#1 is an atrocious policy for a democracy.
#2 is ludicrous - what protection are we giving anyone there now?
To begin with, I recommend these two steps.
#1 Declare a new terrorist malignancy policy: The USA military will exterminate all terrorist malignancy and take no prisoners.
#2 Declare a new Iraq government re-organization policy: The current Iraq government must form its new Iraq government by June 30, 2006, in order to retain USA military protection after that date.
There is a thread to discuss the CIA leak thing, however, the status of Valerie Plame at the time of the leak was marked (S) in a CIA memo. The CIA uses that sign to mark CIA employees whose indenties are covert.
That (S) signifies that Valerie Plame had a secret clearance. The possession of such a clearance is not itself a secret. I know that because back in the olden days I possessed a secret clearance and that fact was no secret.
The identiities of current covert agents are not bandied about in Secret CIA memos to avoid further endangering them in their current covert agent activities. Memos that disclose the identities of current covert agents are classified by clearances even higher than Top Secret.
Quote:The paragraph identifying her as the wife of former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV was clearly marked to show that it contained classified material at the "secret" level, two sources said. The CIA classifies as "secret" the names of officers whose identities are covert, according to former senior agency officials.
This statement in this Washington Post article is false (emphasis added by ican)!Quote:The CIA classifies as "secret" the names of officers whose identities are covert, according to former senior agency officials.[/b]
This statement in this Washington Post article is true (emphasis added by ican)!Quote:Anyone reading that paragraph should have been aware that it contained secret information, though that designation was not specifically attached to Plame's name and did not describe her status as covert, the sources said. It is a federal crime, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, for a federal official to knowingly disclose the identity of a covert CIA official if the person knows the government is trying to keep it secret.
As for why Fitzarold settled on issues of perjury, I guess it's like the Capone case, they got him on tax evasion because it was easier.
You guess ??? "it's like the Capone case, they got him on tax evasion because it was easier." Well, I guess they got Libby on a minor conflict of statements and called that a perjury infraction, because they could not get him on anything more serious.
Plame's Identity Marked As Secret
Memo Central to Probe Of Leak Was Written By State Dept. Analyst
By Walter Pincus and Jim VandeHei
Washington Post Staff Writers
Thursday, July 21, 2005; Page A01
A classified State Department memorandum central to a federal leak investigation contained information about CIA officer Valerie Plame in a paragraph marked "(S)" for secret, a clear indication that any Bush administration official who read it should have been aware the information was classified, according to current and former government officials.
Plame -- who is referred to by her married name, Valerie Wilson, in the memo -- is mentioned in the second paragraph of the three-page document, which was written on June 10, 2003, by an analyst in the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), according to a source who described the memo to The Washington Post.
The paragraph identifying her as the wife of former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV was clearly marked to show that it contained classified material at the "secret" level, two sources said. The CIA classifies as "secret" the names of officers whose identities are covert, according to former senior agency officials.
Anyone reading that paragraph should have been aware that it contained secret information, though that designation was not specifically attached to Plame's name and did not describe her status as covert, the sources said. It is a federal crime, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, for a federal official to knowingly disclose the identity of a covert CIA official if the person knows the government is trying to keep it secret.
Prosecutors attempting to determine whether senior government officials knowingly leaked Plame's identity as a covert CIA operative to the media are investigating whether White House officials gained access to information about her from the memo, according to two sources familiar with the investigation.
The memo may be important to answering three central questions in the Plame case: Who in the Bush administration knew about Plame's CIA role? Did they know the agency was trying to protect her identity? And, who leaked it to the media?
Almost all of the memo is devoted to describing why State Department intelligence experts did not believe claims that Saddam Hussein had in the recent past sought to purchase uranium from Niger. Only two sentences in the seven-sentence paragraph mention Wilson's wife.
The memo was delivered to Secretary of State Colin L. Powell on July 7, 2003, as he headed to Africa for a trip with President Bush aboard Air Force One. Plame was unmasked in a syndicated column by Robert D. Novak seven days later.
