Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 02:16 pm
Do you guys realize were all wasting are time arguing with the same guy. This thread is us telling ican the truth and him denying it with bullshit.

We might as well ignore him and move on. There is about four or five people like this on A2K. They take up your time and energey and make it so we don't move on Passed whats already been established and what we can talk or do about it.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 02:20 pm
McTag wrote:
Don't forget folks, we made that long expensive trip to the sandy wastes of Iraq because Saddam was a very, very bad man.


FACT: The USA invaded southern Iraq in 1991 to end Iraq's invasion of Kuwait and prevent Iraq from doing it again.

FACT: Al-Qaeda Terrorist Malignancy murdered 3,000 American civilians in America five and a half years after it obtained sanctuary in Afghanistan.

FACT: The state of Afghanistan allowed sanctuary to al-Qaeda Terrorist Malignancy from May 1996 to October 2001 (one month after 9/11), when the USA invaded Afghanistan to end their sanctuary in Afghanistan.

FACT: The state of Iraq allowed sanctuary to al-Qaeda Terrorist Malignancy from December 2001 to March 2003, when the USA invaded Iraq to end their sanctuary in Iraq.

QUESTION: If USA had not invaded Iraq, how many years after al-Qaeda Terrorist Malignancy obtained sanctuary in Iraq would al-Qaeda Terrorist Malignancy have murdered more American civilians in America?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Mar, 2006 02:29 pm
Amigo wrote:
Do you guys realize were all wasting are time arguing with the same guy. This thread is us telling ican the truth and him denying it with bullshit. ...

This thread is you guys trying to convince yourselves that what you believe is true despite rational argument offered by me and others that it is not true.

Your libel is no substitute for rational rebuttal. It's not even a good camouflage for hiding what you are actually doing.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 03:33 am
ican711nm wrote:
Amigo wrote:
Do you guys realize were all wasting are time arguing with the same guy. This thread is us telling ican the truth and him denying it with bullshit. ...

This thread is you guys trying to convince yourselves that what you believe is true despite rational argument offered by me and others that it is not true.

Your libel is no substitute for rational rebuttal. It's not even a good camouflage for hiding what you are actually doing.

Iraq is spiraling out of control and has been so since the U.S. invasion and occupation and removal of Saddam. A power vacuum has been created that is beyond American control.

In the end, time will show who is right when America loses its control, and the region continues to descend into even more chaos thanks to America's distablization.

By the way, America's Guld War in 1991 was deception at its best. They clearly hooked Saddam into a trap all thanks to US Ambassador April Glaspie.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 03:44 am
Hello Ican. I see you are still a silly arse.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 12:50 pm
u.s. and iraq
just got my daily fix of BBC-NEWS . BBC seems to be one of the most reliable news-sources imo .

paul reynolds reports from iraq :
"iraq chaos threatens troop withdrawal"
there isn't really anything i can add , except perhaps to say that where one likes to speak about 'win-win' situations , this seems to have turned into a 'lose-lose' situation .
if the allies leave there will be more bloodshed, if the allies don't leave there will be more bloodshed .
two very unattractive choices ! hbg

0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 04:59 pm
Did no-one post the Guardian leader today? Here it is:

US envoy to Iraq: 'We have opened the Pandora's box'

The US ambassador to Baghdad conceded yesterday that the Iraq invasion had opened a Pandora's box of sectarian conflicts which could lead to a regional war and the rise of religious extremists who "would make Taliban Afghanistan look like child's play".

Read all about it here:

0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 05:43 pm
mctag : yea, the ambassador's comments even appeared in our local paper .
former ambassador/civilian administrator paul bremer has started to speak out too .
it's probably a little late now anyhow - you know the old saying : "we are over the hump, it's downhill all the way now".
(back in germany we used to say : "the situation is hopeless but not serious"). hbg
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 05:45 pm
Amigo wrote:
Do you guys realize were all wasting are time arguing with the same guy. This thread is us telling ican the truth and him denying it with bullshit.

