DontTreadOnMe wrote:didn't mean to imply that protesting a thing is meaningless. it's not. just that protestors alone are not what brings things to an end. i agree, the media is also quite instrumental. much more so with iraq than the vietnam war.
Protesting is often the
only avenue ordinary people
have to declare their views on situations like Iraq. Do you think the US & "the coalition of the willing" would even have considered
not invading Iraq, once they'd made their deals? But ordinary people, in their millions, word-wide, clearly said that this was
not what we wanted. It was abundantly clear that Iraq was invaded against the wishes of millions of us. Many have lost faith in the governments they elected, which went ahead & invaded
despite their wishes.
And it certainly
helps to have media with integrity! For starters, people can understand the
real issues, rather than having to deal with cynical & manipulative spin! I believe that many people have given up on "news" from the establishment media. The war mongers & manipulators rely on apathy & gullibility to have their way. But hey, they never figured on the internet as a source of alternative information for those who are trying to find the truth of the situation! Maybe Rupert Murdoch will end up putting himself out of business?