POM said...
Quote:Last week, I met a woman with two master's degrees who finally has a job after 12 years of looking. She worked all that time, but in part-time positions, which is all she was offered. Her new post is teaching senior English at the Ecole Bilingue, a prep school that offers its curriculum in the French language. She's at least 52 but not more than 60.
So,she was working.
Yet,you claimed that she couldnt find a job.
You are contradicting yourself.
If one part time job isnt enough,get a second job.
If you have any self respect,you do whatever you need to do to pay your bills and support yourself.
Its called PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY (theres that phrase again,the one POM claims the left supports).
Quote:A woman who is more than 45 years old, particularly if she spent time at home raising her children (something you might think is a conservative value but is actually something more often done by liberal women than by right-wing women), will not be able to find any work.
Wanna bet?
I can think of several women that fit that description,and have found work with no problem.
Maybe you cant,but that doesnt mean that others cant.
Quote:Dig ditches? Where does anyone physically dig ditches these days, other than in a Trappist monastery?
Construction work,landscaping work,farm work,running underground electrical lines,and many other forms of manual labor.
The fact that you would even ask that question shows how out of touch you are with real life.
Quote:People like you -- arrogant and unaware, and, ultimately, unsophisticated -- suggest to people like the woman with two master's degrees are unable to find work because they think working in a big box store is beneath them are so off base, it is disgusting. If a woman who is more than 40 is any sort of retail, it is most likely because it is the only job she can get. She earns between $6 and $9 per hour and is scheduled for less than 35 hours per week. Those hours are irregular and, if business is slow as it is these days, she will be sent home before her scheduled shift is over. She works another job as well. She can not pay for transportation, utilities, rent, etc on retail wages.
You are absolutely correct,I am unsophisticated.
If by that you mean looking down my nose at those who actually work for a living,those that sweat and get dirty at work.
Then I am glad to be unsophisticated,especially if you are an example of what being "sophisticated" means.
If someone cant survive on the wages they are getting,they always have options.
They can MOVE to an area with higher wages,move out of a state that has such a high tax rate,or get a different job.
I can turn you on to a job right now that will start you at $35,000 and has no upper limit on your wages,they are based entirely on how hard you want to work.
That profession requires about 15,000 new workers every year.
Are you interested,or is manual labor beneath you?
For many "sophisticated" people,it is.
If you doubt that,how many "sophisticated" people do you know that do their own yardwork,or wash their own cars,or do their own laundry instead of going to a dry cleaners?
Quote:People like you might advise women like that to "just get a job as an administrative assistant." Right, the sort of work where age discrimination is most rampant. A friend, who worked for 15 years as a secretary while taking college classes at night through Johns Hopkins finished her junior year when she met her husband and began travelling the country with him, following his career. They ended up in Paris for two years, where she became fluent in French. Now, as the divorced mother of two, she has tried for "AA" work. She speaks French. She attended a prestigious university and the fact that she doesn't have a degree shouldn't matter for AA work. She has 15 years experience. She's told things like, "Older women can't be trusted to answer phones because they lack patience."
So,by your own admission,she dropped out of school?
Many places do want their AA's to have a degree.
Why doesnt she finish school?
Quote:Get off your unrealistic high horse about jobs! You are clueless.
Would you dig those imaginary ditches or collect trash?
I would and I have.
I was taught that if I want something I have to work for it.
I know,there's that phrase again.
Quote:Last night, after a meeting, a friend whose husband had been partner in an engineering firm told me that the firm collapsed with the bush administration's policies. This man is neither retired nor working. At 63, he is struggling to earn an income. His wife, a landscape architect, has hip problems and can not work in her profession. she took a job at Target and remained there for several years until the scheduled promotions put her at $12/hour. she was let go and replaced with a new worker who was paid the starting salary of $8
At that age,why isnt he collecting his SS benefits?
Why didnt he take responsibility for himself and have a pension plan?
Why didnt he save for his retirement?
REmember,you said that liberals support that idea,so why are you defending a man that apparently didnt take responsibility for his own future?
As for her,if she has hip problems,could she do the job she was required to do?
Was she physically able?
If not,they had every right to let her go.