So, you can have zero objectivity about this then? I just want to be sure because I don't need to waste my energy if you refuse to be even slightly open to this discussion.
How do you explain away Sada? Do you trust Saddam's word over his?
Quote:Given the track record from your party on intelligence issues
You mean the CIA, Interpol and all the worlds other intelligence agencies that all agreed that WMD's existed?
The proof is there, just not visible. It's circumstantial. Iraq had WMD's, there is no denying that. They have not all been accounted for, there is no denying that. They must be somewhere because they can't be nowhere and evidence points to Syria. The logic is there for you to see Cyc., you just need to see it.
To answer your questions...
Why would Saddam believe that the US wouldn't attack him?
He figured the US would succumb to world pressure and back down as they had the previuos 12 years. He didn't believe Bush would have the support to invade after no WMD's were found.
Why didn't he use some of these WMD to even the odds?
Because he moved them prior to the invasion.
Why would he trust Syria (or whoever) to give them back after the war?
Lots and lots of money. Once no WMD's were found, he believed the sanctions would have to be lifted and he could finance whatever weapons he wanted from the sell of oil.