:24 pm
MK, you need to clarify that hero biz - with every liberal outpost he goes to repeatedly. Cost me a lot of time on the road with his constant fundraising in the SF Bay Area. He loves them uber-libs with deep pockets.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 05:27 pm
NOw, that takes a lot of chutzpah; talk about "them uber-libs with deep pockets" while ignoring Abramoff.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 05:28 pm
My ballz are dayglow orange.
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cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 05:34 pm
cjh, Most of us already know "that," but thanks for confirming it.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Mar, 2006 05:36 pm
cjhsa wrote:
Don't just wish you could throw some of these A2K libs to the U.S. Marines?

They were hard pressed to even bring up a salute for Mr. Bill.

Semper fi.

you can keep going on about clinton if ya want. but, it isn't gonna fix anything that's happening now....

and btw, if ya aren't a marine or a former marine, ya might wanna leave the "semper fi" stuff up to the guys that are. anything else is just play acting. and most actors are liberals.

and of course, liberals are bad. Laughing
0 Replies

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