Libby indicted

Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 12:42 am
No ferking Finn scares nobody nohow.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 01:08 am
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
dlowan wrote:
Finn, believe it or not it's not all about America.

Then why do you, as an Australian, spend so much time on what amounts to an American political forum? It is all about America, at least in terms of geo-politics. I can understand why non-Americans might not appreciate this dynamic, but there it is. If and when China become the major power in the world, it will be all about China. However, unless China undergoes some radical changes, I think you are likely to look back on the All-America days with fondness.

I would deride such incredible blindness and stupidity from anywhere. If someone from another country makes such an obviously idiotic statement as you did, I will happily deride it also. So far, here, I have mainly seen it from such as you, though Ihave certainly had a go at an Australian here for similar idiocy.

Please. Reign it in. I couldn't care less whether or not you insult me, but you are repeating yourself and it is tiresome.

See, you are so America blind that you cannot actually see that it is the stupendous prejudice that you are being called on, not your Americanness.

Unlike you, I do not see the centre of all perfection in any one country, and I despise patriotism. I do not see perfection, nordeviltry in any country.

I have no doubt dear dlowan that you are unlike me. Specifically, you are unlike me in that you despise patriotism. So you despise love and devotion to one's country? How do you feel about love and devotion to one's community or to one's family? I know, you are a Humanist, you save your love and devotion for all the Human Race. Now, of course, love of one's family doesn't preclude love of one's community and love of one's community doesn't preclude love of one's country and love of one's country doesn't preclude love of the world...but, apparently, you belive otherwise.

I am the father of three and I love them all, but I do not make the mistake to believe that they are all three equal in anything but the extent of my love for them. (Thankfully, none of them are French or I would have myself quite a dilemma).

So, anyone who calls you on your blind stupidity is a hateful thug? And anti American?

No, of course not, but clearly that is not what has transpired, unless you are suggesting that Finn =America, and you subscribe to Carollinian logic.

Try as you might to avoid it, you clearly stated "Thank God we are not America." You did not state "Thank God I am not Finn," or "Thank God Australians are not Finnish."

It seems pretty straight forward to me that anyone who thanks God that her nation is not America can be described as anti-American. One doesn't usually implore The Creator to avoid confusing themselves with someone they respect.

Your bit about hateful thugs is but a twisted misinterpretation of what I wrote. Let me reiterate: Leftists, like yourself, most often find all sorts of reasons to excuse or rationalize the noxious behavior of hateful thugs (providing of course they cannot in any way be described as right of center of fundamentally Christian): Their parents were cruel, The Man had His foot on their necks, Huberistic America has sought their oil, etc etc etc. It is telling that you invoke God to wipe the earth of patriotic Americans rather than hateful thugs. It tells of the intellectuall bankruptcy of the current Left.

If all Americans thought as you I would most certainly thank any available deity for not being so born.

Whew...nothing extreme there. I suggest that the rest of the world cannot match up to the quality of the governmental system of America and I should never have been born? Seems to me that this is the very sort of extremism which you have implored God to utterly smite.

Thankfully, I think you a minority, but a larger minority than you have any reasonable right to be. I think American uber patriotism is a dangerous thing right now, with you guys having so much power.

And therein lies the rub...how dare we with power, take pride in that power and its origins. I sympathize with you dlowan. If I were an Australian, or a Brit or a Chinese, or an Iranian, or a Peruvian, or a native of any country in the world other than America, I would prefer my Americans to be humble and unassuming. I would much prefer that they pervceived my interests and the interests of my fellow non-American earthlings to be equal to if not more important than their own. I would much prefer them to spend their hard earned treasure on me and the rest of the world and ask for nothing in return. I would be delighted if they directed their military might towards rectifying only those global ills which I deemed worthy of attention. I would be content if their representatives on A2K agreed that my opinion and those on other non-Americans was more important that their own.

Hopefully views like yours will die out in all countries as we continue to evolve.

One can only hope.


Writhe and wriggle as you may Finn, you made an incredibly blindly stupod and prejudiced statement, a clear example of your patriotic chayuvinistic attitude to the rest of the world.

Such bigoted blindness is dangerous in the modern world...that so many Americans seem to have it (I gather you are taught it in your schools? And not all of you grow up and see that there is a world?) is especially dangerous in a super power. It is dangerous wherever its stupidity is mixed with power.

I hope...as I said, no matter how you attempt to twist my words... that the blindly prejudiced in favour of their patch of earth vanish from the planet as we grow up as a species. Again your incredible inability to see anything except via its reference to America shows in your decision to lie by saying

"you invoke God to wipe the earth of patriotic Americans rather than hateful thugs. It tells of the intellectuall bankruptcy of the"

What utter intellectual bankruptcy! Your pathetic twisting should make you ashamed.