We might as well ignore him and move on. There is about four or five people like this on A2K. They take up your time and energey and make it so we don't move on Passed whats already been established and what we can talk or do about it.

I know, I normally just scroll by all his posts ... I just couldn't resist just once ... I'm a bad man Smile

0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 05:48 pm
McTag wrote:
Did no-one post the Guardian leader today? Here it is:

US envoy to Iraq: 'We have opened the Pandora's box'

The US ambassador to Baghdad conceded yesterday that the Iraq invasion had opened a Pandora's box of sectarian conflicts which could lead to a regional war and the rise of religious extremists who "would make Taliban Afghanistan look like child's play".

Read all about it here:


The right wingers are stupid idiots .. we warned them ... they did it anyway ... now we pay the price for their stupidity!!

0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 05:52 pm
Anonymouse wrote:

Iraq is spiraling out of control and has been so since the U.S. invasion and occupation and removal of Saddam. A power vacuum has been created that is beyond American control.

In the end, time will show who is right when America loses its control, and the region continues to descend into even more chaos thanks to America's distablization.

There are two separate questions to be answered.

(1) Was the USA's choice to invade Iraq and replace its government, the USA's best available, workable choice for significantly reducing the threat of the Terrorist Malignancy to Americans?

(2) Are the USA's present methods for replacing Iraq's government the best available, workable methods for replacing Iraq's government?

For reasons I have repeatedly posted, I think the answer to question (1) is Yes.

For reasons I have yet to post, I think the answer to question (2) is No.

I think the primary thing wrong with the USA's present methods in Iraq is a failure to do two things. First, the USA should be openly working to take no prisoners and exterminate the Terrorist Malignancy in Iraq. Second, the USA must declare to the Iraqi government, as it is currently constituted, that the USA will leave Iraq if the new Iraqi government is not formed by a specific deadline (i.e., a specific date).

I think that if both are done, there will not be a civil war in Iraq, and millions of Iraqis will not be murdered. If either one or both are not done, there will be a civil war in Iraq, and millions of Iraqis will be murdered.

If any of the Terrorist Malignancy is quarantined (i.e., taken prisoner) by the USA, the quarantine must be ended when the USA leaves Iraq. At that point, the Terrorist Malignancy will certainly renew and resume its war on any civil Iraqi government. Worse, if quarantine of Terrorist Malignancy continues, the Terrorist Malignancy will view it as nothing more than a sabbatical, a nice material reward (e.g., food, clothing, shelter, and recreation) for the murders they have perpetrated.

If the USA fails to set a deadline (i.e., a specific date) for the current Iraq government to form its new government, it will not happen for many many years if at all, and civil war with all its bloody consequences will ensue in the meantime.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 06:01 pm
The 31,319 Iraqi civilians killed in 2003, 2004, and 2005, the first three years of USA invasion of Iraq, is almost 52% of the 60,635 Iraqi civilians killed in 2000, 2001, and 2002, the last three years of Saddam Hussein’s regime.

Its long past time to begin to cut that 52% at least in half, to say no more than 25%.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Mar, 2006 08:19 pm
hbg, I agree with you about the BBC.
0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 12:19 am
Some in this administration still talk about "progress" being made in Iraq. I personally think they live on another planet or they aren't reading the reports out of Iraq. I wonder when they will wake up from their comma.

Iraqi rights abuses 'increasing'
Reports of killings and torture by the Iraqi government and its agents increased in 2005, a US report says.
The State Department's annual report says police abuses included threats, intimidation and beatings, as well as the use of electric shocks.

It also singles out China, North Korea, Burma, Iran, Zimbabwe, Cuba and Belarus as being among the worst offenders.

The document analyses all the world's nations except the US, but admits America's own shortcomings.

Washington has come under strong international criticism for its treatment of detainees in Iraq since the US-led invasion there in 2003, as well as in Afghanistan and at the US military base at Guantanamo Bay.

The ongoing insurgency, coupled with sectarian and criminal violence, seriously affected the Iraqi government's human rights performance
US State Department report

"A climate of extreme violence in which people were killed for political and other reasons continued [in Iraq]," the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices says.

The worst abuses were carried out by police but the military was also a violator, the report says.

In particular, the document mentions "suspension by the arms or legs, as well as the reported use of electric drills and cords" and other forms of torture by Iraqi police.

It adds: "The ongoing insurgency, coupled with sectarian and criminal violence, seriously affected the government's human rights performance."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 03:39 am
Seen this? Gosh

Rupert Cornwell: At last, the warmongers are prepared to face the facts and admit they were wrong

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 05:54 am
The book mentioned in McTag's link has just been published by Yale University Press.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 06:16 am
SAW THIS TODAYhttp://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c277/Tags1/stevebell.jpg
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 07:10 am
McTag, thanks for the link. It was interesting.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 11:09 am

Official Says Shiite Party Suppressed Body Count

By Ellen Knickmeyer
Washington Post Foreign Service
Thursday, March 9, 2006; A01

BAGHDAD, March 8 -- Days after the bombing of a Shiite shrine unleashed a wave of retaliatory killings of Sunnis, the leading Shiite party in Iraq's governing coalition directed the Health Ministry to stop tabulating execution-style shootings, according to a ministry official familiar with the recording of deaths.

The official, who spoke on the condition that he not be named because he feared for his safety, said a representative of the Shiite party, the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq, ordered that government hospitals and morgues catalogue deaths caused by bombings or clashes with insurgents, but not by execution-style shootings.

A statement this week by the U.N. human rights department in Baghdad appeared to support the account of the Health Ministry official. The agency said it had received information about Baghdad's main morgue -- where victims of fatal shootings are taken -- that indicated "the current acting director is under pressure by the Interior Ministry in order not to reveal such information and to minimize the number of casualties."

The U.N. office said it had not confirmed the information about the morgue and had been unable so far to obtain an accounting of the toll from Iraqi authorities.

Spokesmen for the Health Ministry and the Supreme Council -- commonly known by its initials, SCIRI -- denied that any order to alter the tabulation of deaths had been issued.

Abductions and killings of Sunni Arab men, usually by gunshots to the back of the head, have occurred with increasing frequency over the past year and are widely blamed on government-allied Shiite religious militias and death squads alleged to be operating from inside the SCIRI-dominated Interior Ministry. In particular, Shiite militias have been accused of abducting and executing large numbers of Sunni men in the days immediately following the Feb. 22 destruction of the Askariya mosque, a revered Shiite shrine in the northern city of Samarra.

After a lull in recent days, abductions and killings flared again in Baghdad on Wednesday. Police in west Baghdad found a minibus that contained the bodies of 18 bound and strangled men, and 50 employees of an Iraqi security firm were kidnapped on the east side of the city.

The Washington Post reported on Feb. 28 that more than 1,300 shooting victims had been brought to the morgue in the first six days after the Samarra bombing. The figure was provided by a morgue worker who refused to be identified by name.

Prime Minister Ibrahim al-Jafari denied the account, saying Shiite-Sunni violence had claimed 379 lives in the week following the attack on the shrine. Gen. George W. Casey Jr., the U.S. commander in Iraq, called The Post's report exaggerated and inaccurate. An e-mail sent to U.S. military officials this week seeking updated casualty figures went unanswered.

But during the past week, various government ministries declined to give a breakdown of the 379 total, or said they were unable to, and several inconsistencies in their accounts appeared to call the government's tally into question.

In addition to the morgue worker, three sources -- the Health Ministry official, an official with the Interior Ministry and an international official in Baghdad -- involved in tallying or monitoring the mounting deaths also have put the toll at 1,000 or more, though none gave a toll as high as 1,300. Two of the sources said pressure by Shiite leaders not to report execution-style shootings had produced the lower death toll announced by Jafari.

