mysteryman wrote:
Everybody works to clean the environment,unless you are one of those fruitcakes that believes conservatives have a hidden,unlimited supply of clean water and air hidden somewhere.
What most conservatives oppose are laws that restrict how an individual or corporation uses private property,or laws that will force a company out of business.
Not everybody. Look at the backyards in your neighborhood and count clothes lines. Look at how many people simply throw everything in the trash. Look how many people refuse to walk anywhere.
We all live downstream from conservatives. If those wonderful conservatives thought that way, there wouldn't be any need for laws that restrict how someone uses his property -- what a silly, tired argument.
BTW, when two rights are in conflict, one is not a right. So, what about corporation X's right to spew mercury into the air and a pregnant woman's right to eat mercury-free fish? What about those smoke stack contaminants and the kids of NYC's right to have healthy lungs, free from asthma. Oh, I know! You don't believe mercury is in the fish or that pollution causes asthma, which gives you the right to kill.
Just wish you understood logic.