BernardR wrote:
Again, Kuvasz is being dishonest. If you read what has been laid down, it is clear that Mr. Blatham and, to a lesser extent, Mr. Setanta DO NOT KNOW WHAT "1984" and "Animal Farm" are about or really say.
Like typical left wingers( just like you,Kuvasz) they ignore the fact that I quoted directly from The Appendix to "1984" to show them they were quite mistaken.
Like most left wingers they are not only ignorant about what is in the books referenced, they are dishonest because they do not acknowledge that they have been proved to be wrong.
Liberals are so phony. They quote words and ideas from books they have not read!!!!!
Stop it this minute.
First of all, you accuse both setanta and kuvasz of mining books they have not read for ideas, strategically placed in your tirade for emphasis when it was your fellow traveler okie who has not read Orwell and who insists on participating in this thread.
I have suggested he read Orwell.
Second, if memory serves me correctly, I believe that neither setanta nor kuvasz describe themselves as liberals. If I am not correct, I would like either s. or k. to correct me, not bernie or ticomayo or geogeob.
Third, over the years here on A2k and earlier on abuzz, it was patently obvious that both setanta and kuvie are extremely well read. Frankly, they generally are correct in the facts they present. I would not challenge either man on factual material without the proper footnotes to support my contradiction. Perhaps, it is their erudition that disturbs you and your envy causes you to be so abusive toward them.
Fourth, you were so determined to make kuvasz look ridiculous yesterday, that you framed one of okie's statements and credited it to kuvie. I have long suspected that you are not as right wing as you appear, but, that it is more interesting to argue from the right.