Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 02:23 pm
Right, McT?

You actually hadn't answered the question in your original post, McG. Your answer to the question, provided in your last post, seems to be:

Why would he justify the invasion by using them? That would go against the premise I have laid out.

So, your answer to the question is, that Saddam chose to move the WMD b/c he didn't want to use them against the Americans in case they attacked.

If they were going to invade either way, McG, than what would Saddam care whether it was justified or not? What would it matter; they've already attacked! You are really grasping for straws here.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 02:25 pm
Saddam believed:
US invasion based on WMD's
no WMD's, no invasion

Your evidence of what Saddam believed is... what, exactly?

Is it right up there with the evidence of what Bush and the other liars 'believed?'

Which is to say, you have none whatsoever?

Please clarify where you draw this assumption from.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 02:30 pm
Sheesh, I understood what you read! You just can't seem to understand that you didn't originally answer the question, which was:

Why would Saddam not use his WMD against the American troops?

You answered that by saying he didn't have them to use, because he'd already moved them.

But moving the WMD was a consequence of the decision to not use them on US troops, not a reason that he couldn't use them! What you wrote doesn't answer why Saddam chose not to use them against the US forces.

Your second line - that Saddam didn't want to use them to justify the invasion - is a better answer, which I gave you credit for, but it doesn't make any sense either, because why would he care about justifying an invasion, which he is doomed to lose without the WMD, and is already happening anyways? Justifying the invasion doesn't change the fact of said invasion one bit, and I doubt Saddam was trying to figure out what would make the US look the worst.

You need to learn to read accurately and drop the condescending tone, you are coming off quite foolishly here.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 02:41 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
Sheesh, I understood what you read! You just can't seem to understand that you didn't originally answer the question, which was:

Why would Saddam not use his WMD against the American troops?

You answered that by saying he didn't have them to use, because he'd already moved them.

But moving the WMD was a consequence of the decision to not use them on US troops, not a reason that he couldn't use them! What you wrote doesn't answer why Saddam chose not to use them against the US forces.

Your second line - that Saddam didn't want to use them to justify the invasion - is a better answer, which I gave you credit for, but it doesn't make any sense either, because why would he care about justifying an invasion, which he is doomed to lose without the WMD, and is already happening anyways? Justifying the invasion doesn't change the fact of said invasion one bit, and I doubt Saddam was trying to figure out what would make the US look the worst.

You need to learn to read accurately and drop the condescending tone, you are coming off quite foolishly here.


If you read what I wrote and have posted (Elders interview with Sada) you would know that it was prior to the invasion that the WMD's were moved, not after.

Again, The US invasion was premised on the WMD's. Saddam moved the WMD's and allowed the UN inspectors access to all the named sites knowing they would find nothing. The US was already under considerable pressure to halt any invasion and Saddam (wrongly) believed he would be spared the invasion after the inspectors declared he had no WMD's.

It's not that hard to follow.

But moving the WMD was a consequence of the decision to not use them on US troops, not a reason that he couldn't use them! What you wrote doesn't answer why Saddam chose not to use them against the US forces.

maybe if I make it bold...

The WMD's were moved PRIOR to the invasion, thus NOT AVAILBLE for him to use DURING the invasion.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 02:45 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
You didn't actually answer the question, 'why wouldn't Saddam have used his WMD against American troops?'

Saddam did not have ready-to-use WMD when Iraq was invaded in 2003.

Before Iraq was invaded, the ready-to-use WMD Saddam had after 1991 were subsequently used up killing thousands of Iraqi civilians.

Saddam had parts and ingredients for assembling WMD before Iraq was invaded in 2003.

Saddam had these parts and ingredients for assembling WMD shipped to Syria before Iraq was invaded in 2003.

Saddam shipped these parts and ingredients for assembling WMD to Syria rather than assemble them into ready-to-use WMD to be used against the USA, because he was anxious to have UN sanctions lifted against Iraq for allegedly possessing WMD.

Saddam several times blocked UN inspectors from discovering his parts and ingredients for assembling WMD before he shipped them to Syria.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 02:57 pm
Rolling Eyes

You really are dense if you think I can't understand what you are writing.

