Amigo wrote:
$423 Billion
1000 Supported troops DEAD 17648 Wounded
100,000 Liberated Iraqi civilians DEAD
For What? Freedom? Democracy?
For what

Our survival

That's what
The number of non-combatant civilians
killed by violence since
01/01/2000, as of:
12/31/2002 (1096 days) -- total = 60,636 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate =
1,684.3 / 55.3;
The number of non-combatant civilians
killed by violence since
01/01/2003, as of:
12/31/2005 (1095 days) -- total = 31,319 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate =
870.0 / 28.6;
01/31/2006 (1126 days) -- total = 31,928 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate =
862.9 / 28.4;
02/28/2006 (1154 days) -- total = 32,506 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate =
855.4 / 28.2;
03/31/2006 (1185 days) -- total = 38,161 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate =
978.5 / 32.2;
04/30/2006 (1215 days) -- total = 39,024 -- approximate average monthly rate / daily rate =
975.6 / 32.1.
After 9/11/2001, and before the USA invaded Afghanistan, the Bush administration demanded that the government of Afghanistan remove al-Qaeda from its country. The government of Afghanistan did not reply to our demand. The USA subsequently invaded Afghanistan.
After the USA invaded Afghanistan, the Bush administration demanded that the governments of Iraq, Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Syria remove al Qaeda from their countries. The governments of Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Syria agreed to our demand. The governent of Iraq did not reply to our demand. The USA subsequently invaded Iraq.
At the time we invaded Iraq, al-Qaeda was in control of 12 villages in northeastern Iraq. USA Special Forces and Special Mission Operators, leading Kurdish Peshmerga fighters invaded these al-Qaeda camps, collecting evidence, taking prisoners, and killing all those who resisted, except, unfortunately, those who escaped.
Also at the time we invaded Iraq, several hundred foreign fighters from Egypt, Sudan, Syria, and Libya were being trained in a camp south of Baghdad. After the USA invaded Iraq, USA marines killed them all. Fortunately, none escaped.
Subsequent to the USA invasion of Iraq, Iran and Syria reneged on their agreement to remove al-Qaeda from their countries.
More Facts
Quote:Osama Bin Laden: Text of Fatwah Urging Jihad Against Americans-
... On that basis, and in compliance with Allah's order, we issue the following fatwa to all Muslims:
The ruling to kill the Americans and their allies -- civilians and military -- is an individual duty for every Muslim who can do it in any country in which it is possible to do it ...
Quote:Letter from al-Zawahiri to al-Zarqawi
A summary of Letter from al-Zawahiri to al-Zarqawi July 9, 2005.
*war in Iraq is central to al Qa'ida's global jihad.
*war in Iraq will not end with an American departure.
*al-Qaeda strategic vision is one of inevitable conflict with political action equal to military action.
*Popular support must be maintained at least until jihadist rule has been established.
*More than half the struggle is taking place "in the battlefield of the media."
Letter in English at:
No matter what the cost -- $500 billion, $1 trillion, $2 trillion, ... -- the USA must succeed in helping the Iraqi elected form a government that becomes capable of defending the Iraqi people against terrorist malignancy.