Information control, or, How to get to Orwellian governance

Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 06:25 pm
okie wrote:

I have not read the books. That makes me ignorant in your opinion, right? In all honesty, I am not particularly interested in Orwell's books. What I do know about the books strike me to believe they are rather shallow, and just one man's twisted ideas. I don't think that disqualifies me from registering a valid opinion about your debate here.

Then, why are you here? I suggest you try reading them. They have been required reading in schools for years. I wrote that because I know how critical of education you are. You can't criticize what you don't know and you can not allow teenagers to have read more than you if you want some governance over what they learn.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 06:42 pm
BernardR wrote:
Setanta. the pathetic wrote:

Part of the problem is the liberal political correctness we have to go by. Example, none of us can carry on a spray can of shaving cream onto the airplane, regardless of who we are. 80 year old gray haired grandmothers are checked for bombs in their shoes, while Arabs named Mohammed walk through checkpoints. We cannot stereotype the people, we have to be fair, remember? The liberals gave us this situation.

Well, Mr. Setanta, go to Heathrow today and try to get on to a plane with a spray can of shaving cream!!!

Or don't you follow the news???

You call it "political Correctness"?

Don't you know that is exclusively the property of the left wing?

People like you won't be happy until a plane load of innocents is blown out of the skies.

People like Mohammed walk through checkpoints? That's what you say, Setanta. Do you have proof?

They didn't get past the Heathrow screening!!!!!

As Setanta and Old Europe have correctly pointed out, the author of the post you quoted was your friend and supporter, okie. You know, okie, one of the men you claim to speak for.

This has to be the funniest event on A2K this year. Laughing Laughing Laughing
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Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 06:50 pm
Ticomaya wrote:

The better question is how many posters has Setanta labeled "naive."

To my knowledge, none. Based on his writing, I hardly suspect any would use that word to describe him.
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Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 07:50 pm
blatham wrote:

First, kudos on your honesty.

But, this makes you ignorant not in my opinion but as a simple matter of definition of the word ignorant. That's fine, in and of itself, none of us is free of ignorance, eg myself and physics or economics and much more.

The problem arises when we make assumptions or pronouncements which we have no intellectual warrant to make, not knowing what the thing is that we are speaking about. How could Orwell's work strike you as shallow or the man as twisted if you haven't read the man's work?

You are trying to get by on the cheap and lazy. You did that earlier, too, in the discussion on principle and the ACLU. Perhaps you feel that you already know enough, or already know the important stuff and so your learning work is done. Either one of those is an intellectual self-deceit, and a trap, and a perfect receipe for stupidhood.

Thanks for the complement about honesty, blatham, Have you read every book? If I ever get time, I might consider reading the books, but just because I haven't read the books does not mean I have no inkling of the meaning of "Orwellian." The term has been around a long time, and I've been aware of the general meaning of it. Most of the stuff here on A2K requires no book reading. Its simple common sense.

You call it cheap and lazy. I call it cutting to the chase, knock out the fluff, and get to the point.

In regard to the ACLU, I don't know what your problem is. You asked for an example, and I provided it. I'm still waiting for a rebuttal. Instead, you keep asking to go off on a tangent. The ACLU is no "holier than thou" organization that only they know the intricate principles of what they do. Ordinary citizens that are not lawyers can observe their hypocrisy day in and day out. I've noticed it for decades. They claim to stand for civil liberties in an unbiased manner, and they are full of it, plain and simple. They have agendas beyond civil liberties, and most people can see it whether you can or not, blatham.
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Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 11:38 pm
okie wrote:
Thanks for the complement about honesty, blatham, Have you read every book? If I ever get time, I might consider reading the books, but just because I haven't read the books does not mean I have no inkling of the meaning of "Orwellian." The term has been around a long time, and I've been aware of the general meaning of it. Most of the stuff here on A2K requires no book reading. Its simple common sense.

You call it cheap and lazy. I call it cutting to the chase, knock out the fluff, and get to the point.

I have to surrender, this man's insane arrogance has outflanked my own attempts at ironic hyperbole.

kuvasz wrote:
Don't you know that in the new Bush World actually having knowledge is an impediment to opinion? Only those berift of such information can speak with purity about things of which they do not know. That is the Way of the Common Man promoted by the banshees on the Right. It remains your God-given right in Bush World to be wilfully ignorant, and say so proudly and loudly. The more ignorant you are the more your opinion counts. In fact as a true American, Democracy demands it.