I never claimed that the WMD were moved AFTER or DURING the invasion. I understand that your source says that they were moved BEFORE the invasion.

You claim that Saddam moved the WMD in hopes of forestalling the invasion. I claim that this is bull sh*t. You have no way of knowing what Saddam was thinking. None. You are assuming that he was thinking the course of action that leads to the scenario in which you favor, but present no proof whatsoever that this is true.

You seem to believe that Saddam thought that if got rid of the WMD, there would be no invasion. This is idiocy. Saddam wasn't a fool, he knew Bush and his cronies wanted to invade him, and were only using WMD as an excuse. Even if nothing was found, the Bush admin would use the same line that so many, including yourself, have used: 'We know that he wanted to have WMD, and it was only a matter of time till he got them, so he had to be taken out to make sure.'

Your whole argument rests upon the flawed assumption that Saddam believed that we were only interested in attacking Iraq because of WMD. There is no reason whatsoever to believe that he thought this was true.

Saddam made a decision whether or not to use the WMD against invading US troops before he moved them and before we invaded. Your claim that Saddam got rid of his highly powerful weapons, right before he was attacked, is ludicrous in the extreme.

Your argument fails on three points: first, there is no compelling reason to trust Sada any more than the other Iraqis who lied to us about WMD (isn't that your story, btw? That the Iraqis who provided us with WMD evidence were lying, and that's why we mistakenly thought they were still there?). Second, there is no physical evidence at all that these WMD's were produced, created, stored, or transported. Third, your insistance that you know what Saddam was thinking, and that said thinking involved believing the US would just leave him alone if he shipped his WMD out, is ludicrous and stands up to no sort of logical reasoning.

Nice try though, conspiracy theorist. Here's a hat for you:


0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 02:59 pm
Ican, you have no way of knowing whether or not the WMD were ready to go, in parts, or non-existenet. There is no proof one way or the other that shows this conclusively. Therefore, it is rather difficult for me to understand what you base your latest post on.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 03:07 pm
Investigators laid the possibility to rest last year. Charles Duelfer, the White House's hand-picked W.M.D. investigator, found in a 92-page report that "no information gleaned from questioning Iraqis supported the possibility" that Saddam moved WMD to Syria.

There is no "evidence" that shows the Duelfer report was wrong. Rather, a couple of people are pushing conspiracy theories without any supporting evidence.

MYTH #1 - Saddam Flew WMD to Syria:

Fox News reporter Brit Hume reported last month, "The number two general in Saddam Hussein's air force says Iraq moved its weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the U.S. invasion."

Georges Sada, the former general referenced in Hume's report, laid out the idea in his new book, "Saddam's Secrets." Sada claims Saddam used 747 jets "to smuggle his weapons of mass destruction out of Iraq and into Syria, following a natural disaster in northwestern Syria on June 4, 2002."

But Sada admits he never saw it happen. Instead, Sada's two pilot friends are the only witnesses, and Sada said he will not disclose the names of the pilots.

MYTH #2 - The Russians Hid the WMD in Syria:

Some on the right have taken the myth one step further. Pundits such as Fox News military analyst Lt. Gen. Thomas McInerney are claiming Russian Special Forces moved the WMD to Syria. Former deputy undersecretary of defense John Shaw came up with this explanation nearly a year ago. He told the conservative NewsMax in March 2005, "I am absolutely sure that Russian Spetsnatz units moved WMD out of Iraq before the war." NewsMax described the operation as "the most successful intelligence operation of the 21st century." Like Sada, Shaw has absolutely no evidence to support his theory except for "unnamed sources" in Iraq.

Shaw is hardly a reliable source. The Los Angeles Times reported in April 2004 that the Pentagon inspector general investigated Shaw because he allegedly tried to "alter a contract proposal in Iraq to benefit a mobile phone consortium that includes friends and colleagues." The resulting delays angered U.S. officials, who said the "deaths of many Americans and Iraqis might have been prevented with better communications." The Pentagon pushed Shaw out in December 2004.

To Hinderaker this constitutes "evidence" that "the administration, along with the CIA and the intelligence services of all other countries who assessed the issue, likely was right after all." He then chastizes the news media for failing to report the "big news."