The international official said "Ministry of Health types" were reckoning about 1,000 deaths before Jafari issued his denial. "By February 28th, even the 1st, that was the number being floated, almost acknowledged" publicly, the international official said, referring to March 1. "Then the government announced'' its lower figure.

"They're afraid," the official said.

Morgue authorities now say that only 250 bodies were received between Feb. 22 and 28. That breaks down to about 35 bodies a day, scarcely more than the daily average of roughly 30 corpses reported since the middle of last year. And it is unclear how, or whether, the government includes execution-style militia killings in the tally.

Iraqi officials denied that the death figures had been manipulated.

"I find it very unlikely, very strange, that some political official would come and impose their own views on this ministry," said Qasim Yahiya, a spokesman for the Health Ministry.

Haitham al-Husseini, a spokesman for the SCIRI, said: "How can SCIRI put pressure on authorities or on people? I don't expect you can believe such a thing. How can SCIRI go to a ministry and give instruction to an official to do this or that?"

"This is part of the campaign that the enemies of Iraq and the Iraqi people are still trying to lead to confuse the situation," Husseini said. "And this is part of their campaign to show their lies about the Ministry of Interior and what is happening and also to draw the attention of the people away from the crimes they are committing against the civilians."

The widely differing tolls reflect acute political sensitivity at a time when Iraq's three-year-old conflict is undergoing a fundamental shift: Execution-style killings of the kind frequently blamed on police or Shiite militias allied with the government appear to be killing more Iraqis than bombings of government and civilian targets by Sunni Arab insurgents.

Since Jan. 30, 2005, when Iraq held its first parliamentary elections since President Saddam Hussein was ousted almost two years earlier, the country's Shiite majority has controlled the largest bloc in parliament and the most powerful positions in the cabinet. The SCIRI is the dominant member of the governing Shiite coalition and holds several key cabinet portfolios, including the Interior Ministry, which oversees Iraq's police.

The Health Ministry, which operates the Baghdad morgue and government hospitals, is in the hands of a religious party headed by Moqtada al-Sadr, the Shiite cleric whose militia, the Mahdi Army, waged two armed uprisings against U.S. forces in 2004. Since the Samarra bombing, the Mahdi Army has been widely accused of kidnapping and killing Sunni men. Families collecting bodies at the morgue last week described gunmen in the black clothes associated with Sadr's militia coming to Sunni homes or to mosques and taking men away.

Sadr's organization has denied any connection with the killings, saying crimes were being committed by people who had dressed in black to focus blame on the Mahdi Army.

At Baghdad's morgue, where the walls are decorated with pictures of Sadr, Post reporters saw bodies overflowing into hallways and onto floors during the week following the Samarra bombing. Bodies taken to the morgue are almost invariably victims of shootings and other circumstances requiring investigation; those killed in bombings and rocket and mortar attacks are taken to hospitals because the cause of death is considered clear-cut.

A Post reporter visiting the morgue about noon Feb. 23, the day after the mosque bombing and before the subsequent violence peaked, counted the bodies of 84 males ranging in age from about 12 to more than 60. All died violently -- the morgue handles most violent deaths for which police request an investigation -- and morgue officials separately told the Agence France-Presse news agency at the time that 80 people had been killed in the first hours of violence after the mosque bombing.

Four days later, another Post reporter who went to the morgue was told by workers that the facility contained more than 200 unclaimed bodies at that time.

Morgue and Health Ministry officials say morgue workers were barely able to keep up with the arrival of bodies. Iraq's state-run pharmaceutical company lent the ministry "six or seven'' refrigerated trailers to handle the overflow, according to the ministry official. Bodies that went unclaimed were buried in cemeteries in Baghdad, Najaf and Karbala.