YOU make an utterly indefensible statement, full of arrogance and blind bigotry, then carry on about my arrogance!

You make no attempt to defend your statement, except by ongoing woolly whining...which amounts to ..."Mine is bigger than yours!" and attacks even more stupid than your original statement by lying about what I said.

Howsabout YOU defend your colossal arrogance and prove your original statement. Or make some slight attempt to do so, or back down from your idiocy instead of whining "She wants to kill me!!! Waaaah!"

You go on to compound your nonsense by making strings of insults about what you perceive my beliefs to be, and whining about how mean we are to the lovely Americans.

What pathetic nonsense to maunder on about how we want you to be humble...and so on.....just educate the astounding and disgusting arrogance and ignorance of such as you, especially when we are unlucky enough to have your sort in power, is all anyone asks.

Stop whining and sliming, Finn.

Put up or shut up.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 01:11 am
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
... and I despise patriotism.

Most lefties do.

Lol!! That is supposed to be an insult, I gather? Missed by a mile....
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 01:21 am
dlowan wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
dlowan wrote:
... and I despise patriotism.

Most lefties do.

Lol!! That is supposed to be an insult, I gather? Missed by a mile....

Merely an observation. Can't imagine trying to insult someone by accusing them of not being patriotic. It's sad, really ... but it's your problem, not mine.
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Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 01:42 am
Lol...one person's happiness is another's sadness...such is life.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 10:18 am
Anyway, getting back to the matter at hand. Libby, of course, is entitled to a presumption of innoncence in the court of law. No such presumption of innocence exists in the court of public opinion.

Until Finn appeared on this thread, no one disputed the claim that the indictment is anything but airtight. (assuming Fitz's facts are correct) i.e. that Libby discussed Plame with SEVEN officials before his discussion with Russet in which he invented an entirely fabricated story that it was who Russert told him about Plame's status. One only needs to see Russert's acount of the conversations and see the incredulity of Libby's account in Russert's demeanor to easily discern that Libby is a liar.
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Reply Sat 5 Nov, 2005 10:30 am
I'm beginning to think there is a pandemic of liars in the republican party and among their supporters.

The democrats aren't much purer.

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 06:00 pm
old europe wrote:
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
And therein lies the rub...how dare we with power, take pride in that power and its origins..

Nothing wrong with pride in one's origins. Nothing wrong with pride in one's power.

There is something wrong with a belief in one's superiority, though. For obviously, saying that one's nation is superior to every other nation is the same as saying that every other nation is inferior to one's own.

Now, there are many names for a belief in the inferiority of other countries, races, peoples or beliefs. None of them particularly charming.

You've been caught as the supremacist you are. Whatever. For some reason you're now trying to sell it as patriotism. But then, patriotism seems to be so easy to hide behind, so why shouldn't you do it, too?

First of all, believing that the US has a superior form of government to any other in the world is not the same as believing in personal superiority.

Secondly, of course saying that because the US form of government is superior to all others, is the same as saying that the other forms of government are inferior to that of the US.

Beef is superior in flavor to chicken...ergo, chicken is inferior to beef in flavor. Have I revealed myself to be rabidly pro-bovine by this comment?

I appreciate that you feel as if you have found a clever gotcha to spring upon me, but there is nothing particularly insightful about your observation.

It doesn't require a genius level logician to conclude that because ice is colder than fire, that fire is hotter than ice.

Of course what you are trying to contend is that there is something intrinsically wrong with the argument that one thing might be superior to another. This is a perfect manifestation of the Liberal world-view.

As much as leftists would like to deny otherwise, there is a hierarchy among most things. "Vanity Fair" is a superior novel to "Valley of The Dolls". "Barry Lyndon" is a superior movie to "Moulan Rouge" (not to mention "Plan 9 From Outer Space"), Dali is superior to Thomas Kincaide, Rommel was a superior general to Santa Ana, Jarlsberg is superior to Cheeze-Whiz, Bach's music is superior to that of Eminem, "Friends" was a superior sit-com to "The Partridge Family," and the Yankees are a superior baseball franchise than the Red Sox.

These comparisons are irrefutable, but you are welcome to argue otherwise. The enormous irony here is that there are no snobs like Liberal snobs. To the Liberal mindset, declaring that America has a superior form of government than any other nation on earth is abhorrent, while deriding the admirers of Thomas Kincaide, Jean Aule, Michael Bolton, James Cameron, and George Bush is perfectly A-OK.

Thirdly, saying that one nation's form of government is superior to all others is not the same as saying that all other aspects of that nation (i.e culture, citizens, heritage etc) are superior as well. This is an enormous leap that you and dlowan would have had me take, but I'm afraid it's never happened.

