The best way to figure the warm water to salt ratio is to taste it, at first. It shouldn't taste too salty... just mildly salty. Some people say to add baking soda to the mix as a buffering agent. I never do that. Others say to had Hydrogen Peroxide. Yuck. Never do that either! I also mix the salt & water just before using rather than worry about how "fresh" the mix is.
And, I admit, I have used sea water, cold, scooping it up with a shell -- when I'm feeling both desperately plugged up and walking along the beach as I so often do. You can bet I try to make sure I get a clean scoopful!

Probably, if more peeps just went swimming in the bay, they'd have less problems... at least if they're as "snorty" as swimmer as I am.
Anyway, there are actual recipes... I'll google one for you:
Quote:Mix 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon baking soda in 8 ounces of warm water. Use a bulb syringe to squirt water into the nose. Hold one nostril closed by applying light finger pressure while squirting the salt mixture into the other nostril. Let it drain. Repeat 2-3 times, then treat the other nostril.
There are a zillion (well, 79,800) recipes out there. I say, it isn't rocket science -- just use the same amount of salt to water as you'd use for a mild salt water throat gargle.