echi wrote:Thanks for posting, Joahaeyo.
You represent a very popular point of view: "How does having a baby affect ME?"
I am already convinced of the euphoria you must feel, as I am a very proud uncle, myself. I love kids. (I love dogs, too, BTW!) But I consider having a child to be the ultimate selfish act. Everything we do is basically selfish, in a sense, although our actions can also benefit others. But to create a new being, who will inevitably endure great suffering, IMO seems the height of conceit.
[I don't mean to offend anyone. These are my true thoughts.]
I understand completely what you're saying, echi. This world is a living hell with some good moments thrown in just to keep you hooked - like playing golf! I agree with you - I have had three children - love them dearly, but yes, if I really cared about THEM, I wouldn't have brought them into this place. I think it IS a selfish act - of course it is. If you think about the potential pain and confusion and suffering they will likely face, I ask why would you subject them to that? And you don't know its future - will it be another genius? Or ... (Jaws music) another Jeffry Dahmer? How many times will they be rejected? Ridiculed? Mocked? Ignored? Stepped on, walked over, taken for granted, taken advantage of? Will they lose a child? A limb? A best friend? Their trust and illusions? Their hope or sanity?
There are wonderful moments, but generally, I think the pain is worse. Personally, for me, I think this. But... hey, here we are, and we should make the best of it. At least, I think we should. I like to maintain a positive outlook (really, I do - lol), but, I still look forward to the end where it will be peaceful with no hurt or pain

I welcome it. Or is this too gruesome for you guys? I'm not talking about suicide, either. A natural death (unless you're terminally ill and in major pain, in which case, give me the dope and the wine).
I'm really surprised to find someone with the same feelings as me - or someone brave enough to say them aloud... I've only ever met one person who thought this way and we're related

This has been a treat.