old europe wrote:ican711nm wrote:Your math presumes all gave $2,000. I doubt that the average donation of the individuals--and not non-corporate/non-union leaders--in the Democratic Party, was as much as $50. So $300,000,000/$50 = 6,000,000 donors.
As I earlier posted, we know that four of the donors (i.e., Soros, Lewis, Bing, Sandler) through pro-democrat 527s--all part of Soros's gang--gave more than $78 million of that $300 million.
According to the
Center for Responsive Politics, the top four donors to 527s on the Democratic side were
George Soros with $23,450,000 (not $27,080,105 as you seem to have claimed
here), Peter Lewis with $22,997,220, Steven Bing with $13,852,031 and Herb & Marion Sandler with $13,008,459.
This would account for $73.3 million. Unions gave pro-Democratic 527s another $94 million dollars, or about four times as much as Soros.
In combination, this would account for almost $170 million dollars donated to pro-Democratic 527s.
Had the average donation of the individuals merely been $50, that would roughly leave us with about 2,5 million individuals or 7.5 percent of the total American population. Not an unreasonable assumption.
Then again, if you don't want to rely on assumptions (and you might very well want to, given your track record here) or on echoing talking points, you may want to have a look at the pretty comprehensive database of the
Center for Responsive Politics.
The current population of the US is now 301 million.
100% x 2.5 million US individuals / 301 million total US individuals = 0.83% of the total American population.
100% x 2.5 million US Democrats / 150.5 million total US Democrats =
1.66% of the total American Democrat population.
But neither your calculation or my calculation is relevant to the point I was making.
It's the content of the e-mail [that blatham posted] that I questioned. I especially question the implied claim in that e-mail that individual members of the Democratic Party,
and not non-corporate/non-union leaders, contributed
almost all of that $300 million in campaign contributions the Democratic Party received in 2004.
Your post supports the validity of such questioning.
You posted above:
Quote:[George Soros ... Peter Lewis ... Steven Bing ... Sandler donations] would account for $73.3 million. Unions gave pro-Democratic 527s another $94 million dollars, or about four times as much as Soros.
In combination, this would account for almost $170 million dollars donated to pro-Democratic 527s.
100% x $170 million/$300 million = 56.7%--that is, more than half of that $300 million in donations received by the Democrats. That includes the union donations plus only four of the Democrat 527 contributions made by the Soros gang;
it does not include all the Democrat 527 contributions made by the Soros gang.
"Shadow Party" by David Horowitz and Richard Poe, page 247, NOTES, identified Horowitz's and Poe's source for the
Democrat ownership quote. The source was Sam Hananel's article in the Associated Press, December 10, 2004 (the day after Eli Pariser's boast), titled, "MoveON to Democratic Party: 'We Bought It, We Own It.' "
Yes, the Soros gang bought the Democratic Party and they do indeed own it.