In all, the Health Ministry official said, more than 1,000 people died in the first six days of violence, although it was not clear whether that covered only Baghdad or all of Iraq.

For several days after the Samarra bombing, the government added a daytime curfew to the long-standing one in Baghdad at night in a bid to quell the Shiite-Sunni bloodletting. During the last weekend in February, few vehicles could be seen on Baghdad's streets other than those of government officials, security forces and gunmen dressed in black.

At least one representative of the SCIRI traveled to the Health Ministry, according to the ministry official. On or about Feb. 27, the ministry official said, a party representative directed ministry employees that victims of sectarian killings not associated with insurgent attacks should no longer be recorded. Instead, their names were only to be posted on the morgue wall so that their families could retrieve their bodies.

Contacted a second time this week, the ministry official refused to speak further, saying, "Forget what I told you."

Abdul Razzaq Kadhumi, the prime minister's spokesman, declined Wednesday to give a breakdown of the figure of 379 execution-style killings given by Jafari. "These are obviously terrorist, Saddamist and Baathist acts against civilians, and they all go under victims of terrorism," he said

Kadhumi also declined to give a contact number for Jafari's operations room, where he said the figure was reached. He referred the question to the operations rooms of the Defense and Interior ministries, which said they had a figure only for "terrorists'' killed -- 35 -- from Feb. 22 to March 1 and none for civilians or security forces.

On Tuesday, Yahiya, the Health Ministry spokesman, showed a Post reporter what he said was the official, confidential tally that the Health Ministry sends to the prime minister's office each day. The two-page sheet included only two categories of deaths: "military operations" and "terrorist attacks."

Yahiya said he did not know if the ministry tally included bodies that turned up at morgues in Baghdad and regional capitals of Iraq after having been tortured and shot. "There's always fights between tribes," Yahiya said. "We have no idea if a person was killed in executions or personal vendettas.'"

The Baghdad morgue's acting director, Qais Hassan, said the morgue sent the Health Ministry daily figures broken down only by cause of death, without details about the kind of attack in which each person was killed. Hassan denied that any pressure had been placed on him to manipulate death tolls.

Hassan became acting morgue director after the previous director, Faik Bakir, left the country in recent months. International officials said he fled the country after receiving threats from both insurgents and pro-government forces over investigations of suspicious deaths. Bakir issued a statement over the weekend denying that, saying he had left the country on four months' approved medical leave.

Hassan also said refrigerated trucks had been borrowed from the state pharmaceutical agency to handle the overflow of corpses following the mosque bombing. He said only three of the trailers were brought in, however, rather than six to seven. "It was overwhelming work to do, but we managed it," he said.

On Monday, two trucks with Thermo King refrigerated trailers were parked in a lot between the Health Ministry and the morgue, and a third refrigerated trailer was seen over the weekend in a separate parking lot off the morgue. Both parking lots were closed. From a distance, there was no clear sign the trailers were in use.

Health Ministry drivers volunteered Monday that two of the refrigerated trailers had been brought to the ministry parking lot during the violence following the mosque bombing, and that two other trailers also were brought in. The drivers said they saw bodies being placed in the trailers. Their accounts could not be independently verified.

On Sunday, as a Washington Post reporter briefly visited the morgue office, five bodies were brought in from a town just outside Baghdad. All were neatly dressed men, all had their hands bound, and all had been shot in the back of the head. Morgue officials took the bodies to one of the refrigerated trailers. No mention of the five appeared in news reports.

Access to the morgue was restricted, a sharp contrast from the scene on Feb. 27, when men were allowed to enter the morgue to search among the many bloodied corpses for family members and anxious relatives swarmed around a computer screen that showed photos of the unidentified dead.

Over the weekend, families were kept outside a gate and made to register to see the photos on the computer. No access was allowed to the morgue itself. A man dressed in black and carrying a radio kept watch on the crowd.

Other Washington Post staff contributed to this report.

