Magginkat wrote:RexRed wrote:If you find that last post a bit harsh well good! It was meant to be! ....
Think your post was harsh? I tried to dig through the mangled English, the idiotic sound bytes and total lies but finally gave up. You sound like a raving maniac.
Do yourself a favor and go back to school. Perhaps you can learn not only to not mangle the English language but maybe you can take a look at that Constitution which you seem to have missed the first time around.
What "mangling of the english language" are you talking about? His posts have an occasional typo, but whose don't?
Oh, and you're one to talk, with your "
Worship of a morn is not patriotic" line from a couple of pages back. What the hell was that supposed to mean?
MK wrote:What happened here was an illegal arrest of a U.S. citizen who had been invited by another member of Congress.
She was demonstrating in the Capitol, which is not lawful. Arrests of this kind happened before Bush, and will happen after Sheehan.