Finally, I doubt it took too much sleuthing to discover that I am a supremacist. For anyone reading my posts it is obvious that I believe in a hierarchy of value. Most things are not equally valuable; some are supremely more valuable than others. Of course what you are trying to imply with your use of supremest is that I am a racist -- the most foul appellation within the Liberal world.

I am not, at all, trying to sell my belief that the US form of government is superior to all others as patriotism (Oh how you leap to and fro). Read the thread more carefully and you will find that it was dlowan who linked my comments to patriotism and then went on to declare how she hated it.

English beer is superior to American beer. (My God, I have failed in my patriotism!)

German classical music is superior to anything produced by Americans.

The body of European paintings are superior to that produced by America.

Etc etc etc.

All things American are not superior to all things produced by the rest of the world. Our system of government is. And even here, that does not imply that that the governments of any other nation are deplorable.

And to return to your initial contention, there is nothing wrong with one's belief in superiority if it is justified. Arthur Miller was a damned fine playwright, but he paled before Shakespeare -- or do you disagree in principle?
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 06:08 pm
twin_peaks_nikki wrote:
Anyway, getting back to the matter at hand. Libby, of course, is entitled to a presumption of innoncence in the court of law. No such presumption of innocence exists in the court of public opinion.

Until Finn appeared on this thread, no one disputed the claim that the indictment is anything but airtight. (assuming Fitz's facts are correct) i.e. that Libby discussed Plame with SEVEN officials before his discussion with Russet in which he invented an entirely fabricated story that it was who Russert told him about Plame's status. One only needs to see Russert's acount of the conversations and see the incredulity of Libby's account in Russert's demeanor to easily discern that Libby is a liar.

Damnable Finn -- how dare he suggest that someone is innocent until proven guilty!

It is my opinion that Libby is guilty and will be found guilty of one or more charges made in the indictment. Nevertheless, it is not a foregone conclusion that he will be found guilty.

If it were, we need not have a trial, and innocent until proven guilty would be a farce.

From a purely practical standpoint, how many people were proven wrong that a conviction of OJ was a foregone conclusion?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 06:26 pm
Finn, you spelled "Moulin" wrong. How's that for some leftist snobbery?
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 06:49 pm
D'artagnan wrote:
Finn, you spelled "Moulin" wrong. How's that for some leftist snobbery?

Right there you Leftist snob you. Very Happy
0 Replies
Louise R Heller
Reply Sun 6 Nov, 2005 08:27 pm
Finn d'Abuzz wrote:
D'artagnan wrote:
Finn, you spelled "Moulin" wrong. How's that for some leftist snobbery?

Right there you Leftist snob you. Very Happy

Insofar that "von" and "de" are ALWAYS lower case and that proper nouns like "Artagnan" are ALWAYS capitalized..........
.........it's pathetic to see anybody criticized for his French spelling of "windmill" (moulin) on a non-French discussion board!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2005 12:48 am
Magyars are not arrogant.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2005 02:02 am
Anybody notice Libby was indicted?

(How did magyars get into this?)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2005 04:02 am
I read your post with pleasure, FINN.

Thomas Sowell in his masterpiece, "Race and Culture" says much the same thing.


"Much-perhaps most--of human history cannot be understood without understanding such things as the conquest of ancient Britain by the Roman legions against a vastly larger British military force, simply because the legions were a militarily superior organization. It is not necessary to claim that a particular people or a particular culture is superior in all things or for all time,,,but neither is it necessary to deny the greater effectiveness of particular cultures for particular things at particular times and places--even if other contemporary cultures may be superior for some other things"

Sowell also points out that Arabic Numerals are not merely different from Roman numerals, they are superior to Roman numerals. Their superiority is evidenced by their worldwide acceptance, even in civilizations that derive from Rome.

I think that is a rather good touchstone--"Worldwide acceptance".
0 Replies
Merry Andrew
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2005 04:06 am
Was gonna post something about Libby but I guess I'm on the wrong thread.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2005 04:33 am
I thought so too, until Dlowan responded to Finn!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2005 05:09 am
Well, you and Finn seem to be having fun, so who are we, or Libby, to get in the way?

DID you hear he was indicted, though?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2005 09:32 am
dlowan wrote:
DID you hear he was indicted, though?

Was he? I may have heard that, but I'm not sure ... possibly.

Though I'm sure I definitely heard Clinton was a liar.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 Nov, 2005 05:01 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Though I'm sure I definitely heard Clinton was a liar.

On issues of nookie, yes. On issues of revealing CIA agents, no.
0 Replies

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