Wilson has said his wife's identity was revealed to retaliate against him for accusing the Bush administration of "twisting" intelligence to justify the Iraq war. In a July 6 opinion piece in the New York Times and in an interview with The Washington Post, he cited a secret mission he conducted in February 2002 for the CIA, when he determined there was no evidence that Iraq was seeking uranium for a nuclear weapons program in the African nation of Niger.
White House officials discussed Wilson's wife's CIA connection in telling at least two reporters that she helped arrange his trip, according to one of the reporters, Matthew Cooper of Time magazine, and a lawyer familiar with the case.
Prosecutors have shown interest in the memo, especially when they were questioning White House officials during the early days of the investigation, people familiar with the probe said.
Karl Rove, President Bush's deputy chief of staff, has testified that he learned Plame's name from Novak a few days before telling another reporter she worked at the CIA and played a role in her husband's mission, according to a lawyer familiar with Rove's account. Rove has also testified that the first time he saw the State Department memo was when "people in the special prosecutor's office" showed it to him, said Robert Luskin, his attorney.
according to current and former government officials.
The paragraph identifying her as the wife of former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV was clearly marked to show that it contained classified material at the "secret" level
The CIA classifies as "secret" the names of officers whose identities are covert, according to former senior agency officials.
though that [secret] designation was not specifically attached to Plame's name and did not describe her status as covert,
to knowingly disclose the identity of a covert CIA official if the person knows the government is trying to keep it secret.
... senior government officials... leaked Plame's identity as a covert CIA operative to the media
Only two sentences in the seven-sentence paragraph mention Wilson's wife.
White House officials discussed Wilson's wife's CIA connection in telling at least two reporters that she helped arrange his trip,
she worked at the CIA and played a role in her husband's mission
Iraq is in a state of civil war, a senior Iraqi official admitted for the first time yesterday, on the eve of today's third anniversary of the fall of Baghdad.
BAGHDAD (Reuters) - Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak has warned that civil war had started in Iraq, where three consecutive days of bombings killed about 100 people, inflaming sectarian tensions.
At Least 6 Dead Outside Mosque in Third Such Attack in 3 Days
BAGHDAD, April 8 -- A car bomb blew up outside a Shiite mosque 35 miles south of Baghdad on Saturday, killing six people and wounding 19 in the third attack on a Shiite place of worship in as many days, heightening fears that a concerted effort is underway to spark another deadly round of sectarian violence.
The blast occurred as pilgrims were entering and leaving the Awlad Muslim Shiite shrine and mosque in Musayyib, according to police Capt. Muthanna Ahmed. He said a pickup truck parked near shops exploded at the entrance to the mosque.
The Reuters news agency quoted a town resident, Ahmed Abbas, as saying that a man parked the vehicle outside a busy shop, said it was broken down and walked away.
The blast followed a triple suicide bombing Friday at the Baratha mosque in Baghdad that killed at least 79 people. The mosque is the religious center for the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, the biggest Shiite religious party in Iraq's governing coalition. On Thursday, at least 13 people were killed when a minibus exploded near the Imam Ali mosque in the southern city of Najaf, the home of numerous Shiite religious leaders.
Although it was unclear who was behind the attacks -- and whether they were related -- political and military analysts here assert that Sunni insurgents, particularly the al-Qaeda in Iraq organization led by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, have targeted Shiites to incite retaliatory attacks. The aim, they say, is to foment a cycle of sectarian bloodshed, destabilize the country and drag Iraq into civil war.
Ican, anyone can clearly see that Plame's name was classified by the CIA and the bush administration had no business exposing it for political purposes or any other purpose for that matter. Your opinions on the washington post matter not a bit. Other than that, I have no interest in furthering this conversation here. There is a thread where this issue (two I think) is discussed.
[The memorandum] was written on June 10, 2003, by an analyst in the State Department's Bureau of Intelligence and Research (INR), according to a source who described the memo to The Washington Post.
It is a federal crime, punishable by up to 10 years in prison, for a federal official to knowingly disclose the identity of a covert CIA official if the person knows the government is trying to keep it secret.
The paragraph identifying her as the wife of former ambassador Joseph C. Wilson IV was clearly marked to show that it contained classified material at the "secret" level ...
