Mortkat wrote:aidan- I am not teaching anymore. I taught on all levels, elementary, High School and College and have not taught for the last seven years.
I am happy that you do give Asians their due. I am not Asian. When I have posted similar topics on other venue, I have been called a racist. A racist, of course, believes that his race is better than all of the rest which are somehow inherently flawed. My race is Caucasian not Asian but I think the Asians are the minority to be emulated.
Again, I must point out that the characterists of Blacks in the ghetto are almost directly antagonistic to schooling. The all day school won't help. It is only when Blacks begin to lose the victimology schtick, that they can make progress. African-Americans have succeeded--usually by abandoning the dulling effects of the ghetto mentality.
Some would say that the African-American, especially those in the ghetto are in such a bad situation that they could never achieve academically.
They are much better off than the Chinese in the far east who live in countries outside China.
Thomas Sowell, in his landmark study, Race and Culture, characterizes the Chinese who live in countries such as Malaysia and Indonesia as "The Jews of Asia". In countries like Malaysia and Indonesia, the Chinese are discriminated against not only DE FACTO but DEJURE and yet they are among the most successful inhabitants of those countries.
Why? The Chinese culture.
There is nothing stopping Blacks from changing their culture and emulating those in our society who are successful.
The first thing they must do is to shut their ears to the race merchants like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Minister Farrakhan. Bill Cosby, Shelby Steele, and Thomas Sowell are successful African-Americans who have pointed out the way to success.
aidan- The government, both federal and state, have been throwing money at the inner city for at least thirty five years----there has been no improvement--the debilitating culture of the ghetto( which, infortunately some middle class blacks adopt) must change.
That means shutting out such icons as Snoop Doggy Dog, 50 Cent and all of the other ghetto garbage.
It won't happen and when you are twenty five years older, aidan, the Afican-American will still be at the bottom of the Socio-economic ladder, far behind Asians, and, incidentally, passed up by Hispanics.
Jesus Mortkat - Why don't you try to depress me a little more? First of all, I don't even want to think about being twenty-five years older, but certainly not when faced with the thought that things will be the same or even worse than they are now.
The funny thing is, we agree on a lot of points. We're just coming at the situation from opposite angles. I agree with you that the Asian
culture instills values that make academic success more likely-we could get into a really interesting conversation about whether or not that is due to characteristics that are inherent in the Asian
race (but not here). I don't know what I think about that- I haven't had very many close relationships with people who are Asian, so I can't make any kind of informed statement about similar tendencies, etc., except what I have observed of the Asian students in my school. But I will tell you this - I think stereotyping, even when it's flattering, is dangerous. I know one young man that I would guarantee you has a reading disability, but simply because he is Asian, has never been tested or received help that would have enhanced his schooling. The perception is that Asians don't have learning disabilities, (he told me) and he's really struggled under expectations for him, based on his race, that he feels he can't meet.
Mortkat - who put blacks (in the US) in the ghetto? Do you really think it was a choice that they made one day, "Oh I think I'll go live in this substandard housing and make sure my kids get a substandard education so there won't by any way they can compete and succeed in society." That's the key for me Mortkat - it wasn't a
choice blacks made based on their culture or race - it was racism and segregation enforced
by the laws of this country up until forty years ago. That means that the parents of some of the teen-agers you see in highschool today at least started their education in segregated schools (in the south)- not the grandparents- the parents-I know because I have spoken to some of them when I taught in North Carolina. And that doesn't even address the de facto racism that they've been subjected to by this society since the laws were changed.
What might be the effect on a person of daily degradation and dehumanization? You don't even have to think of it racially, think of it generally. What might be the effect of receiving the message every day of your life, subtly or otherwise, that you are not as good, or as valued, or as smart or as interesting, and that there is something inherently wrong with or about you.What effect do you think that would have on a child? I know what effect it might have on me - it would make me resistant to the system that was refusing to accept me as an inherently valuable, equal and contributing participant. It would make me either fold in on myself, or fight back against the system that was rejecting me. My last option would be cooperation and participation in it. Thank God, there are a lot of black people who are smarter and more resilient than I am, who have figured out a way to work within the system and overcome the bullshit it can dish out on them. I've got nothing but respect for them, but I do have to say I
understand why some have chosen a different route- whether it's productive or not-I can understand the motives behind the choice. And I don't think the choice has anything to do with the color of their skin or any tendencies that are characteristic of their race, I think it's made because of the experiences and history they've been subjected to in the US.
The black people I know amaze me with their resilience and ability to forgive.
PS- It's not only middle class black kids who emulate Fiddy and Snoop Dogg, whites do too, and so do Asians as a matter of fact. We're just messing up across the board in terms of giving our kids any good values to emulate in the US. But I think we should look at ourselves as people and parents as opposed to blaming it on anyone else. (And calling people "garbage" because you don't agree with their culture or lifestyle just continues that negative cycle Mortkat).