Knowledge? Well son, that'll just make you stupid.
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Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2006 11:49 pm
Kuvasz wrote:

kuvasz wrote:
Don't you know that in the new Bush World actually having knowledge is an impediment to opinion? Only those berift of such information can speak with purity about things of which they do not know. That is the Way of the Common Man promoted by the banshees on the Right. It remains your God-given right in Bush World to be wilfully ignorant, and say so proudly and loudly. The more ignorant you are the more your opinion counts. In fact as a true American, Democracy demands it.

Knowledge? Well son, that'll just make you stupid.

Again, Kuvasz is being dishonest. If you read what has been laid down, it is clear that Mr. Blatham and, to a lesser extent, Mr. Setanta DO NOT KNOW WHAT "1984" and "Animal Farm" are about or really say.

Like typical left wingers( just like you,Kuvasz) they ignore the fact that I quoted directly from The Appendix to "1984" to show them they were quite mistaken.

Like most left wingers they are not only ignorant about what is in the books referenced, they are dishonest because they do not acknowledge that they have been proved to be wrong.


I quoted a key principle( there are others which I can replicate) a couple of times--"The purpose of Newspeak ...to make all other modes of thought impossible"

Even Mr. Imposter would not say that the Bush Administration "Makes all other modes of thought impossible" THEREFORE THE USE OF ORWELLIAN BY BLATHAM AND SETANTA IS CLEARLY ERRONEOUS WHEN APPLIED TO THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION.

Liberals are so phony. They quote words and ideas from books they have not read!!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 12:00 am
plainoldme wrote:
BernardR wrote:
Setanta. the pathetic wrote:

Part of the problem is the liberal political correctness we have to go by. Example, none of us can carry on a spray can of shaving cream onto the airplane, regardless of who we are. 80 year old gray haired grandmothers are checked for bombs in their shoes, while Arabs named Mohammed walk through checkpoints. We cannot stereotype the people, we have to be fair, remember? The liberals gave us this situation.

Well, Mr. Setanta, go to Heathrow today and try to get on to a plane with a spray can of shaving cream!!!

Or don't you follow the news???

You call it "political Correctness"?

Don't you know that is exclusively the property of the left wing?

People like you won't be happy until a plane load of innocents is blown out of the skies.

People like Mohammed walk through checkpoints? That's what you say, Setanta. Do you have proof?

They didn't get past the Heathrow screening!!!!!

As Setanta and Old Europe have correctly pointed out, the author of the post you quoted was your friend and supporter, okie. You know, okie, one of the men you claim to speak for.

This has to be the funniest event on A2K this year. Laughing Laughing Laughing

well, mamma moo cow with the kool shades, this goes back to late last year, from you know who and is a hoot too.


mortkat wrote:
You get WHAT from your dog? "adolation"? What in the hell is that? Do you think I will pay attention to a person who is so bereft of basic skills that he cannot spell simple words? Or are you in such an emotional state that you cannot control your thought processes.

I note you are seconded by Snood. Ah yes, Snood. The person who thinks that "tookie" was a wonderful man. I love to converse with Snood. He is one of the few on these threads who is wrong over 80% of the time. That is what happens when you become a captive of the Snoop Doggy Dog mantra on "hos" and "beetches."

I may indeed be barred from making posts on this venue again, Kuvasz.

And thus we see massegetto's confession back in December of being banned before.

mortkat wrote:
That is because I call hypocrisy and self-righteousness for what it is. If you were indeed adventurous enough you would find out that I do the same on two other venues.

The truth will always conquer and the phonies will meet their defeat.

mortkat wrote:
Like Cyrano, I carry my adornments on my soul and if I were to be killed, I would know that I have driven some people (my favorites) over the edge. That is a source of great satisfaction to me."

A self-admitted psychic stalker? What a fricking Looney toon.
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Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 12:12 am
I wonder, if the phrase

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others

Can be considered "Orwellian?"

or was that phrase not Newspeak but Pigspeak and disqualified since it came from "Animal Farm" instead of "1984?"
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 12:23 am
Kuvasz wrote:

I wonder, if the phrase

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others

Can be considered "Orwellian?"

or was that phrase not Newspeak but Pigspeak and disqualified since it came from "Animal Farm" instead of "1984?"

end of quote

I am sure you do not know the definition of Orwellian, Kuvasz. Here it is. Check it out for yourself! Does it say that your quote above can be considered Orwellian?

The term "Orwellian" usually refers to one or more of the following:

Manipulation of language for political ends. Most significantly by introducing to words meanings in opposition to their denotative meanings.
Invasion by the state of personal privacy, whether physically or by means of surveillance.
The total control of daily life by the state, as in a "Big Brother" society.
The disintegration of the family unit by the state.
The replacement of religious faith with worship of the state in a semi-religious manner.
Active encouragement by the state of "doublethink," whereby the population must learn to embrace inconsistent concepts without dissent.
The denial or rewriting of past events.
A dystopian or antiutopian future.
The use of verbose and ambiguous language.