Was it secret that Plame assisted in her husband's trip? Probably it was!
Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer. In July 2003, the fact that Valerie Wilson was a CIA officer was classified. Not only was it classified, but it was not widely known outside the intelligence community. Valerie Wilson's friends, neighbors, college classmates had no idea she had another life. The fact that she was a CIA officer was not well-known, for her protection or for the benefit of all us. It's important that a CIA officer's identity be protected, that it be protected not just for the officer, but for the nation's security. Valerie Wilson's cover was blown in July 2003. The first sign of that cover being blown was when Mr. Novak published a column on July 14th, 2003.
"The law actually requires that a covered person 'served' overseas in the last five years. Served does not mean lived. In the case of Valerie Wilson, energy consultant for Brewster-Jennings, she traveled overseas in 2003, 2002, and 2001, as part of her cover job. She met with folks who worked in the nuclear industry, cultivated sources, and managed spies. She was a national security asset until exposed by Karl Rove and Scooter Libby."
So what are the Shiite's supposed to do? Sit back allow themselves to be slautered so that the Bush administration can say there is no civil war?
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- A car bomb killed six people Saturday near a Shiite shrine south of Baghdad, and the death toll from the deadliest attack of the year rose to 85. A senior official warned that Iraq was in an "undeclared civil war" that can be curbed only by a strong government and greater powers for security services.
BAGHDAD, Iraq -- ... A senior official warned that Iraq was in an "undeclared civil war" that can be curbed only by a strong government and greater powers for security services.
The president's argument sums up to 'information is declassified, when I say it is declassified.'
And that is true to an extent.
That is true, period!
But when the information in question was passed from Libby to reporters, it wasn't, in fact, officially declassified. The only people who knew the information classification status were Bush, Cheney, Libby, and David Addington, Bush's legal counsel.
"it wasn't, in fact, officially declassified"???![]()
Former CIA officer Larry Fitgerald, a 'classmate' of Plames and a card-carrying Republican, had this to say on the matter:
Quote:"The law actually requires that a covered person 'served' overseas in the last five years. Served does not mean lived. In the case of Valerie Wilson, energy consultant for Brewster-Jennings, she traveled overseas in 2003, 2002, and 2001, as part of her cover job. She met with folks who worked in the nuclear industry, cultivated sources, and managed spies. She was a national security asset until exposed by Karl Rove and Scooter Libby."
There is at least some evidence that she did work overseas in the required time period, and pretty much none that she did not.
Phrases like "some evidence" and "pretty much none" are a bit ambiguous, don't you think?
I have lately been reading a whole lot of scuttle from Fitzgerald's investigation, and there are a lot of phrases such as 'conspiracy' being tossed around. It turns out that there are significant differences between Bush&Cheney's story about the concerted and covert effort to discredit Wilson, and their account of there being 'no such coordinated effort.' Apparently there are some emails which show this to be a complete lie.
You left out the "some evidence" that what Wilson reported orally to the CIA after his African trip contradicted what he wrote in his published article: that is, in Wilson's oral report, Saddam sought yellow cake; in Wilson's written article, Saddam did not seek yellow cake.
I agree that the administration probably chose to reveal Plame's relationship with Wilson to combat what Wilson claimed in his article.
Also, please remember that the Bush administration has repeatedly argued that we invaded Afghanistan and Iraq because both harbored al-Qaeda. The last time prior to the invasion of Iraq 3/20/2003 that was argued was 2/5/2003:
Powell to the UN wrote:But what I want to bring to your attention today is the potentially much more sinister nexus between Iraq and the al-Qaida terrorist network, a nexus that combines classic terrorist organizations and modern methods of murder. Iraq today harbors a deadly terrorist network headed by Abu Musab al-Zarqawi an associate and collaborator of Usama bin Laden and his al-Qaida lieutenants.
Note: this harboring allegation was never refuted by Saddam's regime (and verified by our troops in April 2003), while the Iraq WMD and Iraq abetting 9/11 allegations were refuted by Saddam's regime (and refuted by our troops).