You really are dense if you think I can't understand what you are writing.
I never claimed that the WMD were moved AFTER or DURING the invasion. I understand that your source says that they were moved BEFORE the invasion.
You claim that Saddam moved the WMD in hopes of forestalling the invasion. I claim that this is
bull sh*t. You have no way of knowing what Saddam was thinking. None. You are assuming that he was thinking the course of action that leads to the scenario in which you favor, but present no proof whatsoever that this is true.
You seem to believe that Saddam thought that if got rid of the WMD, there would be no invasion. This is idiocy. Saddam wasn't a fool, he knew Bush and his cronies wanted to invade him, and were only using WMD as an excuse. Even if nothing was found, the Bush admin would use the same line that so many, including yourself, have used: 'We know that he wanted to have WMD, and it was only a matter of time till he got them, so he
had to be taken out to make sure.'
Your whole argument rests upon the flawed assumption that Saddam believed that we were only interested in attacking Iraq because of WMD. There is no reason whatsoever to believe that he thought this was true.
Saddam made a decision whether or not to use the WMD against invading US troops
before he moved them and
before we invaded. Your claim that Saddam got rid of his
highly powerful weapons, right before he was attacked, is ludicrous in the extreme.
Your argument fails on three points: first, there is no compelling reason to trust Sada any more than the other Iraqis who lied to us about WMD (isn't that your story, btw? That the Iraqis who provided us with WMD evidence were lying, and that's why we mistakenly thought they were still there?). Second, there is no physical evidence at all that these WMD's were produced, created, stored, or transported. Third, your insistance that you know what Saddam was thinking, and that said thinking involved believing the US would just leave him alone if he shipped his WMD out, is ludicrous and stands up to no sort of logical reasoning.
Nice try though, conspiracy theorist. Here's a hat for you: