The Foreign Affairs essay which Deb's post addresses is found
Just a quick look at the summary statement for now...
Quote:Summary: During the run-up to the invasion of Iraq, writes the intelligence community's former senior analyst for the Middle East, the Bush administration disregarded the community's expertise, politicized the intelligence process, and selected unrepresentative raw intelligence to make its public case.
The last bit in red, which Pillar and many others have written on, is the more relevant point here. Information control (cherry-picking, leaving unstated/unrevealed all the intel which didn't support the premises for war) was extended to Congress, Senate, the media and the citizens. And, as per the above, investigation into these matters has been so far completely stonewalled by the administration.
How do they get away with this? Of course, controlling the entire government structure is a big part of that answer. But they also have to be able to effectively control the communication lines out to the public so that what the citizens "know" or believe is managed - to the end consequence that dissent is minimized and support maximized.
In order to get that done, you have to marginalize any independent media and support/push to the fore separate media which function really precisely the way Pravda functioned in the USSR. And that is the role of Fox and of much conservative radio. There's a very good reason that Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld and team publicly (repeatedly) state that Fox is the network they watch. There's a very good reason that Cheney goes on Limbaugh regularly, but not Air America.
If you've read the PDF linked earlier, you'll see the research on who holds misperceptions regarding the Iraq war (eg, that world opinion supports the war, that Iraq was responsible for 9/11, that WOMD were found in Iraq, etc). If you watch Fox, you are more likely than all other media viewers to hold these false ideas. Further, the more hours you spend watching Fox, the more likely you are to hold, the more attention to news a person shows is NOT necessarily the critical factor. That doesn't hold true where your source is Fox or conservative radio though it does hold true for other media outlets.
All of this explains why it is so easy to identify those who come online here who are Fox viewers.