husker, Go back to page 6 and 7 for photos.
Boy, oh boy you guys look great and you are obviously having a blast. Wish I was there with y'all.
I was thinking the names are prob. at the msn site
Good to see you're all having such a good time. Is it over yet? Wish I'd gotten here sooner.
More antics to follow (tomorrow), Miss Lola!
OK, I'll tune in tomorrow. I wish I was there. The photos are so informative. Nice to see everyone. I think I've finally figured out who is who. Good night Rae.
aaaaahhhh! So happy here to see and hear all this! You've all made my day and night,
I highly recommend these gatherings to any A2K'rs who are close enough to do it.
And I'm a happy girl because I have one more full day with everyone, two more days with Roger and Mapleleaf, and five more days with Urs and bigdice!
This has truly been a great day!!!
We have met our beautiful friends after knowing them for at least 2 years, and they are so much more special than I even imagined them.
Letty, so lovely, soft spoken, humorous, affectionate, and genuine!
Diane, such a beautiful lady. The greenest eyes you've ever seen! She is brilliant, intuitive, captivating, and so warm. She makes you feel so special, you wonder why you hadn't felt that way all your life:)
Phoenix, what can I say? Warm, funny, super intelligent, genuinely interested, and true to her name, "Phoenix, rises to the occasion!". She is totally in tune with her world and her friendships!
Roger, dear Roger! He is so special, he is so diplomatic, sensitive, helpful, and aware. We all know he loves Manatees, so we're all gonna make sure he sees some while he's here, dammit!
Mapleleaf, is exactly as I pictured him. He is truly a warm person. One who observes, and sums up! The teacher in him accesses all the personalities around, and he was right on the mark!
Urs and BigDice are the greatest! They are fun loving, free spiritis, accepting, and brilliant. Their command of the English language is superb. They are curious, adventurous, and lots of fun to be around. Trust me on this!
Happy for you both. I know it is great aftet meeting BillW and Lola two weeks ago. Really just like real life.
Terrific "on the spot" reporting, all!
But, er, could we have a few names with photographs when you have the time? It'd be nice to put names to faces!
Looks like great fun!
C'mon Rae! Beth and I have some money for ya if you tickle Roger!
Oh, wow, what a great thread. It's so nice to get little bits of things as it goes along. I love the pics and was thrilled to put even more faces to the names. I truly wish I could have been there. You guys look like you're having a blast :-D
Yeah Gezzy you just wish you were there so you could swill all that free booze. LOL
Seems that all A2K gatherings are just great!
Great photos, and the re-reading of the live reports was a great fun as well!
Wow. Thanks for posting those great pictures for all of us to see. More, please.

It's obvious you guys are really having a great time. BRAVO.
For the last time, I am not tickling Roger.
Not sure what time we're all meeting up at Rusty's, but I'm sure pictures will follow later this evening.