Interesting take on the State of the state of the union speach and it's background.
Op-Ed Contributor
Song of Myself
Published: January 31, 2006
Nyack, N.Y.
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 08:57 pm
au1929 wrote:
News Flash
It has just been revealed that George Bush is in reality an Android. Programed by Cheney and Rumsfeld. At the same time Cheney offered his profound apologies for having to use a defective model. Stating that was the best we had at the time. He did however reveal that a new model has been developed which will go on line in the near future to replace the presently defective one. One which better approximates human speech and gait. "It may even be able to think" said Cheney as Rumsfeld stood by and nodded.
I have listened to this sorry speech for quite some time now and I do believe that you have solved the problem. This is the same old stupid speech this moron has given for the past 4 yrs
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Bi-Polar Bear
Tue 31 Jan, 2006 09:00 pm
Iraq...bla bla bla... terrorism... bla bla bla.... never surrender...bla bla bla.... non specific commitees and initiatives with far off goals.... bla bla bla...
the regular bullshit. He sucks.
Oh and Cindy Sheehan detained. That's tough texas style justice.
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 09:01 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
au1929 wrote:
Brandon wrote
I was not aware that you were referring to his performance as a speaker. I thought you meant his performance in office, which would have required more specificity.
The only thing worse than his ability to speak has been his performance in office.
Can you mention one thing aside from the initiation of the action in Afghanistan which he managed to F*ckup, that he did right?
I think he's done well with most things. One example that shouldn't be controversial is his bill to allocate $15 billion to fight AIDS in Africa and the Carribean.
Ho ho ho.... promises, promises, promises..... and never follows through...
Ah.... idiot is now introducing the Stepford wife as a caring mother who has been involved in her children. So is he trying to blame poor old Laura for those drunken twins???
Any lying through his freaking teeth about rebuilding New Orleans... I have to go puke.
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 09:04 pm
I will have to read the transcript ... is it online yet?
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 09:06 pm
For wearing an anti-war tee shirt no less.
I take it I didn't miss anything.
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 09:07 pm
Brandon9000 wrote:
Magginkat wrote:
Brandon9000 wrote:
FreeDuck wrote:
Well, good on ya. It's not my ideology that makes me less than enthusiastic about his speech, it's his past performance, which I think is a perfectly reasonable criteria.
Not if you can't specify exactly what in his past performance is bad and in what way. Otherwise, it's just name calling.
Bad? LMAO! It would be much easier to mention what is good.
The answer to the good part is seeing his back as he gets his ugly, giggling, smirking, lying arse out of the room!
If the issue is speaking performance, then it's not a very interesting subject, and I have no more to say about it. If, however, this is your response regarding his performance in office, then you are only demonstrating that you cannot be specific in your criticisms. If someone posts that a particular office holder has performed poorly, but cannot say in what way, then his argument shouldn't be taken seriously.
I meant what I said Brandon...... I cannot think of one solitary thing that Bush has done that could be considered good on his "job performance", unless you count the endless vacations where he mostly stays out of our faces.
Everything this incompetent,. know nothing man has done has turned to schitt and that is the most polite way I can think of to describe his "job performance".
He is a brazen, in your face liar, who obviously did not want the job that went with the title. He pointed to others to do the work that he was appointed to and to a letter they have screwed up royally.
I don't have enough hours in the day to list all the screw-ups by this bumbling fool
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 09:08 pm
revel wrote:
For wearing an anti-war tee shirt no less.
I take it I didn't miss anything.
Take the Bitch out back and shoot her!!
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 09:11 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
revel wrote:
For wearing an anti-war tee shirt no less.
I take it I didn't miss anything.
Take the Bitch out back and shoot her!!
I hope you are talking about Jeff Gannon's bitch & it ain't no her!
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 09:16 pm
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 09:26 pm
Yikes! is right.
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 09:26 pm
check the eye brows of Tim Kaine - yikes
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 09:53 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Yikes! is right.
Might I suggest that if that is a picture of you with the cigar hanging out of your mouth, the resemblence to both people you pictured is uncanny!
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 10:08 pm
How sad is it for a grwon man to make fun of the way a grieving mother of a fallen war hero looks?
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 10:10 pm
During the presidential address Hillary looked like she had a sour lemon in her mouth...
Maybe she was regretting some of her partisan political slurs that seem to have left her in the radical left minority of the room...
The left thought they had a roaring applause going on for obstructing medicare reform till they heard the thunderous boos erupt!
We need to vote these obstructionists posing as democrats out of our government and truly get the work of the people done.
They can take the road of Tom Delay... their delay tactics should expose them for the no good for nothing power mongers that they are.
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 10:13 pm
What kind of moron cheers the defeat of all the checks and balances of government???
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 10:19 pm
Roxxxanne wrote:
How sad is it for a grwon man to make fun of the way a grieving mother of a fallen war hero looks?
Cindy is not grieving when she is all shiny happy faces while being arrested and now hugging up to Hugo Chavez. She is using the death of her son for solely political gain. Cindy is unethical and immoral to take her son's volunteer sacrifice and drag it through the gutter... She has not one ounce of credibility left.
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 10:21 pm
RexRed wrote:
During the presidential address Hillary looked like she had a sour lemon in her mouth...
Maybe she was regretting some of her partisan political slurs that seem to have left her in the radical left minority of the room...
The left thought they had a roaring applause going on for obstructing medicare reform till they heard the thunderous boos erupt!
We need to vote these obstructionists posing as democrats out of our government and truly get the work of the people done.
They can take the road of Tom Delay... their delay tactics should expose them for the no good for nothing power mongers that they are.
And I suppose that HMO Crook Bill Frist is the epitomy of family values, virtues and all that is well with the Republican party? You clowns are such phonies.... such hypocrites that it's laughable.
I have never seen so many people who could tell so many bald faced lies with such a straight face.
I don't particulary care for much of anything in the Democratic party these days but they don't hold a candle to the corrupt, power crazy, crooks from the other side of the isle.
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Tue 31 Jan, 2006 10:22 pm
Anon-Voter wrote:
What kind of moron cheers the defeat of all the checks and balances of government???
You call obstruction on nearly every issue government? I call it special interest payoffs and kickbacks.