Filed under: Iraq, Syria
Posted by Payson February 27, 2006 6:07 pm

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 03:11 pm
And another interesting link followed from that one:

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 03:13 pm
McTag wrote:

He moved his biggest and best weapons

After 1991 Saddam used up his ready-to-use WMD killing thousands of Iraqi civilians.

However, Saddam did not use up his parts and ingredients for assembling ready-to-use WMD.

Several times Saddam blocked UN inspectors from finding these parts and ingredients for assembling ready-to-use WMD, because he was seeking removal of UN sanctions against Iraq.

Before USA invaded Iraq, Saddam had these parts and ingredients for assembling ready-to-use WMD, moved to Syria, because he was seeking removal of UN sanctions against Iraq.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 03:15 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
You really are dense if you think I can't understand what you are writing.

You leave me no other alternative based on what you have written.

I never claimed that the WMD were moved AFTER or DURING the invasion. I understand that your source says that they were moved BEFORE the invasion.

Then why would you ask "Why would Saddam not use his WMD against the American troops?" Makes me think you weren't understanding what had been written.

You claim that Saddam moved the WMD in hopes of forestalling the invasion. I claim that this is bull sh*t. You have no way of knowing what Saddam was thinking. None. You are assuming that he was thinking the course of action that leads to the scenario in which you favor, but present no proof whatsoever that this is true.

I present proof that you find unacceptable. I trust Sada over Saddam because he has no reason to lie. What reason could he have to lie now? I base my opinion on what I have read, I have made those same materials available to you here and there, yet you persist in the believing the liberal dogma of "Bush Lied, People Died." Please provide an alternative that doesn't involve the WMD's simply disappearing because we both know that is not the case.

You seem to believe that Saddam thought that if got rid of the WMD, there would be no invasion. This is idiocy. Saddam wasn't a fool, he knew Bush and his cronies wanted to invade him, and were only using WMD as an excuse. Even if nothing was found, the Bush admin would use the same line that so many, including yourself, have used: 'We know that he wanted to have WMD, and it was only a matter of time till he got them, so he had to be taken out to make sure.'

Is there any possible way Iraq could have militarily stopped the US? NO. Saddam had to rely on world pressure to halt the invasion. By allowing UN weapons inspectors access to facilities no longer hiding WMD's he made a last ditch effort to avoid the invasion. It was his only chance.

Your whole argument rests upon the flawed assumption that Saddam believed that we were only interested in attacking Iraq because of WMD. There is no reason whatsoever to believe that he thought this was true.

Flawed? No. There was a long list of reasons for the invasion, but the world community recognized WMD's to be the main reason. No WMD's meant more pressure on the US to not invade and give Saddam the chance to retain control of his country.

Saddam made a decision whether or not to use the WMD against invading US troops before he moved them and before we invaded. Your claim that Saddam got rid of his highly powerful weapons, right before he was attacked, is ludicrous in the extreme.

More nonsense. There are maybe 3 or 4 countries in the world that could defend itself against an American onslaught. Iraq was hardly one. Using WMD's against the Americans would have been foolish in the extreme as it provides instant verification and admission to having them. Diplomacy was Saddam's only chance.

Your argument fails on three points: first, there is no compelling reason to trust Sada any more than the other Iraqis who lied to us about WMD (isn't that your story, btw? That the Iraqis who provided us with WMD evidence were lying, and that's why we mistakenly thought they were still there?). Second, there is no physical evidence at all that these WMD's were produced, created, stored, or transported. Third, your insistance that you know what Saddam was thinking, and that said thinking involved believing the US would just leave him alone if he shipped his WMD out, is ludicrous and stands up to no sort of logical reasoning.

See above.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 03:28 pm
So you basically admit that this is nothing better than a theory, based upon the word of Sada, who according to you 'has no reason to lie.' What reason did 'Curveball' have to lie? Yet he, and many others, apparently did, if you would have us believe that Bush was Mislead before the war and not lying himself.

The funny thing is, once again, you don't know whether Sada is lying or not, yet you accept that he isn't; because it supports the line you want to believe. I just don't buy it.