© 2006 The Washington Post Company

Not good.

I don't think there is any real way to know exactly what the situation is over there right now. Craziness.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 11:34 am
McGentrix wrote:
Bush lied, people died?

Mar 2, 2006
by Larry Elder

I recently interviewed General Georges Sada, who served as the second-highest ranked general in the Iraqi Air Force. A two-star general, he wrote a recently published book called "Saddam's Secrets: How an Iraqi General Defied and Survived Saddam Hussein." Here are some sound bites from that interview:

Elder: General, as you know, the president has been accused of lying about the intelligence, fabricating it, cherry-picking it, that he wanted to go to war, he really didn't believe that Saddam had WMD. It was all a big smokescreen. When you hear people accuse the president of lying about WMD, of misleading the country and the world, your reaction, Gen. Georges Sada, is what?

Sada: Let me tell you. I am really surprised how people are speaking like this and their soldiers are still in the battle. You see, a soldier when he is in battle, he wants to feel that all his nation are backing him and they are with him. And now I tell you I feel very sorry when I see some people in this country, their soldiers are in the battle, and they are discussing political things making that soldier to feel that he is there in the wrong place. That's one. Second, if there was something right had been done in this country, it was the best decision taken in the proper time, to go and liberate Iraq from an evil dictatorship who only God knows what he was going to do in the region, and maybe even to America, because that man was possessing the weapons of mass destruction and then he was with very evil intentions towards all the West, especially America.

Elder: Fifteen months before we invaded Iraq, the president began talking about what our intentions would be if Saddam would not comply with the U.N. resolutions. During those 15 months . . . did Saddam have WMD, have stockpiles of WMD, and, if so, what type?
Click to learn more...

Sada: Iraq possessed WMD and they were there, and they were chemical and biological, and nuclear weapons. He have also deals with China to make it in China this time, not in Iraq, because F-16s of Israelis have destroyed the Iraqi nuclear project, therefore, he designed a new system to have the atom bomb to be done in China, and he would only pay the money, and he did for $100 million, and $5 million were paid for down payment. I know the bank, I know the branch, and I know the accountant who did it.

Elder: What happened to the chemical and biological weapons?

Sada: The chemical and biological weapons were available in Iraq before liberating the country, but Saddam Hussein took the advantage of a natural disaster that happened in Syria when a dam was collapsed and many villages were flooded. So Saddam Hussein took that cover and declared to the world that he is going to use the civilian aircraft for an air bridge to help Syria with blankets, food and fuel oil, and other humanitarian things, but that was not true. The truth is he converted two regular passenger civilian aircraft, 747 Jumbo and 727 . . . all the weapons of mass destruction were put there by the special Republican Guards in a very secret way, and they were transported to Syria, to Damascus, by flying 56 flights to Damascus. . . . In addition . . . also a truck convoy on the ground to take whatever has to do with WMD to Syria.

Elder: I've always thought it incredible, bizarre, unbelievable, that our intelligence could have been wrong, British intelligence could have been wrong, the French, the Germans, the Russians, the U.N., the Egyptians, the Jordanians, all of whom thought he had WMD. I never felt comfortable with the idea that everybody got it wrong. . . .

Sada: Your intelligence said that Saddam Hussein had WMD. . . . I agree with them. They were there in Iraq. But they didn't find them after liberation of Iraq, because they were searching not in the right place. These things were transported by air and by ground.

Elder: General, why would Saddam, knowing we were about ready to invade, transfer WMD out of the country instead of using it on American and coalition troops?

Sada: Because he knew that the power of America to liberate the country is more than what he can do. And maybe not all WMD were ready to use then. And that's why he transported to Syria and he thought that he's going to maintain in the power as he was maintained in 1991 and then he was going to get it back again and then proceed to complete the whole project of WMD.

"Bush lied, people died"?