An interesting exercise for you, Kuvasz. See if the term Orwellian, used so lavishly and often by Blatham and Setanta when referring to the Bush Administration does IN REALITY, reflect the Bush Administration at this time!

Blatham and Setanta probably heard some left wing blowhard use the term, Orwelllian, and it sounded so good that they decided to label the Bush Administration with it. The problem is, IF YOU REALLY KNOW WHAT ORWELLIAN MEANS, IT DOES NOT FIT!!!
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Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 01:10 am
bernardR wrote:

Oddly, the allegedly definitive statement was made above about what constituted "Orwellian" when Setanta was castigated for using the term out of the context and the poster insisted the above manner was the only way in which it was to be used.

then afterwards, the same poster changed his mind (or perhaps found it?)

and demanded that the term "Orwellian" usually refers to one or more of the following:

bernardR wrote:
Manipulation of language for political ends. Most significantly by introducing to words meanings in opposition to their denotative meanings.
Invasion by the state of personal privacy, whether physically or by means of surveillance.
The total control of daily life by the state, as in a "Big Brother" society.
The disintegration of the family unit by the state.
The replacement of religious faith with worship of the state in a semi-religious manner.
Active encouragement by the state of "doublethink," whereby the population must learn to embrace inconsistent concepts without dissent.
The denial or rewriting of past events.
A dystopian or antiutopian future.
The use of verbose and ambiguous language.

or someone is a fricking idiot who doesn't even remember when he posted up thread.

and here's clue, I posted the Animal Farm quote simply to flush out the poster's pedantic stupidity.

Baah Ram Yew!
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Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 01:15 am
I think Mr. Kuvasz might be ill. He cannot read anymore. Here is what I wrote:

Setanta wrote:

The term Orwellian most commonly refers to the unreality of government propaganda, in which things do not necessarily mean what they patently say. In particular, Orwellian refers to information control.


Your ignorance of the meaning of the term is mind boggoling. Are you really so stupid or are you trying to mislead?

Here is what Orwellian means:

The term "Orwellian" usually refers to one or more of the following:

Manipulation of language for political ends. Most significantly by introducing to words meanings in opposition to their denotative meanings.
Invasion by the state of personal privacy, whether physically or by means of surveillance.
The total control of daily life by the state, as in a "Big Brother" society.
The disintegration of the family unit by the state.
The replacement of religious faith with worship of the state in a semi-religious manner.
Active encouragement by the state of "doublethink," whereby the population must learn to embrace inconsistent concepts without dissent.
The denial or rewriting of past events.
A dystopian or antiutopian future.
The use of verbose and ambiguous language.

Now, you take each one of those terms and show how the US is now defined by them.

You won't because you can't.

You are a left winger who hates the USA.

How does the US promote a dystopian or antiutopian future?

How does the US deny or rewrite past events?
(There is no memory hole in the USA like the one used by Winston)

How is it shown that the population embraces inconsistent topics WITHOUT DISSENT?

How is religious faith replaced with the worship of the state?
(This one alone ruins ANY comparison of the US with Orwellian unless people like Setanta have thier own private definition of Orwellian)

The disintegration of the family unit by the state.
(Sure, the present Adminstration is all for permitting Homosexuals to marry) lol

the TOTAL control of daily life by the state!!

How ridiculous.

Why don't you admit, Setanta, that your use of the term Orwellian with regard to the US is ridiculous and belongs only at wine and cheese parties in Greenwich Village!
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Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 01:55 am
Logic theory applies with remarks that insist


that anything outside of the definition above cannot be "Orwellian"

It is what the meaning of "only" implies.

Yet if Setanta is precluded by the first statement from using any of the following definitions for "Orwellian" to describe the Bush adminstration;

Manipulation of language for political ends. Most significantly by introducing to words meanings in opposition to their denotative meanings.
Invasion by the state of personal privacy, whether physically or by means of surveillance.
The total control of daily life by the state, as in a "Big Brother" society.
The disintegration of the family unit by the state.
The replacement of religious faith with worship of the state in a semi-religious manner.
Active encouragement by the state of "doublethink," whereby the population must learn to embrace inconsistent concepts without dissent.
The denial or rewriting of past events.
A dystopian or antiutopian future.
The use of verbose and ambiguous language

then the statement that "All animals are created equal but some animals are more equal than others," can not by the first definition be true as "Orwellian."

Baah Ram Yew!

that's sheep for "goddammit, stop with the false syllogisms."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 05:40 am
okie wrote:
blatham wrote:

First, kudos on your honesty.

