You are wrong on many counts in this post, Ican.
Quote:The anti-Bush people went nuts when Bush was first elected. They grew even nuttier after Bush's re-election.
Perhaps some of them, but there was no wide-spread criticism of Bush as there is today. I, for example, am anti-Bush, yet I voted for him in 2000. This doesn't fit with what you've said at all, as it isn't Bush himself intrinsically that I am against, but what he has done whilst in office.
Quote:The anti-Bush people are nuts to think those of us who support the Iraq and Afghanistan wars do so because of our faith in Bush. The anti-Bush people are nuts to think that our support of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars is a product of our desire to control the world. The anti-Bush people are nuts to think that our support of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars is a product of anything other than our realization that winning these wars (i.e., establishing governments in these countries capable of securing the liberty of their own people) is necessary to the survival of our own liberty.
You make several errors here. First, most anti-Bush people supported, and support, the war in Afghanistan. Your conflation of the war in Afghanistan and the War in Iraq is highly incorrect and should not be done, as they represent two very different things.
Namely, Afghanistan attacked the US, Iraq did not. Yet you confuse the two. Why? Because it is conveinent for you to do so.
I also can't believe that you believe that liberty is so weak in this country that a few paltry terrorist attacks could kill it. What a low opinion of the American people you must have! On the other hand, reducing our liberties is presented by the Pro-Bush crowd as a way of preserving our liberty. Orwellian, wouldn't you agree?
Quote:The anti-Bush people are nuts to think that we who support the Iraq and Afghanistan wars are convinced that Bush knows how to win these wars. Maybe he is. Maybe he isn't. If he doesn't know, maybe he will come to knlow. If not, then maybe his replacement will know or come to know. Regardless, we must win the Iraq and Afghanistan wars.
Do you claim that without waging the Iraq war, we would all be dead? That a major terrorist attack
would have occured? Because if you are, this is a major error as well. You don't know what would have occured, yet you speak as if you do. Myself, I believe that we would have been fine. Fine, as a nation, even if we had to suffer further attacks. Instead, what do we have? A mess, which everyone has to admit.
This is the same mentality that said 'we must win the vietnam war.' Well, we lost that one, and we are still a-okay as a country. I don't think that either of these wars is a must-win; we aren't being threatened in any serious way by an invading force. Terrorism alone will
never be enough to defeat America, just as our bombing abilities will never be enough to take over another country. Therefore, it cannot be said that we are in any serious danger of losing our Liberty from terrorism. It is only a fear-mongering tactic used to whip the country into a frenzy over an external threat.
Perhaps you have cogent and well-thought out ideas about why we should have attacked Iraq, but many of your compatriot Conseratives do not. They drink the Kool-aid, the Bush koolaid. They have such a huge emotional attachment in Bush, that they cannot ever admit that they are wrong, no matter what happens, no matter how much debt is piled up, no matter how much money we waste in Iraq instead of seriously attacking Al Qaeda worldwide and with world support.
Quote:We who support the Iraq and Afghanistan wars do so more regardless of Bush than because of Bush. We persist in looking for and examining ways to win these wars. The anti-Bush nuts persist in looking for Bush mistakes to intensify their anti-Bush nuttiness and avoid reality.
Meaningless dreck, here. We are looking for ways to end the war in Iraq, because we believe it is a fundamentally bad thing that we are doing. We are killing the patient in an attempt to cure him, and it's painful to watch it go on. And we don't trust those who are supposed to be 'experts,' who have f*cked it up every step of the way.
Why don't you call yourself a 'pro-war nut?' Why characterize the opposite side as 'nuts?' Does it make you feel better? Yaknow, most people agree with the 'nuts' and not with you. Though I suspect you refuse to believe that, as well.
Quote:The anti-Bush people are nuts to think that my repetition of truths in response to their repetition of falsities, is a syndrome of anything other than my honest desire to relieve ant-Bush nuts of their nuttiness.
You don't repeat truths. You repeat words which you claim are true, with little evidence or logic to back them up, other than your fevered imaginings that the presence of Al Qaeda trumps each and every other concern that we have as a people. It does not.