Bush lied, people died: Part II

Mar 9, 2006
by Larry Elder

Gen. Georges Sada, the No. 2 ranking officer with the Iraqi Air Force, is finally being heard in Washington, D.C. Senate Armed Services Committee member James Inhofe, R-Okla., recently said, " . . . This old argument of weapons of mass destruction, which has always been a phony argument from the beginning, now that we have information that's been testified . . . in closed session, by this General Sadas [sic] -- all kinds of evidence as to the individuals who transported the weapons out of Iraq into Syria."

Ali Ibrahim, another Iraqi commander, corroborates Sada's assertion that Saddam possessed stockpiles of WMD, but transported them out of Iraq by air and by land. Furthermore, former FBI agent John Tierney says the United States uncovered hours of tapes -- since authenticated -- of Saddam Hussein and his henchmen discussing WMD, and how they hid their work from U.N. inspectors.

So, we continue our interview with Gen. Sada:

Elder: You said the president did the right thing in invading Iraq --

Sada: Excuse me, you say invading, I always say liberating.

Elder: OK, liberating Iraq. Are we winning this war of liberation?

Sada: The war is won. Now we are trying to win the peace. . . . The new elections were a great thing . . . and the wonderful, wonderful thing is that the first time we had 88 women elected in the Parliament of Iraq. I'm not sure of the number now, but you just imagine 88 women of 275 seats in the Parliament are women -- in an Islamic Arab country in the Middle East. This is the fruit of the liberation.

Elder: The WMD transported to Syria, are we talking about hundreds of tons of chemical and biological weapons?

Sada: Well, of course, because a Jumbo aircraft easily can take more than 50 tons. And especially that Jumbo was doing two sorties a day; maybe 727 was doing only one, but Jumbo for sure was doing two sorties a day, so it will be hundreds of tons were transported to Syria.

Elder: Transporting all these chemical and biological weapons to Syria in 56 sorties, using those planes, obviously a lot of people had to be involved in it. How can someone like David Kaye, our WMD hunter, and his successor, Charles Duelfer, how could they spend all that time in Iraq and not uncover what you told us?

Sada: . . . I can assure you that there are -- even in Intelligence sometimes -- that people are not taking it that serious, and dealing with it in that serious way. But now I can find that the senators like Inhofe and [Jeff] Sessions [R-Ala.], and Rep. Pete Hoekstra [R-Mich.], they are very serious, and this is the first time I can feel that your Intelligence are very serious . . . and I can assure you that this moment . . . there are people who are doing a lot in the Middle East to see the people who have transported the WMD to Syria.

Elder: What should we do about Iran?

Sada: I was in a discussion in Dubai . . . there were two professors from Iran there, and I was representing Iraq to discuss the security of the Gulf. And I told them like this: If you are going to possess the nuclear weapon, that's a disaster. If you will use it, it's a bigger disaster. And if you will not use it, it's also a disaster, because you are going to make a big, big, big hole in your economy. I hope that the Iranians at last will listen. We don't want that region to have more conflicts and to have more WMD, but the other way around, to get rid of these weapons, and make the region and the Middle East to live peaceful. . . .

Elder: So what should be done, General? They are embarking on acquiring a nuclear weapon.

Sada: Well, I think the world and the United States have got enough knowledge and enough courage, and enough things to know what to do, but I still believe that it will be much, much better to solve it in a peace way, because I am the director of a peace organization. But you know, always we cannot achieve the peace. . . .

Elder: Do you want to see a secure Israel living in peace with her neighbors?

Sada: Of course. . . . I want to see everybody in the region to be in peace. . . . And I hope that peace is coming very soon. And before I finish, I want to bow in front of the parents of those who have lost their beloved one, and I want to tell them that I know it is difficult and tough, but it is worth it, and they should be proud of their daughters and sons killed in the war because they have liberated a country, liberated 27 million people, and that country is the country of father Abraham, and Daniel of Babylon, and Jonah of Nineveh.
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