Chumly wrote:Foxfyre wrote:And you can call the baby growing in the womb any manner of names to avoid recongizing it as human, but it won't change the fact that it is.
Would you be kind enough to provide your definition of "human" and how you justify this definition of "human"?
Human is what we call the only members of the homo sapiens species. A new human being is started when a human sperm enters a human egg which subsequently attaches itself to the wall of a human uterus and begins to grow. Following me so far?
Now there are those who say a very young human, that is one that has been growing for only a few weeks, is not human. Some say this is true because the law says it is true, but these same people would probably disagree that the law was correct when it assigned subhuman status to black people or denied women the right to own property or vote or made abortion illegal period. So we can safely say that depending on the law for our ethics and moral values is an inexact science.
The whole issue of pro-abortion people--that is those who push for, defend, advocate, or make apologies for liberal abortion rights--is that they usually choose to believe that the very young human being is not a human being at all. The prolifers' issue is no matter how young or how old a human being is, it is still a human being. If you start from the moment of birth and count forward, it doesn't matter how old s/he gets, s/he's still a person. And prolifers have no problem of believing s/he was a person in the hours before birth either, or the week before, or the month before, etc. Continuing to count back between the moment of birth and the moment of the egg attaching to the uterine wall, it is problematic for the prolifer to decide the precise moment the being stops being human and becomes something else. Most have a problem thinking that it ever does.
Hope that clears it up for you, and thank you for asking.