Looking forward to Friday, I won't be doing any more posting after today - so meet ya'll at the Warehouse
The first person check in with "The A2K Group", and from there everyone will follow
Sounds like a good plan to me.
It looks like I'm going to be packing stuff on Friday night. But at least my friend said she would make it up to me. I think she's going to take me out to eat Saturday night after we finish. That's really nice of her.
Well, maybe October will turn out better.
I hope it does, sinkerhawk. It would be great to meet you!
Thanks for the email, mac11!
I don't think I will be able to make it, as I am heading off to work this evening and am back at the bakery early early tomorrow, but I will do my best.
mac and I had our little get together last night and had a wonderful time - it was so successful, we solved all the world problems in less than 3 hours, now if only someone will listen. :razz:
Thanks mac, we all had a lovely time

- wish others had been able to make it! Can't wait until October.

Ive had a bad cold, Im really sorry I was not there, and especially not there for mac..............................
Looking forward to seeing you in October max, hope you're feeling much, much better today
Details details details! Pictures?
No pictures - this time

there will be pictures at the large gathering in October. There was my family and Mac only that met for a 2 hour stop (do I here Gilligan music in the background

) at Spaghetti Warehouse.
sozobe, are you going to be able to make the October large gathering. I so hope so, would love to meet you, sozlette and sozband!
And mac an angel
Would love to make it to a cavern, want to see the bats leave one evening and a nature walk (cavern visit and nature walk together would be excellent) - hope bats are in season!
I have thought about camping out without any meals in the great outdoors. They take a to long to prepare. Now, if we could get everyone camping - then cooking out would just be part of it. This is just a thought, I know everyone wouldn't want to campout. Do I have any takers?
I'm very sorry I missed you all the other night! I got to the restaurant after you had all left. Alas and alack...
Hopefully I'll be working a more normal schedule in October and I'll be able to make that gathering!
Bill, the bats and caverns sound like great fun! Actual camping is not so much my thing, though. I like hiking and exploring, and then I like going back to the world of indoor plumbing.
I'm with you on that one, marycat. A bed and running water for me.
Sozband! Gotta start using that one.
Well, the sozband and the sozband's family share a psychosis which manifests itself in REFUSING TO PLAN AHEAD, for anything, and RESERVING THE RIGHT TO BACK OUT AT THE LAST MINUTE FOR NO DISCERNIBLE REASON even if they do accidentally plan something. So while we may be seeing them (they're the Texans) in Colorado next month (yes next month), we dunno, and we dunno if something may be happening beyond that if we don't. The sozlet has two cousins she has never met (one a little older, one a little younger) because of the incessant waffling. Ergh.
So, would love to say I could make it (the family lives in Ft. Worth, though, anyway, which is pretty far away) but can't commit to it and probably unlikely.