And the nice part is, noone else does either. The Bush Administration and Republicans have zero credibility when it comes to intelligence issues. They have already proven that they cannot be relied upon. In the grandest fashion. So until there is physical evidence, or even first-hand testimony that any of this happened, there is no compelling reason for anyone to think this is anything other than a pathetic attempt to justify this mess of an invasion.

I suppose Iran will 'hide' it's WMD in Syria or Pakistan, who will 'hide' their WMD in Jordan, who will 'hide' their WMD in Saudi Arabia, each time we go to invade. You guys really crack me up, yaknow!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 03:32 pm
OH, yeah

Please provide an alternative that doesn't involve the WMD's simply disappearing because we both know that is not the case.

Here's one: they didn't exist. There is no evidence that Saddam had WMD that weren't destroyed. The only argument that has been forwarded by you and yours along these lines is 'we didn't see proof of the destruction, why didn't they tape it, etc.' but that doesn't prove that they weren't destroyed.

Occam's razor applies here; the simplest solution is probably the most accurate. It is far more likely that Saddam never had the WMD in the first place, then a complicated and secret plot to hide them in the desert in Syria.

Here's a motive for Sada to lie for ya: He's pimping his book. Money is his motive, and since there are no fact-checkers to prove him wrong, why not lie?

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 03:36 pm
Quote: "Saddam made a decision whether or not to use the WMD against invading US troops before he moved them and before we invaded. Your claim that Saddam got rid of his highly powerful weapons, right before he was attacked, is ludicrous in the extreme."

In support of this argument/opinion/position, the supposed thousands of tons of WMDs Saddam supposedly had would have been detected by our armed forces - which ofcoarse they didn't, because Saddam didn't have them to relocate. What little the US soldiers found after the preemptive attack is now being used against us by the insurgency, because of this administrations failure to secure them.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 03:38 pm
It's actually only propaganda for Sada's book.

(Ranks at 1,717 in the amazon bestseller's list - but only after they reduced the price for nearly 50%)
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 03:38 pm
Cycloptichorn wrote:
OH, yeah

Please provide an alternative that doesn't involve the WMD's simply disappearing because we both know that is not the case.

Here's one: they didn't exist. There is no evidence that Saddam had WMD that weren't destroyed. The only argument that has been forwarded by you and yours along these lines is 'we didn't see proof of the destruction, why didn't they tape it, etc.' but that doesn't prove that they weren't destroyed.

Occam's razor applies here; the simplest solution is probably the most accurate. It is far more likely that Saddam never had the WMD in the first place, then a complicated and secret plot to hide them in the desert in Syria.

Here's a motive for Sada to lie for ya: He's pimping his book. Money is his motive, and since there are no fact-checkers to prove him wrong, why not lie?


Shocked Laughing

You leave me no other alternative based on what you have written.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 04:15 pm
u.s. and u.n.
former saddam hussein air vice-marshall sada , has had a pretty interesting life indeed . it seems that he knows how to play his cards . he was a pretty high-ranking figure under SH administation , but has found a clever way to re-invent himself . read and be astonished ! hbg

0 Replies
cicerone imposter
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 04:20 pm
I'm not sure whether to count his religious' affiliations as negatives or positives. LOL
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 04:32 pm
c.i. : certainly interesting , i'd say .
seems a bit like a chameleon .
a/t oxford ED : chameleon - kind of lizard noted for power of changing colour and living long without food ; inconstant or versatile person .
i'd certainly agree with that . hbg
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Mar, 2006 04:39 pm
FACT: Al-Qaeda Terrorist Malignancy murdered 3,000 American civilians in America five and a half years after it obtained sanctuary in Afghanistan.

FACT: The state of Afghanistan allowed sanctuary to al-Qaeda Terrorist Malignancy from May 1996 to October 2001 (one month after 9/11), when the USA invaded Afghanistan to end their sanctuary in Afghanistan.

FACT: The state of Iraq allowed sanctuary to al-Qaeda Terrorist Malignancy from December 2001 to March 2003, when the USA invaded Iraq to end their sanctuary in Iraq.

QUESTION: If USA had not invaded Iraq, how many years after al-Qaeda Terrorist Malignancy obtained sanctuary in Iraq would al-Qaeda Terrorist Malignancy have murdered more American civilians in America?
0 Replies

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