blatham wrote:
First, kudos on your honesty.
But, this makes you ignorant not in my opinion but as a simple matter of definition of the word ignorant. That's fine, in and of itself, none of us is free of ignorance, eg myself and physics or economics and much more.
The problem arises when we make assumptions or pronouncements which we have no intellectual warrant to make, not knowing what the thing is that we are speaking about. How could Orwell's work strike you as shallow or the man as twisted if you haven't read the man's work?
You are trying to get by on the cheap and lazy. You did that earlier, too, in the discussion on principle and the ACLU. Perhaps you feel that you already know enough, or already know the important stuff and so your learning work is done. Either one of those is an intellectual self-deceit, and a trap, and a perfect receipe for stupidhood.
Thanks for the complement about honesty, blatham, Have you read every book? If I ever get time, I might consider reading the books, but just because I haven't read the books does not mean I have no inkling of the meaning of "Orwellian." The term has been around a long time, and I've been aware of the general meaning of it. Most of the stuff here on A2K requires no book reading. Its simple common sense.
You call it cheap and lazy. I call it cutting to the chase, knock out the fluff, and get to the point.
In regard to the ACLU, I don't know what your problem is. You asked for an example, and I provided it. I'm still waiting for a rebuttal. Instead, you keep asking to go off on a tangent. The ACLU is no "holier than thou" organization that only they know the intricate principles of what they do. Ordinary citizens that are not lawyers can observe their hypocrisy day in and day out. I've noticed it for decades. They claim to stand for civil liberties in an unbiased manner, and they are full of it, plain and simple. They have agendas beyond civil liberties, and most people can see it whether you can or not, blatham.