But, this makes you ignorant not in my opinion but as a simple matter of definition of the word ignorant. That's fine, in and of itself, none of us is free of ignorance, eg myself and physics or economics and much more.

The problem arises when we make assumptions or pronouncements which we have no intellectual warrant to make, not knowing what the thing is that we are speaking about. How could Orwell's work strike you as shallow or the man as twisted if you haven't read the man's work?

You are trying to get by on the cheap and lazy. You did that earlier, too, in the discussion on principle and the ACLU. Perhaps you feel that you already know enough, or already know the important stuff and so your learning work is done. Either one of those is an intellectual self-deceit, and a trap, and a perfect receipe for stupidhood.

Thanks for the complement about honesty, blatham, Have you read every book? If I ever get time, I might consider reading the books, but just because I haven't read the books does not mean I have no inkling of the meaning of "Orwellian." The term has been around a long time, and I've been aware of the general meaning of it. Most of the stuff here on A2K requires no book reading. Its simple common sense.

You call it cheap and lazy. I call it cutting to the chase, knock out the fluff, and get to the point.

In regard to the ACLU, I don't know what your problem is. You asked for an example, and I provided it. I'm still waiting for a rebuttal. Instead, you keep asking to go off on a tangent. The ACLU is no "holier than thou" organization that only they know the intricate principles of what they do. Ordinary citizens that are not lawyers can observe their hypocrisy day in and day out. I've noticed it for decades. They claim to stand for civil liberties in an unbiased manner, and they are full of it, plain and simple. They have agendas beyond civil liberties, and most people can see it whether you can or not, blatham.

No, there is an overwhelming amount of good stuff to read/learn which I'll never get near.

I have no goal here to pummel or embarrass you except as regards those instances where you try to insist you know stuff you do not know. It's a self-defeating strategy and you do yourself no favor adopting it. "Common sense" ought to advise you of this, first of all.
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Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 06:29 am
Here's a good, and unfortunately, quite typical example of purposeful manipulation of language which gets unreflectively repeated to the point where folks don't even notice.

Eric Alterman
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Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 06:35 am
What does "purposeful manipulation of language" really mean? After all speech itself is purposeful manipulation of verbal symbols of objects and ideas to make a point or convey a thought. Perhaps you are making a distinction here with very little real difference behind it.
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Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 06:36 am
The idiot Bernard continues to assert, after pages of my denial that this is so, that i have labelled the Bush administration as Orwellian. I have not done so, and the idiot Bernard will be unable to provide a quote which demonstrates that i have done so--for the good and sufficient reason that i have not.

Such things obviously to not penetrate his thick skull. On the topic of this thread, i haven't the least doubt that acheiving an Orwellian control of information would be consumation devoutly desired by neo-cons, and in particular, by the Shrub and Company. That is not the same as saying that i believe the jerks have succeeded.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 06:40 am
Dangnab liberal media...
During their August 9 coverage of the Connecticut Democratic Senate primary, the three major broadcast networks' morning news programs interviewed Sen. Joseph Lieberman but failed to host the winner, Ned Lamont, or any of his representatives. Additionally, NBC's Today and CBS' The Early Show aired twice as much footage of Lieberman's statements following the election as they ran of Lamont's statements.

Note too in the piece directly preceding this one how the MSM has forwarded the republican talking point that Lamont voters represent the "far left" of the dem party. Far left because Lamont did not support the Iraq war. Which, as many have noted, makes the majority of the American population (by most recent polling) residents of the far left.

Of course, for some of the folks posting here, "far left" has as its referent anyone north of Joe McCarthy.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 06:43 am
georgeob1 wrote:
What does "purposeful manipulation of language" really mean?

That's when people know what they are talking about.

Otherwise and must of the time, it's just idle talk.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 06:44 am
georgeob1 wrote:
What does "purposeful manipulation of language" really mean? After all speech itself is purposeful manipulation of verbal symbols of objects and ideas to make a point or convey a thought. Perhaps you are making a distinction here with very little real difference behind it.


How might you describe the difference (perhaps there isn't one) between "war is peace" and "a rose is a rose is a rose"?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2006 06:46 am
Setanta wrote:
The idiot Bernard continues to assert, after pages of my denial that this is so, that i have labelled the Bush administration as Orwellian. I have not done so, and the idiot Bernard will be unable to provide a quote which demonstrates that i have done so--for the good and sufficient reason that i have not.

Such things obviously to not penetrate his thick skull. On the topic of this thread, i haven't the least doubt that acheiving an Orwellian control of information would be consumation devoutly desired by neo-cons, and in particular, by the Shrub and Company. That is not the same as saying that i believe the jerks have succeeded.

set...nice to see you

It ain't an on/off proposition, yes?
0 Replies

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